School of Education

  1. Chapter › Research › Peer-reviewed
  2. Published

    The National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh: Project Report | Y Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes: Adroddiad y Prosiect

    Knight, D., Morris, S., Fitzpatrick, T., Rayson, P., Spasić, I. & Thomas, E., 1 Aug 2020, The National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh: Project Report | Y Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes: Adroddiad y Prosiect. Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  3. Accepted/In press

    The acquisition of Welsh morphosyntax

    Thomas, E., Binks, H. & Lloyd-Williams, S., 3 Apr 2024, (Accepted/In press) The acquisition of Celtic languages . Chondrogianni, V., O'Toole, C. & Thomas, E. (eds.). Cambridge University Press

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  4. Published

    The linguistic, cognitive and emotional advantages of minority language bilingualism

    Young, N., Rhys, M., Kennedy, I. A. & Thomas, E., 1 Feb 2017, Bilingualism and Minority Language in Europe: Current Trends and Developments. Lauchlan, F. & Parafita Couto, M. D. C. (eds.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 120-142

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  5. Published

    Thrust-related permeability in the South Wales coalfield

    Hathaway, T. M. & Gayer, R. A., Apr 1996, Coalbed methane and coal geology. Gayer, R. A. & Harris, I. R. (eds.). Geological Society of London, p. 121-132 12 p. (Geological Society of London Special Publications; no. 109).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  6. Published

    Towards a critical understanding of Wales’ present for future generations

    French, G., Beckett, L., Hughes, C. & Thirsk, G., 15 Jul 2023, Child poverty in Wales: Exploring the Challenges for Schooling Future Generations. Beckett, L. (ed.). University of Wales Press

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  7. Accepted/In press

    Understanding systemic, personal and linguistic challenges in the internationalisation of doctoral studies

    Rönnqvist, C., Sullivan, K. & Thomas, E., Nov 2023, (Accepted/In press) Internationalisation of the Doctoral Experience: Models, Opportunities and Outcomes. Jones, E., Norlin, B., Rönnqvist, C. & Sullivan, K. P. H. (eds.). Routledge

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  8. Chapter › Research › Not peer-reviewed
  9. Published

    A Biography of Jim Cummins.

    Baker, C. R. & Mesthrie, R. (ed.), 1 Jan 2001, The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics. 2001 ed. Elsevier, p. 856-857

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  10. Published

    A Country Without Language - A Country Without Heart

    Clapham, J., Feb 1996, We Share the Same Struggle: Women in Wales Women in Nicaragua . Daniel, P. (ed.). Grwp Canolbarth America Mon

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  11. Published

    A closer look at parent language ability: Welsh and English vocabulary

    Gathercole, V. & Thomas, E., 2007, Language Transmission in Bilingual Families in Wales. Gathercole, V. (ed.). Welsh Language Board, p. 210-222

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  12. Published

    Addysg Cyfrwng Cymraeg fel System.

    Baker, C. R., Jones, T. P., Roberts, G. (ed.) & Williams, C. (ed.), 1 Jan 2003, Addysg Gymraeg Addysg Gymreig. 2003 ed. Ysgol Addysg Prifysgol Cymru Bangor, p. 66-84

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter