Dr Daniel Roberts
Senior Lecturer

ORCID: 0000-0003-2370-090X
Contact info
MEng / PhD / SFHEA
Senior Lecturer / Director of Student Engagement / School Liaison
Office: Room 221, Dean Street
- Tel: +44(0) 1248 38 3855
- E-Mail: d.r.g.roberts@bangor.ac.uk
- Twitter: @DrDanielRobert5
Being a Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol lecturer, my modules are taught bilingually through the mediums of Welsh and English.
Project Rainbow
Roberts, J. (Participant), Roberts, D. (Participant), Ritsos, P. (Participant), Gray, C. (Participant), Mearman, J. (Participant) & Butcher, P. (Participant)
Impact: Technological, Societal