Bangor University
Doloriert, Clair
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Management
- Rhanbarth - Organisational behaviour
Person: Academic
Doughty, Stephen
- North Wales Medical School - Professor of Pharmacy and Head of Pharmacy Programme
- School of Education - Interim Head of the Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
Person: Academic
Doungsong, Pim
- School of Health Sciences - Research Project Support Officer (Health Economics)
Person: Research
Downes, Penny
Person: Doctor of Philosophy
Downing, Paul
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Professor in Psychology / Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor
- Cognitive Neuroscience Institute
Person: Academic
Du Pre, Elizabeth
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Senior Assessor & Specialist Dyslexia Advisor
- Disability Service - Sessional Diagnostic Assessor
Person: Academic
Du Preez, Tommie
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Lecturer (Teaching & Scholarship)
Person: Academic
Duckerin, Pamela
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Postgraduate Mindfulness Tutor
Person: Academic
Duggan-Edwards, Elliott
- College of Medicine & Health - Marketing and Recruitment Officer
Person: Support
Dunkley, Christine
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Postgraduate DBT Course Marker
Person: Academic
Dunn, Christian
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor / Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor / Director of Marketing-College
Person: Academic
Dunton, Joanna
- School of Education - Lecturer
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Language Therapist, Teaching Co-ordinator
Person: Professional, Academic
Durovic, Filip
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Research Project Support Officer
Person: Research
Edwards, Andrew
- Vice Chancellor's Office - Dirprwy Is-ganghellor (Yr Iaith Gymraeg, Ymgysylltiad Dinesig a Phartneriaethau
Person: Professional
Edwards, Marc
- North Wales Medical School - Clinical Senior Lecturer in Medical Education (Primary Care)
Person: Academic