Ysgol Gwyddorau Eigion

  1. Scientific evidence to underpin understanding of best practices in utilisation of marine fisheries resources

    (Cyfranogwr) & Hiddink, J. G. (Cyfranogwr)

    Effaith: Amgylchedd, Economegol, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus

  2. The Chagos Archipelago Very large Marine Reserve: Science, Policy, Protection, Conservation and Outreach

    Turner, J. (Cyfranogwr)

    Effaith: Amgylchedd, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, Cymdeithasol, Economegol

  3. Governments and assessment bodies adopt an innovative quantitative method to assess the sustainability of mobile bottom fishing gears [REF2021]

    Hiddink, J. G. (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)

    Effaith: Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus

  4. Ocean Renewable Energy: Improved resource assessment and characterisation drives development of second-generation tidal energy technology [REF2021]

    Neill, S. (Cyfranogwr), Robins, P. (Cyfranogwr) & Lewis, M. (Cyfranogwr)

    Effaith: Economegol, Amgylchedd, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, Technegol

  5. Adoption of viral environmental surveillance tools to protect public health during the COVID-19 pandemic [REF2021]

    Jones, D. (Cyfranogwr), McDonald, J. (Cyfranogwr), Farkas, K. (Cyfranogwr), Malham, S. (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), Jago, C. (Cyfranogwr), Robins, P. (Cyfranogwr) & Jones, J. P. G. (Cyfranogwr)

    Effaith: Economegol, Amgylchedd, Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus

  6. ESRC IAA Kingdom of the Plastic Protista

    (Cyfranogwr) & Evans, J. (Cyfranogwr)
