The Standard Celeration Chart (SCC), Precision Teaching and the principles of fluency-based instruction will be introduced in this seminar. The importance of using a clear data tracking system to ensure quality in the teaching and/or therapy process will be emphasized. Implications of focusing on fluency rather than accuracy only will be discussed. The use of Precision Teaching and the SCC as data collection and decision-making tools that can be introduced to any educational or therapeutic programme and any setting will be demonstrated and practiced.
In the afternoon, a basic introduction to TAGteach® (Teaching with Acoustical Guidance) will take place and delegates will learn how to use this in combination with Precision Teaching.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
List and describe the key principles of Precision Teaching
Chart performance using the Standard Celeration Chart (SCC)
Create free operant learning environments
List and describe the barriers that place ceilings on learning
Describe a learning channel analysis
Identify and describe learning pictures and how they signal the need for instructional changes
Use basic acoustical guidance in teaching/therapeutic situations
Throughout the day
a combination of slides and hands-on practice will be utilised
participants will engage in interactive exchanges with the presenters and each other
participants will actively engage in fluency building activities
participants will chart their own learning
participants will learn and practice the basic principles of
The workshop is of interest to all those who are interested in applying behavioural principles to education and therapy across all settings. Also, those seeking an introduction, or refresher, on the use of Precision Teaching and the SCC. Participants are encouraged to bring materials that they use, or wish to use in teaching/therapy in order for us to work collaboratively to fit them into a Precision Teaching model
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 12 Ebr 2017
DigwyddiadExperimental Analysis of Behaviour Group International Conference (EABG), University College, London -
Hyd: 10 Ebr 201712 Ebr 2017


CynhadleddExperimental Analysis of Behaviour Group International Conference (EABG), University College, London
Gweld graff cysylltiadau