Professor Morag McDonald
Dean of College / Professor/ Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor

Contact info
Professor of Ecology and Catchment Management
Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Diversity and Inclusion)
Office: G21 Thoday Building
Telephone: +44 (0)1248 388076
Practitioner of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (PIEMA)
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers (FRGS)
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Level 5 ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) Certificate in Management and Leadership
- 2024
Business Model Innovation for the Circular Economy : Concepts, Cases, Challenges, and Adaptation Strategies in the Food and Drink Industry: Evidences from the UK
Ullah, K. (Author), Griffiths, G. (Supervisor) & McDonald, M. (Supervisor), 22 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2021
Co-production of knowledge with Indigenous peoples for UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Higaonon Food Ethnobotany, and a discovery of a new Begonia species in Mindanao, Philippines
Buenavista, D. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor) & Mollee, E. (Supervisor), 30 Jun 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2018
Assessment of surface water quality and quantity in Great Zab river catchment, in the Kurdish region of Iraq
Ismaiel, I. A. (Author), Bird, G. (Supervisor) & McDonald, M. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2017
Seeing the forest for the trees: Tree species effects on soil microbial communities and nutrient cycling dynamics
Ribbons, R. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor) & Vesterdal, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The use of urban plant resources for health and food security in Kampala, Uganda
Mollee, E. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Raebild, A. (Supervisor) & Kehlenbeck, K. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2016
Conservation of Mangifera sylvatica: a Wild Fruit Species for Health and Livelihoods
Akhter, S. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Impact of Land Use Change and Climate Variability on Watershed Hydrology in the Mara River Basin, East Africa
Mwangi, H. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Patil, S. (Supervisor), Feger, K.-H. (Supervisor) & Julich, S. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The winds of change? : A comparative study of community energy developments in Scotland and Wales
Haf, S. (Author), Griffiths, G. (Supervisor), McDonald, M. (Supervisor) & Parkhill, K. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2013
Carbon storage in Orchards
Anthony, R. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), 4 Nov 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2011
Long-term Impacts of Environmental Change on the Soils and Vegetation of Snowdonia
McGovern, S. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Mar 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2010
Assessing integrated watershed management and spatial groundwater vulnerability to pollution in priority watersheds of the Yacyreta Dam in Paraguay
Musalem-Castillejos, K. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor) & Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Mar 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Productivity and nutrient dynamics of Avicennia Marina (Forsk). Vierh. Mangroves grown on the Red sea coast of Saudi Arabia
Abohassan, R. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2009
Perspectives in vegetation monitoring: an evaluation of approaches currently used in the UK
Hearn, S. M. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor) & Healey, J. (Supervisor), Aug 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Multidisciplinary approach to support the design of a local policy of payment for hydrological ecosystem services, in a microwatershed located in northern Veracruz Mexico
Fuentes, J. L. C. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The role of canopy structure in leaf litter production, quality and decomposition in rustic and traditional coffee systems and forests in Mexico
Villavicencio Enriquez, L. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2006
Exploring the potential of sound management of forest and tree resources on cattle farms located in tropical dry forest of Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Flores Lopez, J. C. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2006Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2005
Improving the sustainability of cocoa farms in Ghana through utilization of native forest trees in agroforestry systems
Anglaaere, L. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2005Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2003
The development of interventions to minimise soil and nutrients losses in the Bari land of the middle hills of western development region of Nepal
Acharya, G. P. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Jul 2003Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2002
Ecology and socio-economic importance of short fallows in the humid forest zone of Southern Cameroon.
Ngobo Nkongo, M. P. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Dec 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2001
The regeneration of a Jamaican dry limestone forest after different intensities of human disturbance.
McLaren, K. P. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Aug 2001Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy