Professor Morag McDonald
Dean of College / Professor/ Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor

Contact info
Professor of Ecology and Catchment Management
Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Diversity and Inclusion)
Office: G21 Thoday Building
Telephone: +44 (0)1248 388076
Practitioner of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (PIEMA)
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers (FRGS)
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Level 5 ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) Certificate in Management and Leadership
Establishing network of research excellence for mine reclamation in SE Asia
McDonald, M. (PI)
1/03/15 → 17/08/18
Project: Research
Establishing network of research excellence for mine reclamation in SE Asia - extra funding
McDonald, M. (PI)
1/04/18 → 20/07/18
Project: Research
Ethnobotanical knowledge and economic potentials of indigenous plants (PhD studentship)
McDonald, M. (PI)
1/12/16 → 30/08/20
Project: Research
Payments for ecosystem services in tropical forests
McDonald, M. (PI)
1/10/11 → 7/09/15
Project: Research
The Role of Pioneer Species in Recovering Tropical Forests
McDonald, M. (PI)
1/04/12 → 14/02/17
Project: Research
Transformation of Degraded Lands to Productive Landscapes
McDonald, M. (PI)
1/11/13 → 31/08/14
Project: Research
Tree impacts on soil nutrient and carbon cycles
McDonald, M. (PI)
31/01/14 → 31/01/17
Project: Research