
Hidlyddion uwch

Pob awdur

  1. Cyhoeddwyd

    Free school meals 'stigma' worries could have knock-on effect

    ap Gruffudd, G., 4 Hyd 2018

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad arallCyfraniad Arall

  2. Cyhoeddwyd

    Poverty, Education, and Cultural Wealth in Welsh Schools and Communities

    ap Gruffudd, G., Spencer, L., Payne, J. & Wilde, A., 11 Ebr 2018. 23 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddArall

  3. Cyhoeddwyd

    Free school meal funds help pay for school trips too – but self-imposed stigma stops parents claiming

    ap Gruffudd, G., 6 Medi 2018, The Conversation.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyhoeddiad arbenigolErthygl Nodweddol

  4. Cyhoeddwyd

    Subject and whole school level approaches used by rural schools in Wales to reduce inequalities in education and raise pupils’ attainment and achievement

    ap Gruffudd, G. & Jones, S., 12 Awst 2018, t. 1-8.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapuradolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  5. Cyhoeddwyd

    Rural Education Action Plan

    ap Gruffudd, G., 11 Hyd 2018, 20 t. WG34576 Cardiff : Welsh Government.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad arallCyfraniad Aralladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  6. Cyhoeddwyd

    Re-thinking Educational Attainment and Poverty (REAP) - in Rural Wales

    ap Gruffudd, G., Spencer, L., Payne, J., Wilde, A., Watkins, R., Jones, S., Thomas, E. M., Hughes, C. & O'Connor, B., 1 Tach 2017, Bangor University. 130 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/AdroddiadAdroddiad Comisiwn

  7. Cyhoeddwyd

    'Stigma prydau am ddim yn taro cyllidebau ysgolion'

    ap Gruffudd, G., 4 Hyd 2018

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad arallCyfraniad Arall

  8. Cyhoeddwyd

    The dynamic animation of ambulatory arthropods.

    ap Cenydd, L. & Teahan, W. J., 1 Ion 2007.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  9. Cyhoeddwyd

    Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots

    [Unknown], F. N., Blundo, C., Carilla, J., Grau, R., Malizia, A., Malizia, L., Osinaga-Acosta, O., Bird, M., Bradford, M., Catchpole, D., Ford, A., Graham, A., Hilbert, D., Kemp, J., Laurance, S., Laurance, W., Ishida, F. Y., Marshall, A., Waite, C., Woell, H., Bastin, J-F., Bauters, M., Beeckman, H., Boeckx, P., Bogaert, J., Canniere, C. D., Haulleville, T. D., Doucet, J-L., Hardy, O., Hubau, W., Kearsley, E., Verbeeck, H., Vleminckx, J., Brewer, S. W., Alarcón, A., Araujo-Murakami, A., Arets, E., Arroyo, L., Chavez, E., Fredericksen, T., Villaroel, R. G., Sibauty, G. G., Killeen, T., Licona, J. C., Lleigue, J., Mendoza, C., Murakami, S., Gutierrez, A. P., Pardo, G., Peña-Claros, M., Poorter, L., Toledo, M., Cayo, J. V., Viscarra, L. J., Vos, V., Ahumada, J., Almeida, E., Almeida, J., Oliveira, E. A. D., Cruz, W. A. D., Oliveira, A. A. D., Carvalho, F. A., Obermuller, F. A., Andrade, A., Carvalho, F. A., Vieira, S. A., Aquino, A. C., Aragão, L., Araújo, A. C., Assis, M. A., Gomes, J. A. M. A., Baccaro, F., Camargo, P. B. D., Barni, P., Barroso, J., Bernacci, L. C., Bordin, K., Medeiros, M. B. D., Broggio, I., Camargo, J. L., Cardoso, D., Carniello, M. A., Rochelle, A. L. C., Castilho, C., Castro, A. A. J. F., Castro, W., Ribeiro, S. C., Costa, F., Oliveira, R. C. D., Coutinho, I., Cunha, J., Costa, L. D., Ferreira, L. D. C., Silva, R. D. C., Simbine, M. D. G. Z., Kamimura, V. D. A., Lima, H. C. D., Melo, L. D. O., Queiroz, L. D., Lima, J. R. D. S., Santo, M. D. E., Domingues, T., Prestes, N. C. D. S., Carneiro, S. E. S., Elias, F., Eliseu, G., Emilio, T., Farrapo, C. L., Fernandes, L., Ferreira, G., Ferreira, J., Ferreira, L., Ferreira, S., Simon, M. F., Freitas, M. A., García, Q. S., Manzatto, A. G., Graça, P., Guilherme, F., Hase, E., Higuchi, N., Iguatemy, M., Barbosa, R. I., Jaramillo, M., Joly, C., Klipel, J., Amaral, I. L. D., Levis, C., Lima, A. S., Dan, M. L., Lopes, A., Madeiros, H., Magnusson, W. E., Santos, R. M. D., Marimon, B., Junior, B. H. M., Grillo, R. M. M., Martinelli, L., Reis, S. M., Medeiros, S., Meira-Junior, M., Metzker, T., Morandi, P., Nascimento, N. M. D., Moura, M., Müller, S. C., Nagy, L., Nascimento, H., Nascimento, M., Lima, A. N., Araújo, R. O. D., Silva, J. O., Pansonato, M., Sabino, G. P., Abreu, K. M. P. D., Rodrigues, P. J. F. P., Piedade, M., Rodrigues, D., Pinto, J. R. R., Quesada, C., Ramos, E., Ramos, R., Rodrigues, P., Sousa, T. R. D., Salomão, R., Santana, F., Scaranello, M., Bergamin, R. S., Schietti, J., Schöngart, J., Schwartz, G., Silva, N., Silveira, M., Seixas, C. S., Simbine, M., Souza, A. C., Souza, P., Souza, R., Sposito, T., Junior, E. S., Vale, J. D. D., Vieira, I. C. G., Villela, D., Vital, M., Xaud, H., Zanini, K., Zartman, C. E., Ideris, N. K. H., Metali, F. B. H., Salim, K. A., Saparudin, M. S., Serudin, R. M., Sukri, R. S., Begne, S., Chuyong, G., Djuikouo, M. N., Gonmadje, C., Simo-Droissart, M., Sonké, B., Taedoumg, H., Zemagho, L., Thomas, S., Baya, F., Saiz, G., Espejo, J. S., Chen, D., Hamilton, A., Li, Y., Luo, T., Niu, S., Xu, H., Zhou, Z., Álvarez-Dávila, E., Escobar, J. C. A., Arellano-Peña, H., Duarte, J. C., Calderón, J., Bravo, L. M. C., Cuadrado, B., Cuadros, H., Duque, A., Duque, L. F., Espinosa, S. M., Franke-Ante, R., García, H., Gómez, A., González-M., R., Idárraga-Piedrahíta, Á., Jimenez, E., Jurado, R., Oviedo, W. L., López-Camacho, R., Cruz, O. A. M., Polo, I. M., Paky, E., Pérez, K., Pijachi, A., Pizano, C., Prieto, A., Ramos, L., Correa, Z. R., Richardson, J., Rodríguez, E., M., G. M. R., Rudas, A., Stevenson, P., Chudomelová, M., Dancak, M., Hédl, R., Lhota, S., Svatek, M., Mukinzi, J., Ewango, C., Hart, T., Yakusu, E. K., Lisingo, J., Makana, J-R., Mbayu, F., Toirambe, B., Mukendi, J. T., Kvist, L., Nebel, G., Báez, S., Céron, C., Griffith, D. M., Andino, J. E. G., Neill, D., Palacios, W., Peñuela-Mora, M. C., Rivas-Torres, G., Villa, G., Demissie, S., Gole, T., Gonfa, T., Ruokolainen, K., Baisie, M., Bénédet, F., Betian, W., Bezard, V., Bonal, D., Chave, J., Droissart, V., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Hladik, A., Labrière, N., Naisso, P., Réjou-Méchain, M., Sist, P., Blanc, L., Burban, B., Derroire, G., Dourdain, A., Stahl, C., Bengone, N. N., Chezeaux, E., Ondo, F. E., Medjibe, V., Mihindou, V., White, L., Culmsee, H., Rangel, C. D., Horna, V., Wittmann, F., Adu-Bredu, S., Affum-Baffoe, K., Foli, E., Balinga, M., Roopsind, A., Singh, J., Thomas, R., Zagt, R., Murthy, I. K., Kartawinata, K., Mirmanto, E., Priyadi, H., Samsoedin, I., Sunderland, T., Yassir, I., Rovero, F., Vinceti, B., Hérault, B., Aiba, S-I., Kitayama, K., Daniels, A., Tuagben, D., Woods, J. T., Fitriadi, M., Karolus, A., Khoon, K. L., Majalap, N., Maycock, C., Nilus, R., Tan, S., Sitoe, A., G., I. C., Ojo, L., Assis, R. D., Poulsen, A. D., Sheil, D., Pezo, K. A., Verde, H. B., Moscoso, V. C., Oroche, J. C. C., Valverde, F. C., Medina, M. C., Cardozo, N. D., Corzo, J. D. R., Pasquel, J. D. A., Llampazo, G. F., Freitas, L., Cabrera, D. G., Villacorta, R. G., Cabrera, K. G., Soria, D. G., Saboya, L. G., Rios, J. M. G., Pizango, G. H., Coronado, E. H., Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, I., Huasco, W. H., Aedo, Y. T. H., Peña, J. L. M., Mendoza, A. M., Rodriguez, V. M., Vargas, P. N., Ramos, S. C. P., Camacho, N. P., Cruz, A. P., Arevalo, F. R., Huaymacari, J. R., Rodriguez, C. R., Paredes, M. A. R., Bayona, L. R., Gonzales, R. D. P. R., Peña, M. E. R., Revilla, N. S., Shareva, Y. C. S., Trujillo, R. T., Gamarra, L. V., Martinez, R. V., Arenas, J. V., Amani, C., Ifo, S. A., Bocko, Y., Boundja, P., Ekoungoulou, R., Hockemba, M., Nzala, D., Fofanah, A., Taylor, D., Dios, G. B., Cayuela, L., Cerda, Í. G. L., Macía, M., Stropp, J., Playfair, M., Wortel, V., Gardner, T., Muscarella, R., Priyadi, H., Rutishauser, E., Chao, K-J., Munishi, P., Bánki, O., Bongers, F., Boot, R., Fredriksson, G., Reitsma, J., Steege, H. T., Andel, T. V., Meer, P. V. D., Hout, P. V. D., Nieuwstadt, M. V., Ulft, B. V., Veenendaal, E., Vernimmen, R., Zuidema, P., Zwerts, J., Akite, P., Bitariho, R., Chapman, C., Gerald, E., Leal, M., Mucunguzi, P., Abernethy, K., Alexiades, M., Baker, T. R., Banda, K., Banin, L., Barlow, J., Bennett, A., Berenguer, E., Berry, N., Bird, N. M., Blackburn, G. A., Brearley, F., Brienen, R., Burslem, D., Carvalho, L., Cho, P., Coelho, F., Collins, M., Coomes, D., Cuni-Sanchez, A., Dargie, G., Dexter, K., Disney, M., Draper, F., Duan, M., Esquivel-Muelbert, A., Ewers, R., Fadrique, B., Fauset, S., Feldpausch, T. R., França, F., Galbraith, D., Gilpin, M., Gloor, E., Grace, J., Hamer, K., Harris, D., Jeffery, K., Jucker, T., Kalamandeen, M., Klitgaard, B., Levesley, A., Lewis, S. L., Lindsell, J., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Lovett, J., Malhi, Y., Marthews, T., McIntosh, E., Melgaço, K., Milliken, W., Mitchard, E., Moonlight, P., Moore, S., Morel, A., Peacock, J., Peh, K. S-H., Pendry, C., Pennington, R. T., Pereira, L. D. O., Peres, C., Phillips, O. L., Pickavance, G., Pugh, T., Qie, L., Riutta, T., Roucoux, K., Ryan, C., Sarkinen, T., Valeria, C. S., Spracklen, D., Stas, S., Sullivan, M., Swaine, M., Talbot, J., Taplin, J., Heijden, G. V. D., Vedovato, L., Willcock, S., Williams, M., Alves, L., Loayza, P. A., Arellano, G., Asa, C., Ashton, P., Asner, G., Brncic, T., Brown, F., Burnham, R., Clark, C., Comiskey, J., Damasco, G., Davies, S., Fiore, T. D., Erwin, T., Farfan-Rios, W., Hall, J., Kenfack, D., Lovejoy, T., Martin, R., Montiel, O. M., Pipoly, J., Pitman, N., Poulsen, J., Primack, R., Silman, M., Steininger, M., Swamy, V., Terborgh, J., Thomas, D., Umunay, P., Uriarte, M., Torre, E. V., Wang, O., Young, K., C., G. A. A., Hernández, L., Fernández, R. H., Ramírez-Angulo, H., Salcedo, P., Sanoja, E., Serrano, J., Torres-Lezama, A., Le, T. C., Le, T. T. & Tran, H. D., Awst 2021, Yn: Biological Conservation. 260, t. 108849 51 t., 108849.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  10. Cyhoeddwyd

    Perception of edges and visual texture in the camouflage of the common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis

    Zylinski, S., Osorio, D. & Shohet, A., 2009, Yn: Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 364, 1516, t. 439-448

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  11. Mesopelagic cephalopods switch between transparency and pigmentation to optimize camouflage in the deep

    Zylinski, S. & Johnsen, S., 22 Tach 2011, Yn: Current Biology. 21, 22, t. 1937-41 5 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  12. Cuttlefish see shape from shading, fine-tuning coloration in response to pictorial depth cues and directional illumination

    Zylinski, S., Osorio, D. & Johnsen, S., 16 Maw 2016, Yn: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 283, 1826, 20160062.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  13. Visual interpolation for contour completion by the European cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and its use in dynamic camouflage

    Zylinski, S., Darmaillacq, A-S. & Shashar, N., 22 Meh 2012, Yn: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 279, 1737, t. 2386-90 5 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  14. Fun and play in invertebrates

    Zylinski, S., 5 Ion 2015, Yn: Current Biology. 25, 1, t. R10-2

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygl

  15. To be seen or to hide: visual characteristics of body patterns for camouflage and communication in the Australian giant cuttlefish Sepia apama

    Zylinski, S., How, M. J., Osorio, D., Hanlon, R. T. & Marshall, N. J., Mai 2011, Yn: American Naturalist. 177, 5, t. 681-90 10 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  16. Edge detection and texture classification by cuttlefish

    Zylinski, S., Osorio, D. & Shohet, A. J., 14 Rhag 2009, Yn: Journal of Vision. 9, 13, t. 13.1-10

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  17. Visual contrast and color in rapid learning of novel patterns by chicks

    Zylinski, S. & Osorio, D., 15 Tach 2013, Yn: Journal of Experimental Biology. 216, Part 22, t. 4184-9 6 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  18. Cuttlefish camouflage: context-dependent body pattern use during motion

    Zylinski, S., Osorio, D. & Shohet, A. J., 19 Awst 2009, Yn: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 276, 1675, t. 3963-9 7 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  19. Cyhoeddwyd

    A dual porosity model of nutrient uptake by root hairs

    Zygalakis, K. C., Kirk, G. J. D., Jones, D. L., Wissuwa, M. & Roose, T., Tach 2011, Yn: New Phytologist. 192, 3, t. 676-688

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  20. Cyhoeddwyd

    Limited impact of an invasive oyster on intertidal assemblage structure and biodiversity: the importance of environmental context and functional equivalency with native species

    Zwerschke, N., Hollyman, P., Wild, R., Stringer, R., Turner, J. & King, J., Mai 2018, Yn: Marine Biology. 165, 5, 88.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  21. Cyhoeddwyd

    Quantification of blue carbon pathways contributing to negative feedback on climate change following glacier retreat in West Antarctic fjords

    Zwerschke, N., Sands, C. J., Roman-Gonzalez, A., Barnes, D. K. A., Guzzi, A., Jenkins, S., Muñoz-Ramírez, C. & Scourse, J., Ion 2022, Yn: Global Change Biology. 28, 1, t. 8-20

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  22. Cyhoeddwyd

    Rebuilding soil hydrological functioning after swidden agriculture in eastern Madagascar

    Zwartendijk, B. W., van Meerveld, H. J., Ghimire, C. P., Bruijnzeel, L. A., Ravelona, M. & Jones, J. P. G., 15 Chwef 2017, Yn: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 239, t. 101-111

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  23. Cyhoeddwyd

    Heat Acclimation by Post-Exercise Hot Water Immersion: Reduction of Thermal Strain During Morning and Afternoon Exercise-Heat Stress after Morning Hot-Water Immersion

    Zurawlew, M. J., Mee, J. A. & Walsh, N. P., Tach 2018, Yn: International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13, 10, t. 1281-1286 22 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  24. Cyhoeddwyd

    Post-exercise hot water immersion induces heat acclimation and improves endurance exercise performance in the heat

    Zurawlew, M., Walsh, N., Fortes, M. & Potter, C., 9 Rhag 2015, Yn: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  25. Cyhoeddwyd

    Post-exercise hot water immersion elicits heat acclimation adaptations in endurance trained and recreationally active individuals

    Zurawlew, M., Mee, J. & Walsh, N., 18 Rhag 2018, Yn: Frontiers in Physiology. 9, 1824.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  26. Cyhoeddwyd

    Don’t make me angry! A psychophysiological examination of the anger-performance relationship in intermediate and elite fencers

    Zur, I., Cooke, A., Woodman, T., Neil, R. & Udewitz, R., 3 Gorff 2019, Yn: Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 31, 3, t. 285-302

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  27. Cyhoeddwyd

    Tidal dynamics in palaeo-seas in response to changes in physiography, tidal forcing and bed shear stress

    Zuchuat, V., Steele, E., Mulligan, R. P., Collins, D. S. & Green, M., 1 Meh 2022, Yn: Sedimentology. 69, 4, t. 1861-1890

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  28. Cyhoeddwyd

    Bifocal radial visualization of intranet search results using image caching.

    Zschimmer, A. J., Roberts, J. C., Duce, D. (gol.) & Lim, I. S. (gol.), 1 Meh 2007, t. 115-122.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  29. Cyhoeddwyd

    The interaction between personality and psychological skills upon training behaviours

    Zourbanos, N., Hardy, L. & Woodman, T., 1 Gorff 2004.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  30. Cyhoeddwyd
  31. Cyhoeddwyd

    The use of biosurfactants in flotation: application for the removal of metal ions (vol 16, pg 1231, 2003)

    Zouboulis, A. I., Matis, K. A., Lazaridis, N. K. & Golyshin, P. N., 1 Ion 2004, Yn: Minerals Engineering. 17, 1, t. 105

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  32. Cyhoeddwyd

    Geometrid moth assemblages reflect high conservation value of naturally regenerated secondary forests in temperate China

    Zou, Y., Sang, W., Warren-Thomas, E. & Axmacher, J. C., 15 Awst 2016, Yn: Forest Ecology and Management. 374, t. 111-118

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  33. Cyhoeddwyd

    Diversity patterns of ground beetles and understory vegetation in mature, secondary, and plantation forest regions of temperate northern China

    Zou, Y., Sang, W., Wang, S., Warren-Thomas, E., Liu, Y., Yu, Z., Wang, C. & Axmacher, J. C., 1 Chwef 2015, Yn: Ecology and Evolution. 5, 3, t. 531-542

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  34. Large-scale α-diversity patterns in plants and ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) indicate a high biodiversity conservation value of China's restored temperate forest landscapes

    Zou, Y., Sang, W., Bai, F., Brennan, E., Diekman, M., Liu, Y., Li, L., Marples, A., Shi, H., Sui, Z., Sun, X., Wang, C., Wang, X., Warren-Thomas, E., Yang, X., Yu, Z. & Axmacher, J. C., 10 Awst 2019, Yn: Diversity and Distributions. 25, 10, t. 1613-1624 12 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  35. Conditions for attaining the global minimum in maximum likelihood system identification

    Zou, Y. & Heath, W. P., 21 Ebr 2016, Yn: IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). 42, 10, t. 1110-1115 6 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  36. Global convergence conditions in maximum likelihood estimation

    Zou, Y. & Heath, W. P., Mai 2012, Yn: International Journal of Control. 85, 5, t. 475-490 16 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  37. The quantification of large SNR for MLE of ARARMAX models

    Zou, Y. & Heath, W. P., 29 Ion 2010, t. 5108-5113. 6 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapuradolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  38. Cyhoeddwyd

    Photonic Hook-Assisted Contrast-Enhanced Super-Resolution Imaging Using Janus Microspheres

    Zou, P., Xu, C., Zhi, L., Melinte, S., Wang, Z., Zuo, C. & Ye, R., 1 Maw 2024, Yn: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 36, 5, t. 353-356 4 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  39. Cyhoeddwyd

    Grain and crystal texture properties of absorber layers in MOCVD-grown CdTe/CdS solar cells

    Zoppi, G., Durose, K., Irvine, S. J. & Barrioz, V., 19 Ebr 2006, Yn: Semiconductor Science and Technology. 21, 6, t. 763-770

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  40. Cyhoeddwyd

    Surface plasmon resonance assisted rapid laser joining of glass

    Zolotovskaya, S. A., Tang, G., Wang, Z. & Abdolvand, A., 25 Awst 2014, Yn: Applied Physics Letters. 105, 8, t. 083109

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  41. Cyhoeddwyd

    Closed-head minimal traumatic brain injury produces long-term cognitive deficits in mice

    Zohar, O., Schreiber, S., Getslev, V., Schwartz, J. P., Mullins, P. G. & Pick, C. G., 10 Ebr 2003, Yn: Neuroscience. 118, 4, t. 949-55 7 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  42. Cyhoeddwyd

    On the surrogate value of red-listed butterflies for butterflies and grasshoppers: a case study in Grammos site of Natura 2000, Greece.

    Zografou, K., Sfenthourakis, S., Pullin, A. S. & Kati, V., 1 Hyd 2009, Yn: Journal Of Insect Conservation. 13, 5, t. 505-514

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  43. Cyhoeddwyd

    Impact of place of residence on place of death in Wales: An observational study

    Ziwary, S. R., Samad, S., Johnson, C. D. & Edwards, R., 12 Rhag 2017, Yn: BMC Palliative Care. 16, 1, t. 72-77 6 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  44. Cyhoeddwyd

    The role of the voluntary sector in delayed transfer of care (DToC)/hospital discharge.

    Zinovieff, F. M. & Robinson, C. A., 1 Ion 2010, 2010 gol. Unknown.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/AdroddiadAdroddiad Comisiwn

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    Carers Interventions Assessed: Final Report

    Zinovieff, F. M., Robinson, C. A., Tommis, Y. & Morgan, R., 1 Ion 2009, 2009 gol. Unknown.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/AdroddiadAdroddiad Comisiwn

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    Questionnaires and surveys.

    Zinovieff, F. M., Iphofen, R. (gol.), Krayer, A. (gol.) & Robinson, C. A. (gol.), 1 Ion 2009, Reviewing and Reading Social Care Research: from Ideas to Findings. 2009 gol. Bangor University

    Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

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    Preventing delayed transfers of care: person-centred voluntary sector services.

    Zinovieff, F. M., Robinson, C. A. & Collis, B., 1 Ion 2009.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  48. Cyhoeddwyd

    A dyslexic's progress

    Zinovieff, F. M., Miles, T. R. (gol.), Gilroy, D. (gol.) & DuPre, E. A. (gol.), 1 Ion 2008, Dyslexia at College. 3rd Edition. 2007 gol. Routledge, t. 272-284

    Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

  49. Cyhoeddwyd

    DNA metabarcoding-Need for robust experimental designs to draw sound ecological conclusions

    Zinger, L., Bonin, A., Alsos, I. G., Bálint, M., Bik, H., Boyer, F., Chariton, A. A., Creer, S., Coissac, E., Deagle, B. E., De Barba, M., Dickie, I. A., Dumbrell, A. J., Ficetola, G. F., Fierer, N., Fumagalli, L., Gilbert, M. T. P., Jarman, S., Jumpponen, A., Kauserud, H., Orlando, L., Pansu, J., Pawlowski, J., Tedersoo, L., Thomsen, P. F., Willerslev, E. & Taberlet, P., Ebr 2019, Yn: Molecular Ecology. 28, 8, t. 1857-1862 6 t.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  50. Cyhoeddwyd

    Assessing the impact of within crop heterogeneity ('patchiness') in young Miscanthus x giganteus fields on economic feasibility and soil carbon sequestration

    Zimmermann, J., Styles, D., Hastings, A., Dauber, J. & Jones, M. B., 17 Mai 2014, Yn: GCB Bioenergy. 6, 5, t. 566-576

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid