Parent and group leader refelctions on a group-based programme for parents and babies

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A longitudinal evaluation of individual family interventions with parents and babies (Olds et al, 1998) has shown substantial reductions in welfare and criminal justice expenditures, higher tax revenues in addition to improved physical and mental health. HVs and other group leaders referred parents for the trial using the study inclusion criteria; parents had infants younger man 26 weeks (mean age at baseline= 12.27 weeks; SD=4.96) and were considered to be living in poverty, calculated using the Families and Children Study criteria (Philo et al, 2009).


  • Infant; parenting; Intervention; Costing; Incredible Years
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26-29
JournalCommunity Practitioner
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2012
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