Coleg Iechyd a Gwyddorau Ymddygiad
- 2018
- Cyhoeddwyd
ESPACOMP Medication Adherence Reporting Guideline (EMERGE)
De Geest, S., Zullig, L. L., Dunbar-Jacob, J., Helmy, R., Hughes, D., Wilson, I. & Vrijens, B., 3 Gorff 2018, Yn: Annals of Internal Medicine. 169, 1, t. 30-35Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
A roadmap to advance dementia research in prevention, diagnosis, intervention, and care by 2025
Pickett, J., Bird, C., Ballard, C., Banerjee, S., Brayne, C., Gowan, K., Clare, L., Comas-Herrera, A., Corner, L., Daley, S., Knapp, M., Lafortune, L., Livingston, G., Manthorpe, J., Marchant, N., Moriarty, J., Robinson, L., van Lynden, C., Windle, G., Woods, R., Gray, K. & Walton, C., Gorff 2018, Yn: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 33, 7, t. 900-906Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Access to community care for persons with dementia and their informal carers: Case vignettes for a European comparison of structures and common pathways to formal care
Bieber, A., Stephan, A., Verbeek, H., Verhey, F., Kerpershoek, L., Wolfs, C., de Vught, M., Woods, R., Røsvik, J., Selbaek, G., Sjölund, B. M., Wimo, A., Hopper, L., Irving, K., Marques, M. J., Gonçalves-Pereira, M., Portolani, E., Zanetti, O. & Meyer, G., Gorff 2018, Yn: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie. 51, 5, t. 530-536 7 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Do guidelines for treating chest disease in children use Cochrane reviews effectively? A systematic review
Prayle, A., Cox, T., Smith, S. J., Rycroft-Malone, J., Thomas, K. S., Hughes, D. & Smyth, A. R., Gorff 2018, Yn: Thorax. 73, 7, t. 670-673Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Llythyr › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Needs and quality of life of people with middle-stage dementia and their family carers from the European Actifcare study. When informal care alone may not suffice
Kerpershoek, L., de Vugt, M., Wolfs, C., Woods, R., Jelley, H., Orrell, M., Bieber, A., Meyer, G., Selbaek, G., Handels, R., Wimo, A., Hopper, L., Irving, K., Marques, M. J., Gonçalves-Pereira, M., Portolani, E., Zanetti, O. & Verhey, F., Gorff 2018, Yn: Aging and Mental Health. 22, 7, t. 897-902 6 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Preferences of older patients regarding hip fracture rehabilitation service configuration: A feasibility discrete choice experiment
Charles, J., Roberts, J., Din, N., Williams, N., Yeo, S. T. & Edwards, R., Gorff 2018, Yn: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 50, 7, t. 636-642Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Core items for a standardized resource-use measure (ISRUM): expert Delphi consensus survey
Thom, J., Brookes, S. T., Ridyard, C., Riley, R., Hughes, D., Wordsworth, S., Noble, S., Thornton, G. & Hollingworth, W., Meh 2018, Yn: Value in Health. 21, 6, t. 640-649Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Disturbance alters ecosystem engineering by a canopy-forming alga
Pocklington, J., Jenkins, S., Bellgrove, A., Keough, M., O'Hara, T., Masterson Algar, P. & Hawkins, S. J., Meh 2018, Yn: Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 98, 4, t. 687-698 12 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Recognising modern slavery
Machura, S., Short, F., Hill, V. M., Suddaby, C. R., Goddard, F. E., Jones, S. E., Lloyd-Astbury, E. L., Richardson, L. & Rouse, C. A., 14 Mai 2018, Yn: Journal of Human Trafficking. 5, 3, t. 201-219 39 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Societal preferences for funding orphan drugs in the United Kingdom: An application of person trade off and discrete choice experiment methods
Bourke, S. M., Plumpton, C. & Hughes, D., 9 Mai 2018, Yn: Value in Health. 21, 5, t. 538-546Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Hip fracture in the elderly multidisciplinary rehabilitation (FEMuR) feasibility study: testing the use of routinely collected data for future health economic evaluations
Williams, N., Mawdesley, K., Roberts, J., Din, N., Totton, N., Charles, J., Hoare, Z. & Edwards, R., 7 Mai 2018, Yn: Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 4, 76.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Seeking assistance in later life: How do older people evaluate their need for assistance?
