Professor Jamie Macdonald

Professor in Sport & Exercise Science

Contact info


Phone: +44 1248 38 3272

Twitter: @sportscimac

Instagram: @jamiehugomacdonald

Brief bio:

After graduating with a Sport Science degree and working as freelance Outdoor Activities Instructor for some years, I returned to academia to complete my PhD in clinical exercise physiology. I am now a Professor in Sport and Exercise Science within the School of Psychology and Sport Science at Bangor University (

I teach and complete research and impact activities in two distinct areas: i) physical activity to prevent and treat chronic disease; and ii) how to enhance health and performance in high altitude environments. 

  1. 2023
  2. 30th European Congress on Obesity

    Harrison, S. (Speaker) & Macdonald, J. (Participant)

    17 May 202320 May 2023

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in Academic conference