
Search the Directory of Expertise

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  1. Kupiec-Teahan, Beata

    Person: Academic

  2. Kurr, Martyn

    Person: Academic

  3. Kurr, Rachel

    Person: Support

  4. Kyffin, Fliss

    Person: Academic

  5. Lacey, Karen

    Person: Academic

  6. Lake, Michele

    Person: Professional

  7. Lam, Wing

    Person: Professional

  8. Lamers, Carolien

    Person: Academic

  9. Lappin-Scott, Hilary

    Person: Non Staff

  10. Larvin, Mike

    Person: Academic

  11. Law, Julianne

    Person: Academic

  12. Law, Karen

    Person: Support

  13. Lawn, Aaron

    Person: Support

  14. Lawrence, Catherine

    Person: Support, Research

  15. Lawton, Ann

    Person: Support

  16. Layland, Sue

    Person: Support, Research

  17. Lazare, Pat

    Person: Support

  18. Le Vay, Lewis

    Person: Academic

  19. Lea, James

    Person: Non Staff

  20. Leaney, Sam

    Person: Support, Research

  21. Lee, Bill

    Person: Academic

  22. Lee, Jane

    Person: Support

  23. Lehane, Patrick

    Person: Professional

  24. Lemmey, Andrew

    Person: Non Staff

  25. Lenn, Yueng-Djern

    Person: Academic

  26. Lettice, Iain

    Person: Support

  27. Lewis, Andrew

    Person: Academic

  28. Lewis, Awel

    Person: Support

  29. Lewis, Bethan

    Person: Support

  30. Lewis, Jonathan

    Person: Academic

  31. Lewis, Katherine

    Person: Academic

  32. Lewis, Mared

    Person: Support

  33. Lewis, Matthew

    Person: Non Staff

  34. Lewis, Ruth

    Person: Academic

  35. Lewis, Sian

    Person: Academic

  36. Lewis, Spike

    Person: Research

  37. Ley Hughes, Chrissie

    Person: Professional