
Search the Directory of Expertise

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  1. Foran Conn, Denise

    Person: Academic

  2. Veneruso, Gemma

    Person: Research

  3. Ap Sion, Pwyll

    Person: Academic

  4. Williams, Karen

    Person: Support

  5. Hughes, Martin

    Person: Support

  6. Jones, Bryn

    Person: Professional

  7. Cropper, Nick

    Person: Support

  8. Jenkins, Stuart

    Person: Academic

  9. Fleck, Paula

    Person: Support

  10. Davis, Claire V

    Person: Professional

  11. Edge, Leah

    Person: Professional

  12. Dafydd, Elis

    Person: Academic

  13. Cross, Paul

    Person: Academic

  14. Roberts, Christine

    Person: Support

  15. Hinds, Carolyn

    Person: Academic

  16. Malham, Shelagh

    Person: Academic

  17. Roberts, Jonathan

    Person: Support

  18. Bracewell, Martyn

    Person: Academic

  19. Roberts, Berwyn

    Person: Support

  20. Jones, Morfydd

    Person: Support

  21. Parry, Karen

    Person: Support