Professor Bob Woods
Emeritus Professor
- 2022
Family and staff perspectives on quality of life, well-being and human rights for people with advanced dementia living in care homes: a case study approach
Hughes, S. (Awdur), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd) & Algar-Skaife, K. (Goruchwylydd), 24 Hyd 2022Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
- 2021
Culturo-Linguistic Congruity in the Residential Care of the Elderly and Cognitively Impaired in North Wales
Martin, C. (Awdur), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd) & Williams, S. (Goruchwylydd), 14 Meh 2021Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Graddau Meistr trwy Ymchwil
- 2019
Reminiscence and digital life story work for dementia care
O Philbin, L. (Awdur), Woods, R. (Goruchwylydd), 2019Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
- 2015
Can a visual art intervention increase quality of life and well-being in care home residents with dementia? An exploratory study
Algar, K. H. (Awdur), Windle, G. (Goruchwylydd) & Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd), Rhag 2015Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
The relationship between mild cognitive impairment and mood in older people
Yates, J. (Awdur), Clare, L. (Goruchwylydd) & Woods, R. (Goruchwylydd), Ion 2015Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
- 2014
The psychological impact of having a parent with a progressive neurodegenerative condition
Aslett, H. (Awdur), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd), 12 Meh 2014Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethuriaethau Proffesiynol
- 2013
The effects of different approaches to reminiscence work with people with mild to moderate dementia living in care homes
Subramaniam, P. (Awdur), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd), 23 Ebr 2013Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
Malnutrition and quality of life in older people admitted to hospital
Rasheed, S. (Awdur), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd), 2013Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
- 2007
Information enhancement and goal setting: interventions for enhancing motivation
Shamloo, Z. S. (Awdur), Cox, W. M. (Goruchwylydd), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd) & Ingledew, D. (Goruchwylydd), 2007Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
- 2006
Variations in subjective well-being : the role of psychological resilience in older age
Windle, G. (Awdur), Markland, D. (Goruchwylydd) & Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd), Medi 2006Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
A mixed methodological approach to investigating perceptions, and emotional outcomes, of stroke patients and carers
Jones, E. (Awdur), Morrison, V. (Goruchwylydd) & Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd), 2006Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Meistr mewn Athroniaeth
- 2004
Attachment styles of staff and people in care-homes : an investigation into effects on challenging behaviour
Goater, P. (Awdur), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd), Ion 2004Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethuriaethau Proffesiynol
The adult consequences of childhood psychological maltreatment : a study of object relations, internalized shame, and defence style
Pryde, N. (Awdur), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd) & Hastings, R. (Goruchwylydd), Ion 2004Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethuriaethau Proffesiynol
An investigation into prospective memory performance in normal ageing and dementia
Wilson, J. (Awdur), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd) & Turnbull, O. (Goruchwylydd), 2004Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
- 2003
Innovative practice and occupational stress in care managment
Parry-Jones, B. (Awdur), Grant, G. (Goruchwylydd) & Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd), 2003Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
- 2002
Lives in transition : caregiving and bereavement adjustment among spousal dementia caregivers : a grounded theory study
Waring, P. (Awdur), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd), Ion 2002Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethuriaethau Proffesiynol
- 2001
Behavioural disturbance in residential care for the elderly mentally ill: the challenge for staff
Moniz-Cook, E. (Awdur), Woods, B. (Goruchwylydd), 1 Awst 2001Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth