Dr Panagiotis D. Ritsos

Senior Lecturer in Visualisation / Director of Research

Contact info

MEng PhD Essex, PgCert, FHEA

Visualization, Data, Modelling and Graphics (VDMG) research group, XReality, Visualization and Analytics (XRVA) lab

Office: Room 326, Dean Street 


I am a Senior Lecturer in Visualization, and the Director of Research at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangor University, UK. I am leading the XReality, Visualization and Analytics (XRVA) Lab, which is part of the Visualization, Data, Modelling and Graphics (VDMG) research group. Since April 2022, I am a Visiting Fellow in the School of Digital, Technologies and Arts, of the University of Staffordshire.

My research interests revolve around he domain of human-computer interaction (HCI) and include mixed/augmented and virtual reality (XR), information visualization (InfoVis), and visual analytics (VA). You can find more information below, in the research interests section.

I am particularly interested in potential synergies between these fields within different flavours of human-data interaction, such as beyond-the-desktop visualization and immersive and situated analytics.

The above research topics can be explored in a variety of application domains, including Ocean Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Nuclear Sciences, Cultural Heritage, Learning and Education, Transport and Computer Games. 

Contact Info

MEng PhD Essex, PgCert, FHEA

Visualization, Data, Modelling and Graphics (VDMG) research group, XReality, Visualization and Analytics (XRVA) lab

Office: Room 326, Dean Street 


Ubiquitous, Immersive and Situated Analytics (IA/SA)

This theme explores the concept of ubiquitous, immersive, multisensory, post-WIMP and often situated visualization and investigates how information visualization can employ different display and presentation technologies, such as head-mounted displays, projection systems, wearables, tabletop displays and haptic interfaces.

We are currently exploring a variety of technologies that could enable UA/IA/SA in different scenarios. We are especially interested in using Web technologies (e.g., WebVR/XR), such as in our IA-prtototyping VRIA framework and our more recent work on DashSpace.

Immersive Realities (XR)

The use of the term ‘XR’ in this context is akin to that of the W3C, denoting alternative immersive technologies (i.e., VR/MR/AR). This theme explores these concepts and their evolution from their original graphic-centric flavours, to today’s XR systems which can employ all our senses and offer us capabilities through services that are perceivable but not necessarily vision-specific. Cloud-based services, web-based machine learning, XR-enabling web technologies and the pervasiveness of wearable and mobile devices, contribute towards this paradigm shift, which is the focus of this theme. More ‘traditional’ VR research, such as our work on wheelchair training in VR and procedural content generation is also part of this domain.


Information Visualization (InfoVis)

Information visualization is the use of computer-supported interactive visual representations of abstract data to amplify cognition. In this theme we explore novel ways to represent data, focusing on domains such as environmental sciences, higher education, cyberecurity and cultural heritage. We are also devising new methodologies for ideation and evaluation of InfoVis interfaces.



In addition to my research and teaching activities, I actively contribute to the the scientific community, as a reviewer for grants, journals and international conferences, and by serving on various program committees of scientific events. As of 2020, I am a College Member of the EPSRC. I am also a member of the IEEE, the ACM and the Technical Chamber of Greece.

You can find more information about me on my personal page at pdritsos.com.


Teaching and Supervision

Teaching (current):

Supervision (Research):

Research Officers (Post-docs)

Doctoral Students (current)

  • Sam Hennesey, Bangor University, Pattern Recognition (with Prof L. Kuncheva): 2024 - present
  • Shannon Jones, Bangor University, Situated Analytics(with Dr P. Butcher): 2023 - present 
  • Aron Owen, Bangor University, Information Visualisation (with Prof J.C. Roberts)2021 - present
  • Dan Farmer, Bangor University, Situated Analytics (with Prof J.C. Roberts): 2021 - present
  • Connor Spann, Bangor University, Scientific Visualization, (with Prof Franck Vidal - STFC): 2020 - present
  • Joshua Davies, Bangor University, Natural Language Processing (with Dr. W. Teahan): 2019 - present

Doctoral Students (completed)

Doctoral Committee Memberships

  • Owen Rhiannon, Bangor University, Information Visualization2023 - present
  • Glory Ogbonda, Bangor University, Information Visualization: 2023 - present
  • Dalya Al Khafaji, Bangor University, Natural Language Processing: 2023 - present
  • Sunday Nwokolo, Bangor University, Machine Learning: 2023 - present
  • Petra Pergar, Universiy of Lubljiana: 2021 - present
  • Francis Williams, Bangor University, Pattern Recognition2020 - present
  • Joseph Mearman, Bangor University, Information Visualization2019 - present

Masters by Research

  • Alex Rigby, Visual Analytics for Envionmental Sciences, (KESS), (with Dr Sopan Patil): 2020 - 2022

Supervision (Taught):

Grant Awards and Projects

Co-I:  RAMP VIS: Making Visual Analytics an Integral Part of the Technological Infrastructure for Combating COVID-19 (EPSRC) - 02/2021-02/2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated significant interest in data visualization, demonstrated from the media’s, and governmental and research organizations’ use of visualizations to inform the public. Within these theme, we are working on the EPSRC funded project (EP/V054236/1) RAMP VIS: Making Visual Analytics an Integral Part of the Technological Infrastructure for Combating COVID-19 (01/2020 - 12/2020). This work is continuation of our volunteering work in the Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic (RAMP) initiative. Bangor VIS experts, along with some twenty VIS scientists, researchers, and developers in the UK answered a call in May 2020 for VIS volunteers to support modelling scientists and epidemiologists in the Scottish COVID-19 Response Consortium (SCRC), which is one of the three consortia in the Royal Society’s RAMP) programme. 


P-I: BODAH - Big and Open Data for the development of new processes towards Atlantic heritage management (EU Interreg) - 04/2019 -  12/2022

Tourism is a major engine of economic development, but it also creates a burden difficult to bear among the inhabitants Mass tourism is promoted for destinations of great cultural, historical and heritage importance, some of them also classified as World Heritage sites by UNESCO. BODAH aims at improving cooperation, joint planning and at better managing conflicting interests to improve the management of two kind of cultural destinations that can benefit and be affected by tourism and the pressure of local citizens: Old-historical city centres and Sites of particular cultural or heritage interest. The project plans to take advantage of technology and innovation in management tools (Smart Cities), in particular, through the collection of existing - and generation of complementary - data (Big Data, Open Data, Internet of the Things, data provided through existing sensors, local systems or cameras, etc.). One of the key objectives is to develop new solutions to address social and public needs, contributing to create new alternative offers adapted to the interests of visitors to better distribute their crowd flows, as well as redistribute impacts (both, environmental and economic ones) on heritage sites, cities and monuments.


Co-I: Water4Cities - Holistic Surface Water and Groundwater Management for Sustainable Cities (H2020-EU.1.3.3.) - 03/2017 - 02/2021

The Water4Cities project aims to develop the necessary models and associated platform that will enable water providers and relevant stakeholders to a) monitor in real-time the urban water resources; b) support their decisions for optimal urban water management causing minimal environmental impact and c) involve policy makers, corporations and the public to provide the support for sound and balanced decision-making.


Education / academic qualifications

  • 2016 - Professional , Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PgCertHE)
  • 2006 - PhD , Electronic Systems Engineering
  • 2000 - Other , MEng Electronic Systems Engineering

Research outputs (65)

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Projects (2)

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