Introduction: Law and War in Popular Culture

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

Popular culture in its best moments captures the public’s imagination of war and the role of law within it. While it can only approximate the brutal reality of war, there is the chance to infuse the audience with liberal ideas of the rule of law even under the most adverse conditions. After all, the response to seeing injustice is likely to favour better institutions, better rules, better servants of the law and better practices. But products of popular cultural can also veil severe abuses of power and mythologise living and dying in war. In this case, law can become void or an auxiliary to crime.


  • Law and popular culture, Law and war, War in popular culture, Socio-legal studies, Crime in the media, Crime and war, War crimes, Military justice
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLaw and War in Popular Culture
EditorsStefan Machura
Place of PublicationBaden-Baden
PublisherNomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Number of pages21
ISBN (print)9783756007356
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 14 Aug 2024

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