School of Education
Abbaszadeh, Sahar
- Venues Hospitality and Catering - Catering Assistant
- School of Education
Person: Support
Bebb, Gwenno
- School of Education - Lecturer
- Welsh 4 Adults - Tiwtor dysgu Cymraeg
Person: Support, Academic
Bishop, Emma
- School of Education - Lecturer in Education (Teaching & Scholarship, Initial Teacher Education)
Person: Academic
Bradshaw, Ann
- School of Education - Schools and Learning Organisations Lead (NO ELEMENTS)
Person: Academic
Doughty, Stephen
- North Wales Medical School - Professor of Pharmacy and Head of Pharmacy Programme
- School of Education - Interim Head of the Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
Person: Academic
Dunton, Joanna
- School of Education - Lecturer
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Language Therapist, Teaching Co-ordinator
Person: Professional, Academic
Elliott, Ruth
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Tutor (Delivery & online portfolio development), Language Therapist
- School of Education
Person: Academic
Evans, Ffion
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Senior Lecturer in Performance
- School of Education
Person: Academic
Eyo-Otung, Ama
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Public Procurement Law / Dean of Education and Student Experience
- School of Education - CELT Learning & Teaching Development
Person: Academic
Fleet, Liz
- School of Education - Strategic Project Lead in Education (Teaching & Scholarship)
Person: Academic
Gilder, Thandi
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Senior Lecturer in Psychology / Director of Teaching and Learning
- School of Education - Learning & Teaching Development Leader
Person: Academic
Grange, Laura
- School of Ocean Sciences - Reader in Marine Biology
- School of Education - Reward and Recognition for T&L Lead
Person: Academic
Hulson-Jones, Amy
- School of Education - Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Research Officer
Person: Research, Non Staff
Huws, Dei
- School of Ocean Sciences - Reader in Ocean Sciences / Director of Teaching and Learning
- School of Education - Learning and Teaching Development Leader (CELT)
Person: Academic