Ysgol Gwyddorau Amgylcheddol a Naturiol

  1. Cyhoeddwyd

    How much evidence is needed before client-oriented breeding (COB) is institutionalised? Evidence from rice and maize in India

    Witcombe, J. & Yadavendra, J. P., Hyd 2014, Yn: Field Crops Research. 167, t. 143-152

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  2. Cyhoeddwyd

    Resistance gene deployment strategies in cereal hybrids using marker-assisted selection: gene pyramiding, three-way hybrids, and synthetic parent populations

    Witcombe, J. R. & Hash, C. T., Maw 2000, Yn: Euphytica. 112, t. 175–186

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  3. Cyhoeddwyd

    Farmer Participatory Crop Improvement. I. Varietal Selection and Breeding Methods and Their Impact on Biodiversity

    Witcombe, J. R., Joshi, A., Joshi, K. D. & Sthapit, B. R., Hyd 1996, Yn: Experimental Agriculture. 32, 4, t. 445-460

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  4. Cyhoeddwyd

    In silico analysis of the fragrance gene (badh2) in Asian rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm and validation of allele specific markers

    Withana, W. V. E., Kularathna, R. M. R. E., Kottearachchi, N. S., Kekulandra, D. S., Weerasena, J. & Steele, K., Ebr 2020, Yn: Plant Genetic Resources. 18, 2, t. 71-80

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  5. Cyhoeddwyd

    Raising science attitudes and perceptions at Key Stage 3

    Withers, E., McCallum, D., Campbell, K., Owen, J. H., Jones, S. & Murphy, L., 11 Meh 2020.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddMurlen

  6. Cyhoeddwyd

    What's in the soil?

    Withers, E., 8 Gorff 2020.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddArall

  7. Cyhoeddwyd

    Use of untargeted metabolomics for assessing soil quality and microbial function

    Withers, E., Hill, P. W., Chadwick, D. R. & Jones, D. L., Ebr 2020, Yn: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 143, 107758.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  8. Cyhoeddwyd

    Quantifying the impact of septic tank systems on eutrophication risk in rural headwaters.

    Withers, P. J., Jarvie, H. P. & Stoate, C., 1 Ebr 2011, Yn: Environment International. 37, 3, t. 644-653

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  9. Cyhoeddwyd

    Greening the global phosphorus cycle: How green chemistry can help achieve planetary P sustainability

    Withers, P. J., Elser, J. J., Hilton, J., Ohtake, H., Schipper, W. J. & van Dijk, K. C., 9 Maw 2015, Yn: Green Chemistry. 17, t. 2087-2099

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  10. Cyhoeddwyd

    The effect of farming practices on phosphorus transfer to a headwater stream in England.

    Withers, P. J. & Hodgkinson, R. A., 1 Meh 2009, Yn: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 131, 3-4, t. 347-355

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  11. Cyhoeddwyd

    The effect of soil phosphorus on particulate phosphorus in land runoff.

    Withers, P. J., Hartikainen, H., Barberis, E., Flynn, N. J. & Warren, G. P., 1 Rhag 2009, Yn: European Journal of Soil Science. 60, 6, t. 994-1004

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  12. Cyhoeddwyd

    Characterization of Phosphorus Sources in Rural Watersheds.

    Withers, P. J., Jarvie, H. P., Hodgkinson, R. A., Palmer-Felgate, E. J., Bates, A., Neal, M., Howells, R., Withers, C. M. & Wickham, H. D., 1 Medi 2009, Yn: Journal of Environmental Quality. 38, 5, t. 1998-2011

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  13. Cyhoeddwyd

    Do septic tank systems pose a hidden threat to water quality?

    Withers, P. J., Jordan, P., May, L., Jarvie, H. P. & Deal, N. E., 1 Maw 2014, Yn: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 12, 1, t. 123-130

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  14. Cyhoeddwyd

    Stewardship to tackle global phosphorus inefficiency: The case of Europe

    Withers, P. J., van Dijk, K. C., Neset, T. S., Nesme, T., Oenema, O., Rubaek, G. H., Schoumans, O. F., Smit, B. & Pellerin, S., 15 Chwef 2015, Yn: AMBIO. 44, 2, t. 193-206

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  15. Cyhoeddwyd

    Struvite: a slow-release fertiliser for sustainable phosphorus management?

    Withers, P. J., Talboys, P. J., Heppell, J., Roose, T., Healey, J. R. & Jones, D. L., 1 Ebr 2016, Yn: Plant and Soil. 401, 1, t. 109-123

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  16. Cyhoeddwyd

    Agriculture and Eutrophication: Where Do We Go from Here?

    Withers, P. J., Neal, C., Jarvie, H. P. & Doody, D. G., 2 Medi 2014, Yn: Sustainability. 6, 9, t. 5853-5875

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  17. Cyhoeddwyd

    Are stabilized biosolids a eutrophication risk?

    Withers, P. J., Flynn, N. J. & Warren, G. P., Meh 2016, Yn: Soil Use and Management. 32, S1, t. 138-148

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  18. Cyhoeddwyd

    Reducing soil phosphorus fertility brings potential long-term environmental gains: A UK analysis

    Withers, P., Hodgkinson, R. A., Rollett, A., Dyer, C., Dils, R., Collins, A. L., Bilsborrow, P. E., Bailey, G. & Sylvester-Bradley, R., 26 Mai 2017, Yn: Environmental Research Letters. 12, 6, 063001.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  19. Cyhoeddwyd

    Mangrove area and propagule number planting targets produce sub-optimal rehabilitation and afforestation outcomes

    Wodehouse, D. C. J. & Rayment, M. B., 30 Meh 2019, Yn: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 222, t. 91-102

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  20. Cyhoeddwyd

    Strong divergent selection at multiple loci in two closely related species of ragworts adapted to high and low elevations on Mount Etna

    Wong, E. L. Y., Nevado, B., Osborne, O. G., Papadopulos, A. S. T., Bridle, J. R., Hiscock, S. J. & Filatov, D. A., Ion 2020, Yn: Molecular Ecology. 29, 2, t. 394-412 19 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  21. Cyhoeddwyd

    Naming and recognition of species in participatory biodiversity inventory.

    Wong, J., Lysinge, R., Kenfack, D., Healey, J. R. & Hall, J. B., 7 Ion 2002, t. 8.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  22. Cyhoeddwyd

    Generating an index of local biodiversity value.

    Wong, J., Ambrose-Oji, B., Hall, J. B., Healey, J. R., Kenfack, D., Lawrence, A., Lysinge, R. & Ndam, N., 7 Ion 2002, t. 6.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  23. Cyhoeddwyd

    Ranks, counts and scores as a means of quantifying local biodiversity values.

    Wong, J., Ambrose-Oji, B., Lawrence, A., Lysinge, R. & Healey, J. R., 1 Ion 2002

    Allbwn ymchwil: Ffurf annhestunolSafe Gwe / Cyhoeddiad Gwe

  24. Cyhoeddwyd

    Generating an index of local biodiversity value.

    Wong, J., Ambrose-Oji, B., Hall, J. B., Healey, J. R., Kenfack, D. & Lawrence, A., 1 Ion 2002

    Allbwn ymchwil: Ffurf annhestunolSafe Gwe / Cyhoeddiad Gwe

  25. Cyhoeddwyd

    Incorporating values into biodiversity assessment and monitoring - an introduction to some current issues.

    Wong, J., Healey, J. R., Phillips, O. L. & Lawrence, A., 1 Ion 2002

    Allbwn ymchwil: Ffurf annhestunolSafe Gwe / Cyhoeddiad Gwe

  26. Cyhoeddwyd

    Naming and recognition of species in participatory biodiversity inventory.

    Wong, J., Lysinge, R., Kenfack, D., Healey, J. R., Hall, J. B. & Lawrence, A., 1 Ion 2002

    Allbwn ymchwil: Ffurf annhestunolSafe Gwe / Cyhoeddiad Gwe

  27. Cyhoeddwyd

    Report of the Rhododendron feasibility study.

    Wong, J., Youde, E., Dickinson, D. & Hale, M. D., 1 Ion 2002, 2002 gol. Unknown.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/AdroddiadAdroddiad Comisiwn

  28. Cyhoeddwyd

    Managing for non-timber forest products.

    Wong, J. L., Hall, J. B., Burley, J. (gol.), Evans, J. (gol.) & Youngquist, J. A. (gol.), 1 Ion 2004, Encyclopedia of forest sciences. 2004 gol. Elsevier, t. 1066-1073

    Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

  29. Cyhoeddwyd

    Participatory biodiversity evaluation in complex agroforests.

    Wong, J. L., Ambrose-Oji, B., Lawrence, A., Lysinge, R., Ebong, H., Fraser, P. J., Healey, J. R., Hall, J. B., Ndam, N., Joshi, L. (gol.), Williams, S. E. (gol.) & Van Noordwijk, M. (gol.), 3 Medi 2001, t. 16.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  30. Cyhoeddwyd

    Participatory biodiversity evaluation in tropical forests.

    Wong, J. L., Ambrose-Oji, B., Lawrence, A., Lysinge, R., Ebong, H., Fraser, P. J., Healey, J. R., Hall, J. B., Ndam, N. & Binggeli, P. (gol.), 1 Ion 2001, t. 19-25.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  31. Cyhoeddwyd

    Persistence of species in a fragmented urban landscape: the importance of dispersal ability and habitat availability for grassland butterflies.

    Wood, B. C. & Pullin, A. S., 1 Awst 2002, Yn: Biodiversity and Conservation. 11, 8, t. 1451-1468

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  32. Cyhoeddwyd

    Genetic assimilation of ancestral plasticity during parallel adaptation to Zinc contamination in Silene uniflora

    Wood, D., Holmberg, J., Osborne, O., Helmstetter, A. J., Dunning, L. T., Ellison, A., Smith, R. J., Lighten, J. & Papadopulos, A. S. T., Maw 2023, Yn: Nature Ecology and Evolution. 7, 3, t. 414-423 10 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  33. Cyhoeddwyd

    The last giants: the rise and fall of the african elephant

    Wood, L., Shannon, G. & Bates, L., 2 Ebr 2020, Hodder & Stoughton. 260 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/AdroddiadLlyfr

  34. Cyhoeddwyd

    Evaluating and improving the reliability of evidence syntheses in conservation and environmental science: A methodology

    Woodcock, P., Pullin, A. S. & Kaiser, M. J., 1 Awst 2014, Yn: Biological Conservation. 176, t. 54-62

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  35. Cyhoeddwyd

    Your evidence or mine? Systematic evaluation of reviews of marine protected area effectiveness

    Woodcock, P., O'Leary, B., Kaiser, M. & Pullin, A., Gorff 2017, Yn: Fish and Fisheries. 18, 4, t. 668-681

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  36. Cyhoeddwyd

    Moving the Goalposts: Possible Effects of Changes in Opportunity Costs on Conservation Triage

    Woodcock, P. & Hayward, M., 28 Medi 2016, Yn: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 4, 113

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  37. Cyhoeddwyd

    The authenticity of Basmati rice-a case study

    Woolfe, M. & Steele, K., 11 Medi 2019, DNA Techniques to Verify Food Authenticity: Applications in Food Fraud (Food Chemistry, Function and Analysis) . Burns, M., Foster, L. & Walker, M. (gol.). Royal Society of Chemistry

    Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

  38. Cyhoeddwyd

    An assessment of the relative effects of adverse physical and chemical properties of sodic soil on the growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).

    Wright, D. & Rajpar, I., 1 Awst 2000, Yn: Plant and Soil. 223, 1-2, t. 279-287

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  39. Cyhoeddwyd

    Variations in Eastern bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci) feeding practices in UK zoological collections.

    Wright, D. J., Omed, H. M., Bishop, C. M. & Fidgett, A. L., 1 Maw 2011, Yn: Zoo Biology. 30, 2, t. 149-164

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  40. Cyhoeddwyd

    Helping effort increases with relatedness in bell miners, but 'unrelated' helpers of both sexes still provide substantial care.

    Wright, J., McDonald, P. G., Marvelde, L. T., Kazem, A. J. & Bishop, C. M., 7 Chwef 2010, Yn: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 277, 1680, t. 437-445

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  41. Cyhoeddwyd

    New species of Antarctothoa (Cheilostomata : hippothoidae) from the Falkland isles, south Shetland isles and the magellan strait.

    Wright, P. J., Hayward, P. J. & Hughes, R. N., 1 Hyd 2007, Yn: Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 87, 5, t. 1133-1140

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  42. Cyhoeddwyd

    Natural Herbicides from a Renewable Feedstock

    Wright, S., Tverezovskiy, V., Williamson, C., Braganca, R. & Gould, M., 4 Meh 2016. 1 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapuradolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  43. Cyhoeddwyd

    Bonobos Maintain Immune System Diversity with Three Functional Types of MHC-B

    Wroblewski, E. E., Guethlein, L. A., Norman, P. J., Li, Y., Shaw, C. M., Han, A. S., Ndjango, J-B. N., Ahuka-Mundeke, S., Georgiev, A. V., Peeters, M., Hahn, B. H. & Parham, P., 1 Mai 2017, Yn: Journal of Immunology. 198, 9, t. 3480-3493

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  44. Cyhoeddwyd

    Microbial potential for denitrification in the hyperarid Atacama Desert soils

    Wu, D., Senbayram, M., Moradi, G., Moerchen, R., Knief, C., Klumpp, E., Jones, D. L., Well, R., Chen, R. & Bol, R., 1 Meh 2021, Yn: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 157, 108248.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  45. Cyhoeddwyd

    Differential effects of vegetation and climate on termite diversity and damage

    Wu, D., Seibold, S., Ellwood, M. D. F. & Chu, C., Rhag 2022, Yn: Journal of Applied Ecology. 59, 12, t. 2922-2935 14 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  46. Cyhoeddwyd

    Straw return counteracts the negative effects of warming on microbial community and soil multifunctionality

    Wu, G., Ling, J., Zhao, D-Q., Liu, Z-X., Xu, Y-P., Kuzyakov, Y., Marsden, K., Wen, Y. & Zhou, S-L., 15 Awst 2023, Yn: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. t. 108508

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  47. Cyhoeddwyd

    Effect of fertilizer type on antibiotic resistance genes by reshaping the bacterial community and soil properties

    Wu, J., Guo, S., Li, K., Li, Z., Xu, P., Jones, D. L., Wang, J. & Zou, J., 1 Medi 2023, Yn: Chemosphere. 336, 139272.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  48. Cyhoeddwyd

    Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in agricultural soils: A systematic analysis

    Wu, J., Wang, J., Li, Z., Guo, S., Li, K., Xu, P., Ok, Y. S., Jones, D. L. & Zou, J., 3 Ebr 2023, Yn: Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 53, 7, t. 847-864 18 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  49. Cyhoeddwyd

    Star-shaped oligopluorene nanostructured blend materials controlled micro-patterning and physical characteristics.

    Wu, M., Gu, E., Zarowna, A., Kanibolotsky, A. L., Kuehne, A. J., Mackintosh, A. R., Edwards, P. R., Rolinski, O. J., Perepichka, I. F., Skabara, P. J., Martin, R. W., Pethrick, R. A., Birch, D. J. & Dawson, M. D., 1 Hyd 2009, Yn: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 97, 1, t. 119-123

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  50. Cyhoeddwyd

    Hybrid GaN/organic microstructured light-emitting devices via ink-jet printing.

    Wu, M., Gong, Z., Kuehne, A. J., Kanibolotsky, A. L., Chen, Y. J., Perepichka, I. F., Mackintosh, A. R., Gu, E., Skabara, P. J., Pethrick, R. A. & Dawson, M. D., 14 Medi 2009, Yn: Optics Express. 17, 19, t. 16436-16443

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  51. Cyhoeddwyd

    Effects ofAgeratina adenophoraInvasion on the Understory Community and Soil Phosphorus Characteristics of Different Forest Types in Southwest China

    Wu, X., Duan, C., Fu, D., Peng, P., Zhao, L. & Jones, D. L., 25 Gorff 2020, Yn: Forests. 11, 8

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  52. Cyhoeddwyd

    Characterization of glycosphingolipids from Schistosoma mansoni eggs carrying Fuc(alpha 1-3)GalNAc-, GalNAc(beta 1-4)[Fuc(alpha 1-3)]GlcNAc- and Gal(beta 1-4)[Fuc(alpha 1-3)]GlcNAc- (Lewis X) terminal structures.

    Wuhrer, M., Kantelhardt, S. R., Dennis, R. D., Doenhoff, M. J., Lochnit, G. & Geyer, R., 1 Ion 2002, Yn: European Journal of Biochemistry. 269, 2, t. 481-493

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  53. Cyhoeddwyd

    Stage-associated expression of ceramide structures in glycosphingolipids from the human trematode parasite Schistosoma mansoni.

    Wuhrer, M., Dennis, R. D., Doenhoff, M. J. & Geyer, R., 15 Rhag 2000, Yn: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects. 1524, 2-3, t. 155-161

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  54. Cyhoeddwyd

    IPSE/alpha-1, a major secretory glycoprotein antigen from schistosome eggs, expresses the Lewis X motif on core-difucosylated N-glycans.

    Wuhrer, M., Balog, C. I., Catalina, M. I., Jones, F. M., Schtamm, G., Haas, H., Doenhoff, M. J., Dunne, D. W., Deelder, A. M. & Hokke, C. H., 1 Mai 2006, Yn: Febs Journal. 273, 10, t. 2276-2292

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  55. Cyhoeddwyd

    Aposematism and Batesian mimicry in snakes: through the visible spectrum and beyond?

    Wuster, C. & Wüster, W., 26 Chwef 2023, Yn: Herpetology Notes. 16, t. 165-170

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  56. Cyhoeddwyd

    Snakes across the Strait: trans-Torresian phylogeographic relationships in three genera of Australasian snakes (Serpentes : Elapidae : Acanthophis, Oxyuranus, and Pseudechis).

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W., Dumbrell, A. J., Hay, C., Pook, C. E., Williams, D. J. & Fry, B. G., 1 Ion 2005, Yn: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 34, 1, t. 1-14

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  57. Cyhoeddwyd

    A new cobra (Elapidae : Naja) from Myanmar (Burma)

    Wuster, W., Slowinski, J. B. & Wüster, W., 1 Meh 2000, Yn: Herpetologica. 56, 2, t. 257-270

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  58. Cyhoeddwyd

    Effectiveness of snake antivenom: Species and regional venom variation and its clinical impact.

    Wuster, W., Fry, B. G., Winkel, K. D., Wickramaratna, J. C., Hodgson, W. C. & Wüster, W., 1 Meh 2003, Yn: Journal of Toxicology - Toxin Reviews. 22, 1, t. 23-34

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  59. Cyhoeddwyd

    Snakes of Papua New Guinea.

    Wuster, W., Williams, D., Wüster, W., Jensen, S. (gol.), Nimorakiotakis, B. (gol.) & Winkel, K. D. (gol.), 1 Ion 2005, Venomous bites and stings in Papua New Guinea: A guide to treatment for health workers and doctors. 2005 gol. Parkville, Vic. : Australian Venom Research Unit, t. 33-64

    Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

  60. Cyhoeddwyd

    A new species of indigo snake from north-western Venezuela (Serpentes : Colubridae : Drymarchon)

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W., Yrausquin, J. L. & Mijares-Urrutia, A., 1 Hyd 2001, Yn: Herpetological Journal. 11, 4, t. 157-165

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  61. Cyhoeddwyd

    Recent advances in venomous snake systematics.

    Wuster, W., Quijada-Mascarenas, J. A., Wüster, W. & Mackessy, S. P. (gol.), 1 Ion 2009, Handbook of Venoms and Toxins of Reptiles. 2009 gol. CRC Press, t. 25-64

    Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

  62. Cyhoeddwyd

    Complex cocktails: the evolutionary novelty of venoms

    Wuster, W., Casewell, N. R., Wüster, W., Vonk, F. J., Harrison, R. A. & Fry, B. G., 1 Ebr 2013, Yn: Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 28, 4, t. 291-229

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  63. Cyhoeddwyd

    Get an eyeful of this: a new species of giant spitting cobra from eastern and north-eastern Africa (Squamata : Serpentes : Elapidae : Naja)

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W. & Broadley, D. G., 1 Ion 2007, Yn: Zootaxa. 1532, t. 51-68

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  64. Cyhoeddwyd

    The king cobra genome reveals dynamic gene evolution and adaptation in the snake venom system

    Wuster, W., Vonk, F. J., Casewell, N. R., Henkel, C., Heimberg, A. M., Jansen, H. J., McCleary, R. J., Kerkkamp, H. M., Vos, R. A., Guerreiro, I., Calvete, J. J., Wüster, W., Woods, A. E., Logan, J. M., Harrison, R. A., Castoe, T. A., Jason de Koning, A. P., Pollock, D. D., Yandell, M., Calderon, D., Renjifo, C., Currier, R. B., Salgado, D., Pla, D., Sanz, L., Hyder, A. S., Ribeiro, J. M., Arntzen, J. W., van den Thillart, G. E., Boetzer, M., Pirovano, W., Dirks, R. P., Spaink, H. P., Duboule, D., McGlinn, E., Kini, R. M. & Richardson, M. K., 17 Rhag 2013, Yn: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. 110, 51, t. 20651-20656

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  65. Cyhoeddwyd

    Widespread convergence in toxin resistance by predictable molecular evolution

    Wuster, W., Ujvari, B., Casewell, N. R., Sunagar, K., Arbuckle, K., Wüster, W., Lo, N., O'Meally, D., Beckmann, C., King, G. F., Deplazes, E. & Madsen, T., 22 Medi 2015, Yn: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 112, 38, t. 11911-11916

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  66. Cyhoeddwyd

    Comments on Spracklandus Hoser, 2009 (Reptilia, Serpentes, ELAPIDAE): request for confirmation of the availability of the generic name and for the nomenclatural validation of the journal in which it was published [Case 3601]

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W., Broadley, D. G. & Wallach, V., 1 Maw 2014, Yn: Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 71, 1, t. 37-38

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  67. Cyhoeddwyd

    Origin of the eastern brownsnake, Pseudonaja textilis (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril) (Serpentes : Elapidae : Hydrophiinae) in New Guinea: evidence of multiple dispersals from Australia, and comments on the status of Pseudonaja textilis pughi Hoser 2003.

    Wuster, W., Williams, D. J., O'Shea, M., Daguerre, R. L., Pook, C. E., Wüster, W., Hayden, C. J., McVay, J. D., Paiva, O., Matainaho, T., Winkel, K. D. & Austin, C. C., 1 Ion 2008, Yn: Zootaxa. 1703, t. 47-61

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  68. Cyhoeddwyd

    The good, the bad and the ugly: Australian snake taxonomists and a history of the taxanomy of Australia's venomous snakes.

    Wuster, W., Williams, D., Wüster, W. & Fry, B. G., 1 Rhag 2006, Yn: Toxicon. 48, 7, t. 919-930

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  69. Cyhoeddwyd

    Phylogeographic patterns of trans-Amazonian vicariants and Amazonian biogeography: the Neotropical rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus complex) as an example.

    Wuster, W., Quijada-Mascarenas, J. A., Ferguson, J. E., Pook, C. E., Da Graca Salomao, M., Thorpe, R. S. & Wüster, W., 1 Awst 2007, Yn: Journal of Biogeography. 34, 8, t. 1296-1312

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  70. Cyhoeddwyd

    Origin and phylogenetic position of the Lesser Antillean species of Bothrops (Serpentes: Viperidae): biogeographical and medical implications.

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W., Thorpe, R. S., Salomao, M. G., Thomas, L., Puorto, G., Theakston, R. D. & Warrell, D. A., 1 Ion 2002, Yn: Bulletin of the Natural History Museum London (Zoology). 68, t. 101-106

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  71. Cyhoeddwyd

    Tracing an invasion: landbridges, refugia, and the phylogeography of the Neotropical rattlesnake (Serpentes : Viperidae : Crotalus durissus)

    Wuster, W., Ferguson, J. E., Quijada-Mascarenas, J. A., Pook, C. E., Salomao, M. D. & Thorpe, R., 25 Chwef 2005, Yn: Molecular Ecology. 14, 4, t. 1095-1108

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  72. Cyhoeddwyd

    The phylogeny of cobras inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences: Evolution of venom spitting and the phylogeography of the African spitting cobras (Serpentes : Elapidae : Naja nigricollia complex)

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W., Crookes, S., Ineich, I., Mane, Y., Pook, C. E., Trape, J. F. & Broadley, D. G., 1 Tach 2007, Yn: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 45, 2, t. 437-453

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  73. Cyhoeddwyd

    In praise of subgenera: taxonomic status of cobras of the genus Naja Laurenti (Serpentes: Elapidae).

    Wuster, W., Wallach, V., Wüster, W. & Broadley, D. G., 21 Medi 2009, Yn: Zootaxa. 2236, t. 26-36

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  74. Cyhoeddwyd

    A new species of spitting cobra (Naja) from north-eastern Africa (Serpentes : Elapidae)

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W. & Broadley, D. G., 1 Ion 2003, Yn: Journal of Zoology. 259, 4, t. 345-359

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  75. Cyhoeddwyd

    Origin and evolution of the South American pitviper fauna: evidence from mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis.

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W., Salomao, M. G., Quijada-Mascarenas, J. A., Thorpe, R. S., Campbell, J. A. (gol.), Brodie, E. D. (gol.), Schuett, G. W. (gol.), Hoggren, M. (gol.), Douglas, M. E. (gol.) & Greene, H. W. (gol.), 1 Ion 2002, Biology of the Vipers. 2002 gol. Eagle Mountain Publishing, t. 111-128

    Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

  76. Cyhoeddwyd

    Morphological correlates of incipient arboreality and ornithophagy in island pitvipers, and the phylogenetic position of Bothrops insularis.

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W., Duarte, M. R. & Da Graca Salomao, M., 1 Mai 2005, Yn: Journal of Zoology. 266, 1, t. 1-10

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  77. Cyhoeddwyd

    Dynamic evolution of venom proteins in squamate reptiles

    Wuster, W., Casewell, N. R. & Wüster, W., 18 Medi 2012, Yn: Nature Communications. 3, t. Article number: 1066

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  78. Cyhoeddwyd

    What's your poison?

    Wuster, W. & Wüster, W., 1 Meh 2010, Yn: Heredity. 104, 6, t. 519

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  79. Cyhoeddwyd

    Geographic distribution: Bothriopsis taeniata or Bothrops taeniatus (Speckled forest-pitviper).

    Wuster, W., Freire, L. A., Garcia, F., Wüster, W. & Kuch, U., 1 Ion 2003, Yn: Herpetological Review. 34, t. 263

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  80. Cyhoeddwyd

    A new species of wolf snake (Serpentes : Colubridae : Lycodon) from the Cardamom Mountains, southwestern Cambodia

    Wuster, W., Daltry, J. C. & Wüster, W., 1 Rhag 2002, Yn: Herpetologica. 58, 4, t. 498-504

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  81. Cyhoeddwyd

    Combining mitochondrial DNA sequences and morphological data to infer species boundaries: phylogeography of lanceheaded pitvipers in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, and the status of Bothrops pradoi (Squamata : Serpentes : Viperidae).

    Wuster, W., Puorto, G., Da Graca Salomao, M., Theakston, R. D., Thorpe, R. S., Warrell, D. A. & Wüster, W., 1 Gorff 2001, Yn: Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 14, 4, t. 527-538

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  82. Cyhoeddwyd

    Isolation of a neurotoxin (alpha colubritoxin) from a nonvenomous colubrid: Evidence for early origin of venom in snakes

    Wuster, W., Fry, B. G., Lumsden, N. G., Wüster, W., Wickramaratna, J. C., Hodgson, W. C. & Kini, R. M., 1 Hyd 2003, Yn: Journal of Molecular Evolution. 57, 4, t. 446-452

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  83. Cyhoeddwyd

    Molecular evolution and phylogeny of elapid snake venom three-finger toxins.

    Wuster, W., Fry, B. G., Wüster, W., Kini, R. M., Brusic, V., Khan, A., Venkataraman, D. & Rooney, A. P., 1 Gorff 2003, Yn: Journal of Molecular Evolution. 57, 1, t. 110-129

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  84. Cyhoeddwyd

    Gene tree parsimony of multilocus snake venom protein families reveals species tree conflict as a result of multiple parallel gene loss.

    Wuster, W., Casewell, N. R., Wagstaff, S. C., Harrison, R. A. & Wüster, W., 1 Maw 2011, Yn: Molecular Biology and Evolution. 28, 3, t. 1157-1172

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  85. Cyhoeddwyd

    Comparative venom gland transcriptome surveys of the saw-scaled vipers (Viperidae: Echis) reveal substantial intra-family gene diversity and novel venom transcripts.

    Wuster, W., Casewell, N. R., Harrison, R. A., Wüster, W. & Wagstaff, S. C., 30 Tach 2009, Yn: BMC Genomics. 10, t. 564

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  86. Cyhoeddwyd

    Analysis of Colubroidea snake venoms by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry: evolutionary and toxinological implications.

    Wuster, W., Fry, B. G., Wüster, W., Ramjan, S. F., Jackson, T., Martelli, P. & Kini, R. M., 1 Awst 2003, Yn: Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry. 17, 18, t. 2047-2062

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  87. Cyhoeddwyd

    Electrospray liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry fingerprinting of Acanthophis (death adder) venoms: taxonomic and toxinological implications.

    Wuster, W., Fry, B. G., Wickramaratna, J. C., Hodgson, W. C., Alewood, P. F., Kini, R. M., Ho, H. & Wüster, W., 1 Chwef 2002, Yn: Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry. 16, 6, t. 600-608

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  88. Cyhoeddwyd

    Co-evolution of diet and prey-specific venom activity supports the role of selection in snake venom evolution.

    Wuster, W., Barlow, A., Pook, C. E., Harrison, R. A. & Wüster, W., 1 Gorff 2009, Yn: Proceedings of The Royal Society B - Biological Sciences. 276, 1666, t. 2443-2449

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  89. Cyhoeddwyd

    When continents collide: Phylogeny, historical biogeography and systematics of the medically important viper genus Echis (Squamata: Serpentes: Viperidae).

    Wuster, W., Pook, C. E., Joger, U., Stumpel, N. & Wüster, W., 1 Rhag 2009, Yn: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 53, 3, t. 792-807

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  90. Cyhoeddwyd

    Medically important differences in snake venom composition are dictated by distinct postgenomic mechanisms

    Wuster, W., Casewell, N. R., Wagstaff, S. C., Wüster, W., Cook, D. A., Bolton, F. M., King, S. I., Plan, D., Sanz. L., N. V., Calvete, J. J. & Harrison, R. A., 9 Meh 2014, Yn: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111, 25, t. 9205-9210

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  91. Cyhoeddwyd

    Assembling an arsenal: Origin and evolution of the snake venom proteome inferred from phylogenetic analysis of toxin sequences.

    Wuster, W., Fry, B. G. & Wüster, W., 1 Mai 2004, Yn: Molecular Biology and Evolution. 21, 5, t. 870-883

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  92. Cyhoeddwyd

    The conserved structure of snake venom toxins confers extensive immunological cross-reactivity to toxin-specific antibody.

    Wuster, W., Harrison, R. A., Wüster, W. & Theakston, R. D., 1 Maw 2003, Yn: Toxicon. 41, 4, t. 441-449

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  93. Cyhoeddwyd

    A new species of death adder (Acanthophis: Serpentes: Elapidae) from north-western Australia

    Wuster, W., Maddock, S. T., Ellis, R. J., Doughty, P., Smith, L. A. & Wüster, W., 28 Awst 2015, Yn: Zootaxa. 4007, 3, t. 301-326

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  94. Cyhoeddwyd

    Best practices: in the 21st Century, taxonomic decisions in herpetology are acceptable only when supported by a body of evidence and published via peer-review

    Wuster, W., Kaiser, H., Crother, B. I., Kelly, C. M., Luiselli, L., O’Shea, M., Ota, H., Passos, P., Schleip, W. D. & Wüster, W., 1 Ion 2013, Yn: Herpetological Review. 44, t. 8-23

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  95. Cyhoeddwyd

    No rattlesnakes in the rainforests: reply to Gosling and Bush

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W., Ferguson, J. E., Quijada-Mascarenas, J. A., Pook, C. E., Da Graca Salomao, M. & Thorpe, R. S., 1 Hyd 2005, Yn: Molecular Ecology. 14, 11, t. 3619-3621

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  96. Cyhoeddwyd

    Pre-clinical assays predict pan-african Echis viper efficacy for a species-specific antivenom.

    Wuster, W., Casewell, N. R., Cook, D. A., Wagstaff, S. C., Nasidi, A., Durfa, N., Wüster, W. & Harrison, R. A., 1 Hyd 2010, Yn: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 4, 10, t. e851

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  97. Cyhoeddwyd

    A review of the southern African ‘non-spitting’ cobras (Serpentes: Elapidae: Naja).

    Wuster, W., Broadley, D. G. & Wüster, W., 1 Ion 2004, Yn: African Journal of Herpetology. 53, 2, t. 101-122

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  98. Cyhoeddwyd

    A nesting of vipers: Phylogeny and historical biogeography of the Viperidae (Squamata: Serpentes).

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W., Peppin, L., Pook, C. E. & Walker, D. E., 1 Tach 2008, Yn: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 49, 2, t. 445-459

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  99. Cyhoeddwyd

    Phylogeography and systematic revision of the Egyptian cobra (Serpentes: Elapidae: Naja haje) species complex, with the description of a new species from West Africa.

    Wuster, W., Trape, J. F., Chirio, L. & Wüster, W., 21 Medi 2009, Yn: Zootaxa. 2236, t. 1-25

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  100. Cyhoeddwyd

    Roles of CITES in protecting new species.

    Wuster, W., Vonk, F. J. & Wüster, W., 18 Awst 2006, Yn: Science. 313, 5789, t. 915-916

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid