Hidlyddion uwch

Pob awdur

  1. A Novel Assessment of the Temporal and Abiotic Factors Influencing Environmental DNA Derived from Freshwater Biofilms

    Awdur: Wilgar, G., 2017

    Goruchwylydd: Creer, S. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Graddau Meistr trwy Ymchwil

  2. A Numerical Study of the Internal Tide in Upper Loch Linnhe

    Awdur: Riley, G., Maw 2007

    Goruchwylydd: Simpson, J. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  3. A Pentecostal Hearing of Ezekiel: Ezekiel’s Visions by the hwhy-dy and the xwr

    Awdur: Ward, L., 20 Ion 2020

    Goruchwylydd: Thomas, C. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  4. A Philosophical Investigation of Religious Language: A Study of the Identity, Meaning and Semantics of Religious Utterances

    Awdur: Ellis, D., 25 Mai 2022

    Goruchwylydd: Huskinson, L. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  5. A Realist Evaluation of Geographically Distinct Community (Health) Development Projects: What works in Wales, for Whom, How, Why, and in What circumstances?

    Awdur: Rogers, A., 20 Tach 2023

    Goruchwylydd: Williams, S. (Goruchwylydd) & Brocklehurst, P. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  6. A Realist Evaluation of In-Practice Prevention Care Pathway

    Awdur: Sandom, F., 25 Gorff 2023

    Goruchwylydd: Williams, S. (Goruchwylydd) & Brocklehurst, P. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  7. A Schenkerian analysis of the seven symphonies of Jean Sibelius

    Awdur: Hulme, S., Ion 2007

    Goruchwylydd: Pascall, R. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  8. A Study in the Experimental Taxonomy of some British Sphagha (section Cuspidata),with observations of their ecology.

    Awdur: Agnew, S., 5 Mai 1958

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  9. A System for Visualising and Treating Early Stage Cancerous Nodules within the Lungs and Cavities of the Eat, Nose and Throat

    Awdur: Jones, A., 17 Ion 2021

    Goruchwylydd: Hancock, C. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Graddau Meistr trwy Ymchwil

  10. A Theology of the Spirits in the former Prophets: A Pentecostal Perspective

    Awdur: Wadholm Jnr, R., Ion 2017

    Goruchwylydd: Thomas, J. C. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  11. A Universal Magnetic Carrier for use in Cancer Prodrug Therapy

    Awdur: Hobbs, R., Ion 2015

    Goruchwylydd: Gwenin, C. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  12. A Woman on the Border: A Feminist-Structuralist-Deconstructive Reading of the Character of Miriam in Exodus 2:1-10; 15:20-21 and Numbers 12:1-16.

    Awdur: Cobb, K., Ion 2011

    Goruchwylydd: Davies, E. W. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  13. A behavioural analysis of pre-school children's food preferences

    Awdur: Woolner, J., 2000

    Goruchwylydd: Horne, P. (Goruchwylydd) & Lowe, F. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  14. A behavioural analysis of rapid word learning in infants

    Awdur: Gurteen, P. M., Gorff 2003

    Goruchwylydd: Horne, P. (Goruchwylydd) & Lowe, F. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  15. A behaviourist approach to pyscho-analysis

    Awdur: Miles, T. R., 1963

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  16. A bluetooth-based communications architecture for lightweight mobile robots

    Awdur: Shepherd, R. G., 15 Gorff 2006

    Goruchwylydd: Mansoor, S. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  17. A comparative analysis of regulatory strategies in accounting and their impact on corporate compliance.

    Awdur: Ebbers, G. K., Ion 1998

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  18. A comparative study of efficiency in European banking.

    Awdur: Casu, B., Chwef 2000

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  19. A comparative study of morphology, behaviour and ecology of Chaetogaster Limnaei ( von Baer) from several host species

    Awdur: Buse, A., Medi 1968

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  20. A comparative study of the High Church party in the dioceses of Chester and Bangor between 1688 and 1715.

    Awdur: Wood, C. D., Ion 2002

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  21. A comparative study of the subspecies of Sclerocarya birrea: Their potential for domestication in Tanzania

    Awdur: Woiso, D. A., Awst 2011

    Goruchwylydd: Teklehaimanot, Z. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  22. A comparison between optical properties measured in the field and the laboratory, and the development of an optical model.

    Awdur: Harker, G. E. L., Awst 1997

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth