Ysgol Gwyddorau Eigion

  1. Snowdon weather data

    Bowers, D. (Lluniwr), Prifysgol Bangor University, Ebr 2024

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  2. Factors affecting byssus attachment in juvenile scallops, Pecten maximus (L.)

    Galley, T. (Lluniwr), Le Vay, L. (!!Supervisor), King, J. (!!Supervisor) & Beaumont, A. (!!Supervisor), Prifysgol Bangor University, 2019

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  3. Data set: Opposing indirect effects of domestic herbivores on saltmarsh erosion

    Pages Fauria, J. (Lluniwr), Prifysgol Bangor University, 29 Hyd 2018

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  4. ROMS-turbine-array-netcdf

    Goward Brown, A. (Lluniwr), Roc, T. (Lluniwr) & Spall, S. (Lluniwr), Prifysgol Bangor University, 19 Meh 2018

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  5. Celtic and Irish Sea benthic biomass size spectra data collected across gradients in fishing pressure and primary productivity.

    Howarth, L. (Lluniwr), Somerfield, P. J. (Lluniwr), Blanchard, J. L. (Lluniwr) & Hiddink, J. G. (Lluniwr), Prifysgol Bangor University, 13 Maw 2018

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  6. JAVA Water Tank Controller Software

    Worley, G. (Lluniwr), Prifysgol Bangor University, 14 Mai 2015

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  7. JAVA Based Door Controller System

    Worley, G. (Lluniwr), Prifysgol Bangor University, 14 Mai 2015

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  8. JAVA Based Davis Instruments Met Station Logger

    Worley, G. (Lluniwr), Prifysgol Bangor University, 14 Mai 2015

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  9. Data from: Recovery linked to life history of sessile epifauna following exclusion of towed mobile fishing gear

    Kaiser, M. (Lluniwr), Hormbrey, S. (Lluniwr), Booth, J. R. (Lluniwr), Hinz, H. (Lluniwr) & Hiddink, J. (Lluniwr), Prifysgol Bangor University, 19 Rhag 2017

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