Professor Oliver Turnbull

Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Contact info

Roles: Deputy Vice Chancellor

Professor of Neuropsychology

Telephone: 01248 383670


Office: Professors Corridor, Main Arts Building


Prof Turnbull is a neuropsychologist, with an interest in emotion and its many consequences for mental life. He is also a clinician, whose work is with patients with neurological lesions, especially those who have suffered cerebro-vascular accident (stroke) and traumatic brain injury.

His scientific  interests include:

(i) emotion-based learning, including the experience that we describe as 'intuition'

(ii) the role of emotion in delusional beliefs, especially in neurological patients

(iii) the neuroscience of psychotherapy

(iv) the management and control of emotion, often called emotion regulation

(v) emotion memory, and its preservation even in profound amnesia.

He is the author of roughly 200 publications on these topics, and (together with Mark Solms) is the co-author of the popular science book 'The Brain and the Inner World' (now translated into 12 languages), and 'Mistakes in Clinical Neuropsychology' (with Christian Salas and Rudi Coetzer).

Manylion Cyswllt

Meysydd Ymchwil ac Allweddeiriau


  • RC0321 Neuroscience. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry

Addysg / cymwysterau academaidd

  • 2004 - Profesiynol (2004)
  • PhD (1991 - 1994)

Cyhoeddiadau (147)

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