Professor Raimund Karl
Emeritus Professor

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Contact info
If you wish to contact me, you can send me an email. For other contact details, please see the staff list (see link on the left).
For electronic copies of most of my publications, please see my accounts on and/or ResearchGate - you are most welcome to follow these accounts if you would like to see notifications about new uploads of publications and research data.
If you are interested in Archaeological Heritage and its management, you may also wish to have a look at my "Blogschrift" (a mix between a Blog and Online Journal) Archäologische Denkmalpflege. While most contributions there are in German, there are also some in English (with more to come ever so often) that may well be worth reading!
You may also want to befriend me on Facebook, where I also frequently post various things related to archaeology, heritage, and jobs in the sector. And incidentally, if you should be interested in looking for jobs in archaeology, why not check out 'my' online archaeology jobs resource at the Austrian ArchäologieForum? On the other hand, if you are interested in public participation in Austrian archaeology, you may wish to get in touch with ArchaeoPublica - I'm also involved with them in a voluntary capacity.
The making and remaking of Gwent: : tribe, civitas, kingdom and lordship. Cultural transition or outside imposition?
Thomas, P. (Author), Roberts, E. (Supervisor) & Karl, R. (Supervisor), 20 Dec 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Richard Pennant, Samuel Worthington and the mill at Penlan: a history of the Penrhyn Mills on the Lower Ogwen
Lill, B. (Author), Karl, R. (Supervisor), 26 Mar 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Kampfen um die kelten: Archaologische argumente in der neuheidnischen literatur und der keltenbegriff in der fachliteratur
Leskovar, J. (Author), Karl, R. (Supervisor), 2008Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Indigenous women in Gaul, Britannia, Germania and Celtic Hispania, 400 BC – AD 235
Hammersen, L. (Author), Karl, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Connections between the hillforts of the Clwydian Range and the wider landscape
Lloyd Jones, E. (Author), Karl, R. (Supervisor) & Waddington, K. (Supervisor), 18 Feb 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Carbon management and the historic built environment in Wales
Williams, N. (Author), Karl, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy