Professor Jamie Macdonald

Professor in Sport & Exercise Science

Contact info


Phone: +44 1248 38 3272

Twitter: @sportscimac

Instagram: @jamiehugomacdonald

Brief bio:

After graduating with a Sport Science degree and working as freelance Outdoor Activities Instructor for some years, I returned to academia to complete my PhD in clinical exercise physiology. I am now a Professor in Sport and Exercise Science within the School of Psychology and Sport Science at Bangor University (

The primary focus of my research, impact and teaching activities is the use of physical activity to prevent and treat chronic disease. Recently, this has expanded to include an interest in digital health solutions. I am also lucky enough to integrate my passion for the outdoors within my work, and have an additional focus on enhancing health and performance of outdoor practitioners. 

Contact Info


Phone: +44 1248 38 3272

Twitter: @sportscimac

Instagram: @jamiehugomacdonald

Brief bio:

After graduating with a Sport Science degree and working as freelance Outdoor Activities Instructor for some years, I returned to academia to complete my PhD in clinical exercise physiology. I am now a Professor in Sport and Exercise Science within the School of Psychology and Sport Science at Bangor University (

The primary focus of my research, impact and teaching activities is the use of physical activity to prevent and treat chronic disease. Recently, this has expanded to include an interest in digital health solutions. I am also lucky enough to integrate my passion for the outdoors within my work, and have an additional focus on enhancing health and performance of outdoor practitioners. 


The primary focus of my research and impact activities is the use of physical activity to prevent and treat chronic disease. Recently this has expanded to include an interest in digital health solutions. I am also lucky enough to integrate my passion for the outdoors within my work and have an additional focus on enhancing health and performance of outdoor practitioners.

Teaching and Supervision

I am course lead for Bangor University's Adventure Sport Science degree.

I teach Advanced Research Design (JXH-4403 and JXH-4209) to our Masters and distance learning students and Professional Life Skills to our Undergraduate students (JXH-1064). 

I typically supervise undergraduate and masters project/dissertation students, intercalated students, Foundation Year 2 Medical Doctors, and three PhD students.


When not working, I can be found desperately trying to encourage my nine year old daughter to be as passionate about outdoor pursuits as I am. My main hobbies are climbing, mountaineering and mountain biking.


After finishing my PhD at Bangor University investigating body composition in patients living with chronic kidney disease, I completed a Post Doc in the Renal Unit at Gwynedd Hospital, studying fatigue. I returned to the University and I am now a Professor in Sport and Exercise Science, particularly collaborating with colleagues within The Institute for Applied Human Physiology (

The primary focus of my research and impact activities is the use of physical activity to prevent and treat chronic disease. Recently this has expanded to include an interest in digital health solutions. I am also lucky enough to integrate my passion for the outdoors within my work and have an additional focus on enhancing health and performance of outdoor practitioners. 

Chronic disease:

I maintain my honorary contract with the local Health Board and lead their kidney disease exercise rehabilitation program. I am Co-Chair of the Kidney Research UK Physical Activity, Rehabilitation and Wellbeing Clinical Study Group (, I am the exercise and nutrition thematic lead for the Wales Kidney Research Unit ( and a founder member of the Welsh Institute for Physical Activity, Health and Sport ( I am the scientific lead for the multicentre Kidney Beam study, a scientific evaluation of a digital health solution to enhance physical activity in people living with kidney disease ( 


Outdoor practitioners:

I collaborate with various businesses and charities working in the outdoor sector, including Mountain Rescue England and Wales.  My interest in high altitude physiology has led me to participating in a number of medical research expeditions and high-altitude laboratory chamber studies.

Postgraduate Project Opportunities

Self-funded (inc. agency-funded) projects:

I welcome informal enquiries from prospective PhD students interested in projects related to either of my research areas of interest: i) physical activity to prevent and treat chronic disease; ii) how to enhance health and performance of outdoor practitioners. Please submit a draft research proposal (1-2 pages) to the above email address.

Funded projects:

Studentship opportunities within the school can be found at


I have been primary superviser for five PhD students who are now employed in prestigious positions worldwide: Professor at the University of Innsbruk; Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond; two Consultant Nephrologists at University Hospital of Wales and Spire Cardiff Hospital; Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University. 

Education / academic qualifications

  • 2016 - Professional , Good Clinical Practice eLearning (Secondary Care)
  • 2011 - Professional , Fellow
  • 2006 - PhD , Clinical Exercise Physiology , Bangor University
  • 2001 - BSc , Sport Science , Bangor University

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