Dr Katherine Steele
Reader, Reader in Sustainable Crop Production / Director of Impact & Engagement

- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katherine-Steele-2
- https://twitter.com/kassteele
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYlp6_R1D6c
Video about rice research at Bangor University - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlBRmUYui0U
KASP technology developed at Bangor University for rice improvement - http://www.linkedin.com/in/ katherine-steele-Bangor-University
Contact info
Room: G5 Thoday Building, School of Environmental &. Natural SciencesTel: 01248 388655 (from U.K.) +44 1248 388655 (International)
Contact Info
Tel: 01248 388655 (from U.K.) +44 1248 388655 (International)
My research uses genetics and genomics tools to address global food secuirty issues. I work in partnership with growers, breeders and industry and use genetic diversity to inform trait improvement in economically important species. A current project Transformative Reduced Input Potatoes - TRIP - includes Dyson Farming Ltd., The James Hutton Institute, Emerald Research, Light Science Technologies, The Sarvari Research Trust.
Katherine Steele is a Reader in Sustainable Crop Production in the School of Environment and Natural Sciences. She gained a PhD in Molecular Plant Pathology at the University of Nottingham in 1998. Previously, she was a Research Officer in Bangor Universiy's Centre for Arid Zone Studies (1998-2006). She has applied marker-assised breeding to develop new varieties of rice and tomatoes now grown India and Europe.
Responsibilities within Bangor University
Director of Impact, School of Environmental and Natural Sciences (SENS)
Member of SENS Management Committee, SENS REsearch Committee, CoSE Impact Committee, Henfaes Research Centre Committee
Member of SENS Research Groups:
Agriculture, Food and the Environment
Teaching and Supervision
Module organiser for:
DXX3701 (Dissertation)
DXX2021 (Plant Diversity and Conservation)
Contribute to modules including DXX1001, DXX2000, BNS2002,
Current Postgraduate Research supervised
- Mahnoor Akbar - Commonwealth Scholar Potential use of iron oxide nanoparticles to combat potato pathogens.
- Elsie Olatunji - Analysis of tomato early blight caused by Alternaria species.
- Tim Beard - KESS 2 (With Sarvari Research Trust) Tomato early blight - identification of genetic sources of resistance to Alternaria solani
- I also supervise projects for taught masters students
Recent PhD research projects supervised
- Kamran Yaqoob - Commonwealth Scholar Identification of Genetic Variations of Wx Alleles for Diversified Starch Composition and Glycemic Index of Pakistani Rice Cultivars
- Beverly Agesa - AHDB Screening and performance of phosphorus efficient cereal cultivars for future food security
- Anastasia Atucha Zamkova –KESS (With Maelor Forest Nursery) Identifying molecular markers for frost tolerance in Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis)
- Simon White - KESS (With Sarvari Research Trust) Breeding strategies to improve blight resistance in Sarpo potatoes
Crop genetics – with emphasis on rice, barley, tomato, potato and the genetic and environmental effects on their abiotic and biotic stress resistance. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, functional foods; sustainable food, fuel and fibre production and plant pathology. Projects involving molecular markers, genomics, field or glasshouse experiments and participatory methods/citizen science will be considered. Enquiries welcome.
Previously, I worked in Bangor Universiy's former Centre for Arid Zone Studies (CAZS) as a Research Officer and was PI on three rice research projects funded by the DFID Plant Sciences Research Programme (1998-2006).
I am a member of the UK Rice Research Consortium (UKRRC)
Education / academic qualifications
- 2006 - Professional , Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education , Bangor University
- 1998 - PhD , Molecular Plant Pathology
- 1994 - MSc , Applied Genetics
- 1993 - BSc , Biology
Research outputs (52)
- E-pub ahead of print
Thousands of trait-specific KASP markers designed for diverse breeding applications in rice (Oryza sativa)
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
KASP mapping of QTLs for yield components using a RIL population in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Basmati rice: the new authenticity rules aiming to remove sub-standard varieties from the market
Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
Prof. activities and awards (17)
Rice Association Symposium
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Rice and Potatoes: research to improve disease resistance in two very different crops
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
• International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution
Accolades (1)
Food Authenticity Centre of Expertise - Cereal grains
Prize: Other distinction
Projects (10)
TRIP-Transformative Reduced input Potatoes (Natural Sciences)
Project: Research
KESS II Phd with Savari Research Trust BUK2169
Project: Research
Media coverage (4)
Potato growing innovations to cut inputs and carbon footprint
Press/Media: Expert Comment
Dyson Farming and Bangor University embark on a sustainable potato journey
Press/Media: Research
Why do tomatoes get hit by blight and how can you stop it?
Press/Media: Expert Comment