Controller structure for plants with combined saturation and deadzone/backlash

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  • M. Del Carmen Rodriguez Linan
    University of Manchester
  • W.P. Heath
    University of Manchester
Deadzone and backlash are two common non-linearities in physical systems. This paper presents a novel approach to compensate for the effects generated by deadzone and saturation, or backlash and saturation, acting in series on a system's input. It takes advantage of the idea of inverting the deadzone or backlash to cancel its effects. It is shown that the final setting corresponds to that of a saturation. Hence anti-windup is proposed as an effective control strategy.
Original languageUnknown
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jan 2013
Externally publishedYes
Event2012 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications - Dubrovnik, Croatia
Duration: 3 Oct 20125 Oct 2012


Conference2012 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications
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