Canvin, K., MacLeod, C., Windle, G. & Sacker, A., 1 Mai 2018, Yn: Age and Ageing. 47, 3, t. 466-473Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Alleviating anxiety in patients prior to MRI: A pilot single-centre single-blinded randomised controlled trial to compare video demonstration or telephone conversation with a radiographer versus routine intervention
Tugwell, J. R., Goulden, N. & Mullins, P., Mai 2018, Yn: Radiography. 24, 2, t. 122-129Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Economics of pharmacogenetic guided treatments: Underwhelming or overstated?
Hughes, D., Mai 2018, Yn: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 103, 5, t. 749-751Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Goal-orientated cognitive rehabilitation for dementias associated with Parkinson’s disease- a pilot randomised controlled trial.
Hindle, J., Watermeyer, T., Brand, A., Roberts, J., Hoare, Z., Martyr, A. & Clare, L., Mai 2018, Yn: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 33, 5, t. 718-728Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
New Medicines in Wales: The All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG) Appraisal Process and Outcomes
Varnava, A., Samuels, K., Hughes, D. & Routledge, P. A., Mai 2018, Yn: Pharmacoeconomics. 36, 5, t. 613-624 12 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Randomised feasibility study to compare the use of Therabite with wooden spatulas to relieve and prevent trismus in patients with cancer of the head and neck
Lee, R., Yeo, S. T., Rogers, S., Caress, A., Molassiotis, A., Ryder, D., Sanghera, P., Lunt, C., Scott, B., Keeley, P., Edwards, R. & Slevin, N., Mai 2018, Yn: British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 56, 4, t. 283-291 9 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Effectiveness of the ‘Girls Active’ school-based physical activity programme: A cluster randomised controlled trial
Harrington, D., Davies, M., Bodicoat, D., Charles, J., Chudasama, Y., Gorely, T., Khunti, K., Plekhanova, T., Rowlands, A., Sherar, L., Edwards, R., Yates, T. & Edwardson, C., 25 Ebr 2018, Yn: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 15, 40.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Study protocol- Improving quality of life through the routine use of the patient concerns inventory for head and neck cancer patients: a cluster preference randomised controlled trial
Rogers, S., Lowe, D., Lowie, C., Yeo, S., Allmark, C., Mcavery, D., Humphris, G., Flavel, R., Semple, C., Thomas, S. & Kanatas, A., 18 Ebr 2018, Yn: BMC Cancer. 18, 444.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
How do we incorporate patient views into the design of health-care services for older people: a discussion paper
Brocklehurst, P., McKenna, G., Schimmel, M., Kossioni, A., Jerković-Ćosić, K., Hayes, M., da Mata, C. & Muller, F., 6 Ebr 2018, Yn: BMC Oral Health. 18, 61.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
New WHO Violence Prevention Information System, an interactive knowledge platform of scientific findings on violence
Burrows, S., Butchart, A., Butler, N., Quigg, Z., Bellis, M. A. & Mikton, C., Ebr 2018, Yn: Injury Prevention. 24, 2, t. 155-156Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl adolygu › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of a Human Rights Based Approach to dementia care in inpatient ward and care home settings
Kinderman, P., Butchard, S., Bruen, A. J., Wall, A., Goulden, N., Hoare, Z., Jones, C. & Edwards, R., 21 Maw 2018, Yn: Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR). 6.13Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
The Exploration of Body-Worn Video to Accelerate the Decision-Making Skills of Police Officers within an Experiential Learning Environment
Richards, P., Roberts, D., Britton, M. & Roberts, N., 1 Maw 2018, Yn: Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 12, 1, t. 43-49 7 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Performance, power and condom use: reconceptualised masculinities amongst Western male sex tourists to Thailand
Bishop, S. & Limmer, M., Maw 2018, Yn: Culture, Health & Sexuality. 20, 3, t. 276-288 13 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
A development study and randomised feasibility trial of a tailored intervention to improve activity and reduce falls in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia
Harwood, R., van der Wardt, V., Goldberg, S., Kearney, F., Logan, P., Hood-Moore, V., Booth, V., Hancox, J., Masud, T., Hoare, Z., Brand, A., Edwards, R., Jones, C., das Nair, R., Pollock, K., Godfrey, M., Gladman, J., Vedhara, K., Smith, H. & Orrell, M., 17 Chwef 2018, Yn: Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 4, 49, 12 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Stay Well in Wales: The public's views on public health. Findings from the nationally representative household survey
Sharp, C., Hughes, K. & Bellis, M., 16 Chwef 2018, Public Health Wales NHS Trust.Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/Adroddiad › Llyfr
- Cyhoeddwyd
PET-PANC: multicentre prospective diagnostic accuracy and health economic analysis study of the impact of combined modality 18fluorine-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography with computed tomography scanning in the diagnosis and management of pancreatic cancer
Ghaneh, P., Hanson, R., Titman, A., Lancaster, G., Plumpton, C., Lloyd-Williams, H., Yeo, S. T., Edwards, R., Johnson, C., Abu Hilal, M., Higginson, A., Armstrong, T., Smith, A., Scarsbrook, A., McKay, C., Carter, R., Sutcliffe, R., Bramhall, S., Kocher, H., Cunningham, D., Pereira, S., Davidson, B., Chang, D., Khan, S., Zealley, I., Sarker, D., Al Sarireh, B., Charnley, R., Lobo, D., Nicolson, M., Halloran, C., Raraty, M., Sutton, R., Vinjamuri, S., Evans, J., Campbell, F., Deeks, J., Sanghera, B., Wong, W.-L. & Neoptolemos, J., 6 Chwef 2018, Yn: Health Technology Assessment. 22, 7, 148 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Trial of Optimal Personalised Care After Treatment - Gynaecological cancer (TOPCAT-G): a randomised feasibility trial
Morrison, V., Spencer, L., Totton, N., Pye, K., Yeo, S. T., Butterworth, C., Hall, L., Whitaker, R., Edwards, R., Timmis, L., Hoare, Z., Neal, R., Wilkinson, C. & Leeson, S., 1 Chwef 2018, Yn: International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 28, 2, t. 401-411Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Rare disease prevention and treatment: The need for a level playing field
Hughes, D. & Plumpton, C., Chwef 2018, Yn: Pharmacogenomics. 19, 3, t. 243-247Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Ffynonellau gwydnwch a’u cysylltiadau lliniarol gyda’r niwed sy’n cael ei achosi gan brofiadau niweidiol yn ystod plentyndod: Adroddiad 1: Salwch meddwl
Hughes, K., Ford, K., Davies, A., Homolova, L. & Bellis, M., 18 Ion 2018, Public Health Wales NHS Trust. 60 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/Adroddiad › Adoddiad Arall › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Researcher reflexivity and the ethical dimensions of observing the response to vulnerability by frontline policing
Ford, K., 18 Ion 2018.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadledd › Papur › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Sources of resilience and their moderating relationships with harms from adverse childhood experiences. Report 1: Mental illness
Hughes, K., Ford, K., Davies, A., Homolova, L. & Bellis, M., 18 Ion 2018, Public Health Wales NHS Trust. 60 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/Adroddiad › Adoddiad Arall › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Clinical Efficacy, Cost-effectiveness and Mechanistic Evaluation of aflibercept for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (acronym CLARITY): a noninferiority randomised trial
Sivaprasad, S., Hykin, P., Prevost, A. T., Vasconcelos, J., Riddell, A., Ramu, J., Murphy, C., Kelly, J., Edwards, R., Yeo, S. T., Bainbridge, J., Hopkins, D. & White-Alao, B., Ion 2018, NIHR.Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/Adroddiad › Adroddiad Comisiwn
- Cyhoeddwyd
Cognitive reserve as a moderator of the negative association between mood and cognition: evidence from a population-representative cohort
Opdebeeck, C., Matthews, F. E., Wu, Y. T., Woods, R., Brayne, C. & Clare, L., Ion 2018, Yn: Psychological Medicine. 48, 1, t. 61-71Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Exploring the use of Soft Systems Methodology with realist approaches: A novel way to map programme complexity and develop and refine programme theory
Dalkin, S., Lhussier, M., Williams, L., Burton, C. & Rycroft-Malone, J., Ion 2018, Yn: Evaluation. 24, 1, t. 84-97Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Impact of non-adherence on the safety and efficacy of uric acid lowering therapies in the treatment of gout
Hill McManus, D., Soto, E., Marshall, S., Lane, S. & Hughes, D., Ion 2018, Yn: British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 84, 1, t. 142-152Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Impact on the phased abolition of co-payments on the utilisation of selected prescription medicines in Wales
Alam, M. F., Cohen, D., Dunstan, F., Hughes, D. & Routledge, P. A., Ion 2018, Yn: Health Economics. 27, 1, t. 236-243Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Healthcare guidelines on caring for transgender people with dementia
Davies Abbott, I., Page, S., Roberts, D. & Burgess, J., 2018, Yn: Journal of Dementia Care. 26, 6Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl
- Cyhoeddwyd
Negotiating the edge: The rationalisation of sexual risk-taking amongst Western male sex tourists to Thailand
Bishop, S. & Limmer, M., 2018, Yn: The Journal of Sex Research. 55, 7, t. 871-879Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
The knowledge mobilisation challenge: does producing evidence lead to its adoption within dentistry? Does producing evidence lead to its adoption and sustainability within dentistry?
Lloyd Goodwin, T., Brocklehurst, P. & Williams, L., 2018, Yn: British Dental Journal. 224, t. 136-139Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- 2017
- Cyhoeddwyd
Cost-effectiveness of yoga for managing musculoskeletal conditions in the workplace
Hartfiel, E., Clarke, G., Havenhand, J., Phillips, C. & Edwards, R., 30 Rhag 2017, Yn: Occupational Medicine. 67, 9, t. 687-695Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Impact of place of residence on place of death in Wales: An observational study
Ziwary, S. R., Samad, S., Johnson, C. D. & Edwards, R., 12 Rhag 2017, Yn: BMC Palliative Care. 16, 1, t. 72-77 6 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of the use of Physical ACtivity monitors in an exercise referral setting: the PACERS study.
Hawkings, J., Edwards, M., Charles, J., Jago, R., Kelson, M., Morgan, K., Murphy, S., Oliver, E., Simpson, S., Edwards, R. & Moore, G., 12 Rhag 2017, Yn: Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 3, 51, 12 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Investigating the Functional Utility of the Left Parietal ERP Old/New Effect: Brain Activity Predicts Within but Not Between Participant Variance in Episodic Recollection.
MacLeod, C. & Donaldson, D., 5 Rhag 2017, Yn: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 11, 580.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Costs and outcomes of improving population health through better social housing: a cohort study and economic analysis
Bray, N. J., Burns, P., Jones, A., Winrow, E. & Edwards, R., Rhag 2017, Yn: International Journal of Public Health . 62, 9, t. 1039-1050Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Staff training and outreach support for Cognitive Stimulation Therapy and its implementation in practice: A cluster randomised trial
Streater, A., Spector, A., Hoare, Z., Aguirre, E., Russell, I. & Orrell, M., Rhag 2017, Yn: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 32, 12, t. e64-e71Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
The effects of lifelong cognitive lifestyle on executive function in older people with Parkinson’s disease
Hindle, J., Martin-Forbes, P., Martyr, A., Bastable, A., Pye, K., Gathercole, V., Thomas, E. & Clare, L., Rhag 2017, Yn: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 32, 12, t. e157-e165Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Decision analytic modelling methods for the assessing the effectiveness of treatment sequences for clinical and economic decision making: a methodological review
Lewis, R., Hughes, D. & Wilkinson, C., 30 Tach 2017, Yn: Value in Health. 20, 9, t. A748 1 t.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Creation and trial of New Dynamic Dudes Classroom Exercise DVDs: The effects of increased intensity and variety of modelled target moves
Horne, P. & Sharp, C., 16 Tach 2017.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadledd › Papur › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Validity and reliability of the Fitbit Zip as a measure of pre-school children’s step count
Sharp, C., Mackintosh, K., Erjavec, M., Pascoe, D. & Horne, P., 16 Tach 2017.Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadledd › Papur › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid