Ysgol Hanes, y Gyfraith a Gwyddorau Cymdeithas

  1. ‘Atomic structures: how nuclear power stations in North Wales impacted people and places’

    Marc Collinson (Siaradwr) & Mari Wiliam (Siaradwr)

    21 Maw 2024

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  2. ‘Decline Paradigms, Grand Narratives, and New Approaches to Sixteenth-Century Castles in England and Wales’

    Audrey Thorstad (Siaradwr)


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  3. ‘Die Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln: Krieg, Protest, Kalter Krieg’

    Alexander Sedlmaier (Siaradwr gwadd)

    26 Hyd 2018

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  4. ‘Gwirfoddoli a'r Iaith Gymraeg' Donostia Lecture Series, University of the Baque Country

    Rhian Hodges (Siaradwr gwadd)

    14 Tach 2013

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  5. ‘Heraldic Display by the “New Men” of the Later Middle Ages’

    Audrey Thorstad (Siaradwr)


    Gweithgaredd: Sgwrs neu gyflwyniadCyflwyniad llafar