Prifysgol Bangor
Governance and exclusion in the post war British city, 1957-1987
Shapely, P. (PY)
1/08/13 → 21/08/14
Project: Ymchwil
Governing Philosophies in Technology Policy: Permissionless Innovation vs. the Precau-tionary Principle
Bakir, V. (PY)
1/07/20 → 1/08/22
Project: Ymchwil
Graphene Coating for High Barrier Compostable Packaging (GraCoPack)
Elias, R. (PY)
1/09/18 → 1/08/19
Project: Ymchwil
Gravel barrier resilience in a changing climate (#gravelbeach)
Austin, M. (PY)
1/11/23 → 30/11/27
Project: Ymchwil
Greenland Ice Marginal Lake Evolution As A Driver Of Ice Sheet Change – How Important Are Rising Lake Temperatures?
Woolway, I. (PY)
1/09/23 → 15/09/26
Project: Ymchwil
H&CRW Senior Research Leaders Competition (year 1 of 3)
Hughes, D. (PY)
1/04/19 → 1/08/22
Project: Ymchwil
H&CRW Senior Research Leaders Group Membership Discretionary Award
Huxley, P. (PY)
1/04/16 → 9/07/20
Project: Ymchwil
HE 06 FSP 1014 - Improved translation tools for the translation industry in Wales
1/10/08 → 20/08/09
Project: Ymchwil
HEAL-COVID: HElping Alleviate the Longer-term consequences of COVID-19
Hughes, D. (PY)
1/02/21 → 30/06/24
Project: Ymchwil
HEAPS2: Health Economics Analysis Plans: devising content guidance through consensus
Hughes, D. (PY)
1/06/17 → 1/08/19
Project: Ymchwil
HEAR-IT (RCT assessing the effectiveness of hearing aids in reducing tinnitus for adults with mild hearing loss)
Hoare, Z. (PY)
1/12/20 → 1/08/22
Project: Ymchwil
HEFCW HEIR COVID extension to Charities bid (R35C40, F006505)
Sivanantharajah, L. (PY)
1/04/21 → 31/10/21
Project: Ymchwil
HEFCW HEIR COVID extension to ECR bid (F007440, R80R09 - Zewamfi)
Elias, R. (PY)
1/04/21 → 31/10/21
Project: Ymchwil
HEFCW HEIR COVID extension to ECR bid (F007484, R37E13)
St John, F. (PY)
1/04/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Ymchwil
HEFCW HEIR COVID extension to ECR bid (F009037 & F006517)
Rogers, R. (PY)
1/04/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Ymchwil
HEFCW HEIR COVID extension to UKRI FLF MRC bid (F008177, R49R01, MR/S034579/1)
Staples, C. (PY)
1/05/21 → 31/08/21
Project: Ymchwil
HEFCW HEIR Higher Education Investment and Recovery Fund
Spencer, P. (PY)
1/11/20 → 30/09/23
Project: Ymchwil
HEFCW HEIR bridging funding - F009004, R44R17 - reprofiling FY 2021/22
Jones, D. (PY)
1/04/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Ymchwil