Dr Tim Whitton
Post-Doctoral Ecologist Researcher

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Google Scholar profile
Contact info
Room: 325 Westbury Mount Phone: 01248 383936
E-mail: t.whitton@bangor.ac.uk
Web: Google Scholar, ORCID
I am marine ecologist with a particular interest in how species’ distributions and behaviour are driven by the environment and predators, with a recent focus on how human activities may shape and change these interactions (fishing activities, manmade structures and renewable energy devices). My research has spanned intertidal and subtidal benthic systems to pelagic ecology. My research methods involve both laboratory and field experiments, but I am often using research vessels to take measurements and collect samples at sea.
Current Research
My current research is with Prof Jan Hiddink investigating the potential impact of bottom fishing on benthic systems, which is often in collaboration with the fishing sector. Current work is specifically on bottom fishing effects on blue carbon. There is much uncertainty about the how towed bottom fishing may affect blue carbon sequestration across different seabed types and fishing gear. We have sought to investigate this experimentally by sampling from the RV Prince Madog areas that have been fished to different intensities by different gear types. Our work seeks to help better inform any policy that may seek to manage fishing -blue carbon interactions.
Recent research highlights
Pelagic fish and tidal energy devices
To understand how the vertical distribution of small pelagic fish may change the likelihood of interactions with marine renewable devices and top-predators, I led a study to measure sprat schools and physical processes that drive their behaviour. I used fisheries acoustics from the RV Prince Madog and a bottom moored ASL AZFP and Simrad WBAT to investigate the depths that small pelagic fish are using in high current areas and how this changes over temporal scales of hours to months. Read the findings here and here
Marine life on shipwrecks
I led a section of work to investigate how marine life colonises and uses man-made structures. Specifically shipwrecks in areas of high tidal currents. See here for information.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any enquires about my research.
Research Themes: Marine Ecology Blue carbon Fishing Renewable energy
- 2023
Marine Studies Group Shackleton Conference 2023
Whitton, T. (Participant)
28 Sept 2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in Academic conference
Is bottom fishing impacting blue carbon?
Whitton, T. (Speaker)
13 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
- 2022
Estimating the seabed impacts of Nephrops norvegicus trawl and creel fisheries around Scotland, UK
Whitton, T. (Speaker)
21 Sept 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
- 2020
Vertical distribution of small pelagic fish: drivers and implications for assessing environmental interactions of tidal stream projects
Whitton, T. (Speaker)
23 Apr 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
- 2019
ICES training course 'Principles and methods of broadband/wideband technologies: application to fisheries acoustics'
Whitton, T. (Participant)
11 Dec 2019 → 16 Dec 2019Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course
Predictable fish school behaviour helps determine the risk of animal interactions with a tidal kite development off Anglesey
Whitton, T. (Speaker)
18 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Marine Life of WW1 shipwrecks in Welsh waters
Whitton, T. (Organiser) & Roberts, M. (Speaker)
31 Aug 2019Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course
Studying the environmental interactions of man-made structures: shipwrecks and marine renewable energy structures
Roberts, M. (Organiser) & Whitton, T. (Contributor)
27 Mar 2019Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation
Studying the marine ecology of man made structures.
Whitton, T. (Speaker)
9 Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
- 2018
Welsh Princes : Profile of the research vessel Prince Madog and her predecessor
Whitton, T. (Contributor)
14 Dec 2018Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation
The UK Acoustics Network (External organisation)
Whitton, T. (Member)
21 Nov 2018 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of network
Observing behaviour of pelagic fauna at a coastal tidal kite development site using bottom mounted and ship based echosounders.
Whitton, T. (Speaker)
20 Mar 2018 → 23 Mar 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Topic group to evaluate the impact of inclement weather on quality of acoustic data (TG-QUAD)
Whitton, T. (Participant)
17 Mar 2018 → 19 Mar 2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course
ICES Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST) (External organisation)
Whitton, T. (Member)
1 Mar 2018 → 30 Dec 2020Activity: Membership › Membership of network
- 2017
'RV Prince Madog: Two vessels delivering 50 years of sea going research at Bangor University' and 'Using Multibeam to study the seabed and ship wrecks of Welsh waters'
Whitton, T. (Speaker) & Roberts, M. (Speaker)
9 Dec 2017Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation
- 2016
Sharing shells ... underwater symbiosis, Natur Cymru / Nature of Wales (61)
Mackie, A. (Contributor) & Whitton, T. (Contributor)
Oct 2016 → Mar 2017Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation
Award Program for ASL's Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler
Whitton, T. (Contributor)
27 Jun 2016Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation