Ysgol Gwyddorau Eigion
Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland
Baas, J. (CydY), Lichtman, I. (CydY), Davies, A. (CydY) & Malarkey, J. (CydY)
Project: Ymchwil
Digital Twin-based solutions for enhanced integration of ecosystem services in water resource management
Woolway, I. (PY)
27/02/25 → 15/04/28
Project: Ymchwil
Evaluating the influence of a Pumped Storage Hydropower plant on the hydro-environmental characteristics of Loch Ness, Scotland
Woolway, I. (PY)
1/01/25 → 15/04/29
Project: Ymchwil
Impacts of bottom trawling on seabed carbon storage
Hiddink, J. G. (PY)
1/01/25 → 31/01/29
Project: Ymchwil
Virus Vectors: Investigating the attachment of pathogens to suspended materials and their fate through the river-estuary-coastal continuum
Robins, P. (PY)
1/01/25 → 15/01/27
Project: Ymchwil
Extremes in Brazilian Amazon lakes and its implications for social-ecological systems
Woolway, I. (PY)
13/12/24 → 27/12/27
Project: Ymchwil
A scoping study, overcoming barriers for upscaling Blue Carbon Habitat restoration in Northern Ireland - Oysters, seagrass and saltmarsh.
Malham, S. (PY)
1/12/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Ymchwil
Co-location of shellfish aquaculture & renewables in the Irish Sea
Malham, S. (PY)
1/11/24 → 15/07/26
Project: Ymchwil
FisHistory: Converting historical knowledge into sustainable ocean management
Moore, A. (PY)
1/11/24 → 15/11/26
Project: Ymchwil
Climate change impact on food security across Northern communities
Woolway, I. (PY)
1/08/24 → 15/08/26
Project: Ymchwil
Trialling scallop light potting in Wales: An innovative low impact, high value fishery for the Welsh inshore potting fleet.
Hiddink, J. G. (PY)
1/08/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Ymchwil
Using passive acoustic monitoring to better understand cetacean bycatch risk in Welsh net fisheries.
Hiddink, J. G. (PY)
1/08/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Ymchwil
CEFAS FMP delivery - 110 Pot Fisheries Data collection
Hold, N. (PY)
1/07/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Ymchwil
CEFAS FMP delivery - 96 Scallop Fisheries Target Harvest Rate
Hold, N. (PY)
1/07/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Ymchwil
WWT additional PhD student research funds (Mercedes Lopez)
McCarthy, I. (PY)
1/07/24 → 5/02/25
Project: Ymchwil
Fronts for marine Wildlife Assessment for Renewable Developments
Waggitt, J. (PY)
13/05/24 → 15/03/25
Project: Ymchwil
Enabling Sustainable Wind Energy Expansion in Seasonally Stratified Seas (eSWEETS3)
Rippeth, T. (PY)
1/05/24 → 31/03/27
Project: Ymchwil
Identifying climate change risks to water quality across English estuaries
Robins, P. (PY)
1/04/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Ymchwil
Innovation to advance the evidence-base for reporting of blue carbon inventories and greenhouse gas fluxes in coastal wetland systems (C-BLUES)
Kennedy, H. (PY)
1/04/24 → 30/04/28
Project: Ymchwil
DPLUS166: Improving identification of fish bycatch in the Antarctic krill fishery
1/01/24 → 31/07/25
Project: Ymchwil
How do coral energy strategies influence their survival? ( Fathimath Hana Amir's Envision PhD: Case partners additional funding)
Williams, G. (PY)
1/12/23 → 15/10/27
Project: Ymchwil
Gravel barrier resilience in a changing climate (#gravelbeach)
Austin, M. (PY)
1/11/23 → 30/11/27
Project: Ymchwil
DIMSUM: Drivers and impacts of North Atlantic heat and freshwater fluxes unsetlling modern-day climate
Lenn, Y.-D. (PY)
1/10/23 → 15/04/26
Project: Ymchwil
NRW CASE Studentship - NERC SuMMeR CDT - The effect of anchoring disturbance on seabed ecosystems
Hiddink, J. G. (PY)
1/10/23 → 15/06/27
Project: Ymchwil
PhD Studentship: Modelling the effect of disease on edible crab (Cancer pagurus) populations in England and Wales
Malham, S. (PY)
1/10/23 → 31/10/26
Project: Ymchwil
Review of Jersey fisheries data collection, surveys, and assessment approaches
Hold, N. (PY)
1/10/23 → 31/01/25
Project: Ymchwil
Greenland Ice Marginal Lake Evolution As A Driver Of Ice Sheet Change – How Important Are Rising Lake Temperatures?
Woolway, I. (PY)
1/09/23 → 15/09/26
Project: Ymchwil
Environmental Assessment of Scallop Innovation Gear (EASIG)
Hold, N. (PY)
1/06/23 → 30/04/25
Project: Ymchwil
The effect of mobile bottom fishing on the Isle of Man sediment carbon stocks
Hiddink, J. G. (PY)
1/06/23 → 31/07/26
Project: Ymchwil
The effect of mobile bottom fishing on the Isle of Man sediment carbon stocks: Additional Research Funding
Hiddink, J. G. (PY)
1/06/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Ymchwil
#NNF2 Project SIARC (Sharks Inspiring Action and Research with Communities) Phase 2
Robins, P. (PY)
1/04/23 → 30/04/26
Project: Ymchwil