Professor Morag McDonald
Dean of College / Professor/ Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor

Contact info
Professor of Ecology and Catchment Management
Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Diversity and Inclusion)
Office: G21 Thoday Building
Telephone: +44 (0)1248 388076
Practitioner of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (PIEMA)
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers (FRGS)
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Level 5 ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) Certificate in Management and Leadership
Contact Info
Professor of Ecology and Catchment Management
Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Diversity and Inclusion)
Office: G21 Thoday Building
Telephone: +44 (0)1248 388076
Practitioner of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (PIEMA)
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers (FRGS)
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Level 5 ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) Certificate in Management and Leadership
I contribute to DNS1003 Ecology and Evolution, DXX2011 Catchment Processes, DXX2002 Water, Air & Soil Pollution, DXX3212/DXX3016 Forest ecosystems & Services and DXX3305 Field trip to Tenerife
Current and recent PhD students (2016-):
Cooper, M. Natural Flood Management in Wales
Ullah, K. Business adaptation strategies to meet the needs of the Circular Economy
Buenavista, D. P. Ethnobotanical Knowledge and Economic Potentials of Indigenous Plants Utilized by the Local Communities of Mindanao, Philippines
Iveson, K. Perceptions of Justice and Equity in Energy Infrastructure: Willingness to Pay for High Voltage Overhead Transmission Lines and Loss of Natural Capital
Smith, E. Local knowledge of land use change in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Ismaiel, I. A. Integrated water resources management in Kurdistan
Wodehouse, D. Predicting barriers to sustainable community mangrove management
Mollee, E. M. The innovative use of indigenous fruit trees for health and livelihoods in an urbanising world
Ribbons, R. R. Tree species and Soils: Pure and mixed tree species effects on soil C sequestration and processes
Akhter, S. Conservation of Mangifera sylvatica: a wild forest fruit species for health and livelihoods
Mwangi, H. M. Assessing the effect of forest-related land use change and climate change on Hydrological Ecosystem Services (HES): Mara River Basin case study
Haf, S. The winds of change? A comparative study of community energy developments in Scotland and Wales
I have broad research expertise in soil conservation and fertility; impacts of anthropogenic and natural disturbance on forest ecosystems; restoration forestry; buffer-zone management; forest nutrient and carbon cycling; tropical dry forest regeneration; agroforestry systems, water regulating ecosystem services and forest restoration through fallow management; Forest restoration and remediation of degraded and post-industrial. I am happy to supervise PhD students in these areas
B.Sc. Hons. (Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) Newcastle University
Ph.D. (Forestry) Edinburgh University. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) CASE Studentship.
Research Associate, University of British Columbia, Canada
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of British Columbia, Canada. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Fellowship (NSERC)
Visiting scholar, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE), Costa Rica
Visiting Lecturer and Research Fellow, University of the West Indies, Jamaica
Radio Producer, BBC Scotland
Grant Awards and Projects
Recent grant awards and projects:
EU Erasmus Mundus Masters Course Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR). Co-PI €3,471,000, 2017-2021
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Account – National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF). Community Energy Knowledge Exchange Visits: Expanding Knowledge Amongst Civil Society, Local Authorities and Secondary Schools. Co-I £20,711 2018
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Account. Who owns energy? A community renewables educative package for secondary schools in Wales. £10k PI 2017
Global Innovation Initiative. Establishing a network of research excellence for mine reclamation in southeast Asia. £149,980 PI 2015 – 2018
Newton Institutional Linkages Programme. Forest fruit and rural nutrition in Indonesia. £89k Co-PI 2015 - 2018
British Council Indonesia. Transformation of degraded lands to productive landscapes in Indonesia. £10k PI 2014-2015
European Union. Tree impacts on soil nutrient and carbon cycles. £102k PI 2014-2017
European Union. Conservation of Mangifera sylvatica: a threatened tree species in Bangladesh. £102k PI 2012-2017
European Union. The use of indigenous fruit trees for health and livelihoods in an urbanising world (Uganda). £98k 2012-2015
Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol PhD studentship £58,000 PI 2012-2016
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programme “Forests and Nature for Society (FONASO)”. €6,701,910, Co-PI, 2010-2020
Postgraduate Project Opportunities
Subject to funding, I would be happy to supervise PhD studies in the following general areas:
Forest ecosystem service provisioning in future drying climates
In-situ conservation of wild forest food for health and livelihoods
Impacts of anthropogenic and natural disturbance on forest ecosystems
Tropical dry forest regeneration
Water regulating ecosystem services and forest restoration
Forest restoration and remediation of degraded and post-industrial lands
Research outputs (83)
- Published
Advancing Circular Transformation in the Food Industry: Leveraging Dynamic Capabilities for Business Model Innovation
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review
- Published
Roots and rhizospheric soil microbial community responses to tree species mixtures.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Any alternatives to rice? Ethnobotanical insights into the dietary use of edible plants by the Higaonon tribe in Bukidnon Province, the Philippines
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (2)
Linking urban agroforestry and child nutrition: A case study from Kampala, Uganda
Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Alternative food sources when living in the city: coping with rising food prices in Kampala
Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Accolades (1)
4th World congress on Agroforestry Best poster award
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)