Professor Enlli Thomas
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Head of College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Contact info
Position: Pro Vice-Chancellor and Head of College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Phone: 01248 383053
Location: 2nd Floor Main Arts
- 2022
Oes modd ail-greu rhyngweithio dosbarth cyfathrebol Cymraeg i Oedolion drwy ddulliau digidol i gefnogi cywirdeb ac ynganiad iaith dysgwyr ar lefel dechreuwyr cwrs Mynediad (A1)?
Jones, L. (Author), Thomas, E. (Supervisor) & Cooper, S. (Supervisor), 17 Nov 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2021
Language and Executive Functioning Skills in Greek-English Bilingual Children in the U.K.
Papastergiou, A. (Author), Sanoudaki, E. (Supervisor), Thomas, E. (Supervisor), Tamburelli, M. (Supervisor) & Chondrogianni, V. (Supervisor), 4 Oct 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An Exploration of the potential markers of literacy difficulties in Welsh-English Bilinguals
Owen, C. (Author), Thomas, E. (Supervisor), 24 Sept 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An evaluation of the effectiveness of Cymraeg bob dydd across the curriculum in English-Medium schools in North Wales
Parry, N. (Author), Thomas, E. (Supervisor) & Young, N. (Supervisor), 9 Feb 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2020
Profiling the Language Abilities of Welsh-English Bilingual Children with Down Syndrome
Ward, R. (Author), Sanoudaki, E. (Supervisor) & Thomas, E. (Supervisor), 11 Aug 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Psychoeducational learning: a qualitative study
Griffith, E. (Author), Young, N. (Supervisor) & Thomas, E. (Supervisor), 6 Jul 2020Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
- 2017
Investigating the Bilingual ‘Catch-up’ in Welsh-English Bilingual Teenagers
Binks, H. (Author), Thomas, E. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Ymchwilio Addysg Ddwyieithog yn Ysgolion Cymru: Amrywiaeth Caleidosgopig
Jones, B. (Author), Thomas, E. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2016
An exploration of mentoring among Indian School teacher: A mixed-method study
Arora, G. (Author), Buckley, C. (Supervisor) & Thomas, E. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Caffaeliad Plant Ifanc Dwyieithog o’r System Ateb yn y Gymraeg
Lloyd-Williams, S. (Author), Thomas, E. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy