Dr Craig Shuttleworth

Honorary Visiting Research Fellow

Contact info

Mobile 07966150847

Email c.shuttleworth@bangor.ac.uk


I have spent thirty years studying the population ecology of red and grey squirrels in Europe and western Canada. My work is currently focussed on pine marten translocation in North Wales.


My research encompasses viral epidemiological studies with a focus upon Squirrel pox, Adenovirus and Rota virus in sciurid populations; genetic surveillance of red and grey squirrel populations in Europe and North America, wildlife translocation and invasive species management.

I am currently managing the reintroduction of pine marten into North Wales and red squirrel in Clocaenog forest in the North East.

Teaching and Supervision

I frequently supervise both undergraduate and postgraduate research, offering local field based studies on Anglesey or in Gwynedd.

Contact Info

Mobile 07966150847

Email c.shuttleworth@bangor.ac.uk

Grant Awards and Projects

I am currently managing the Heritage Fund funded five year Magical Mammals applied conservation project in north Wales. This aims to widen participation and ldearning within mammal conservation and translocation programmes.

Research outputs (119)

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Prof. activities and awards (4)

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