Quasi Type-1 PLL With Tunable Phase Detector for Unbalanced and Distorted Three-Phase Grid

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Fersiynau electronig


  • TEC3130492

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Dangosydd eitem ddigidol (DOI)

  • Hafiz Ahmed
  • Zoheir Tir
    University of El Oued
  • Anant Kumar Verma
    National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
  • Seifeddine Ben Elghali
    Aix-Marseille University
  • Mohamed Benbouzid
    University of Brest
Out of various moving average filter (MAF)-based phase-locked-loop (PLL), quasi type-1 PLL (QT1-PLL) is widely adopted due to its fast dynamic performance, implementation simplicity, and harmonics rejection abilities. However, the performance of QT1-PLL deteriorates in the presence of an off-nominal frequency unbalanced grid voltage component. Moreover, the sensitivity towards the fundamental frequency negative sequence (FFNS) component is high. Hence, this paper proposes a novel enhanced QT1-PLL solution that is insensitive to unbalance in the grid voltage signal during off-nominal frequency conditions. The proposed adaptive phase detector makes it possible to estimate both the fundamental frequency positive sequence (FFPS) and FFNS components with a high degree of immunity against harmonics. Notably, the pre-loop separation of the FFPS and the FFNS components helps suppress the second harmonic oscillations for improving the parameter estimation accuracy. The loop-filter design of QT1-PLL remains unaffected and requires a proportional gain to estimate the fundamental phase and frequency information. To address the DC offset issue, a modified delayed signal cancellation method is also proposed, which can theoretically eliminates the DC offset for any arbitrary delay length. A small-signal model of the proposed PLL is developed for the sake of stability analysis. Comparative results are provided
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Tudalennau (o-i)1369 - 1378
CyfnodolynIEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
Rhif y cyfnodolyn2
Dyddiad ar-lein cynnar24 Tach 2021
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - Meh 2022

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