School of Ocean Sciences

  1. Published

    Sticky stuff: Redefining bedform prediction in modern and ancient environments

    Schindler, R. J., Parsons, D. R., Ye, L., Hope, J. A., Baas, J. H., Peakall, J., Manning, A. J., Aspden, R. J., Malarkey, J., Simmons, S., Paterson, D. M., Lichtman, I. D., Davies, A. G., Thorne, P. D. & Bass, S. J., 27 Mar 2015, In: Geology.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Published

    Detection and quantification of suspension concentrations and sedimentation layers in channel flows using electrical resistance tomography.

    Schlaberg, H. I., Baas, J. H., Wang, M., Best, J. L., Williams, R. A. & Peakall, J., 1 Jan 2005.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  3. Published

    Detection and quantification of suspended sediment concentration and stratification in open channel flows: development and first results using electrical resistance tomography.

    Schlaberg, H. I., Baas, J. H., Wang, M., Best, J. L., Williams, R. A. & Peakall, J., 5 Sept 2005.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  4. Published

    Electrical resistance tomography for suspended sediment measurements in open channel flows using a novel sensor design.

    Schlaberg, H. I., Baas, J. H., Wang, M., Best, J. L., Williams, R. A. & Peakall, J., 1 Oct 2006, In: Particle and Particle Systems Characterization. 23, 3-4, p. 313-320

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Published

    Spatial distribution and budget for submarine groundwater discharge in Eckernforde Bay (Western Baltic Sea).

    Schluter, M., Sauter, E. J., Andersen, C. E., Dahlgaard, H. & Dando, P. R., 1 Jan 2004, In: Limnology and Oceanography. 49, 1, p. 157-167

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Published

    Glacial ocean overturning intensified by tidal mixing in a global circulation model

    Schmittner, A., Green, J. A. & Wilmes, S. B., 22 May 2015, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 42, 10, p. 4014-4022

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Published

    Assessing the validity of seismo-acoustic predictor equations for obtaining seabed and sub-surface sediemnt physical properties

    Schnack-Fredrichsen, A., Davis, A., Bennell, J. D. & Huws, D., 1 Oct 2001, In: Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. 19, 4, p. 221-243

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Published

    The occurrence of the copepods Stephos longipes (Calanoida) and Drescheriella glacialis (Harpacticoida) in summer sea ice in the Weddell Sea.

    Schnack-Schiel, S. B., Thomas, D. N., Haas, C., Dieckmann, G. S. & Alheit, R., 1 Jun 2001, In: Antarctic Science. 13, 2, p. 150-157

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Published

    Copepods in summer platelet ice in the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica.

    Schnack-Schiel, S. B., Dieckmann, G. S., Kattner, G. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Jul 2004, In: Polar Biology. 27, 8, p. 502-506

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Published

    Life strategies of dominant Antarctic calanoid copepods in late winter/early spring.

    Schnack-Schiel, S. B., Sartoris, F. J., Cornils, A., Papadimitriou, S. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Jan 2007.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  11. Published

    Copepods in sea ice of the western Weddell Sea during austral spring 2004.

    Schnack-Schiel, S. B., Haas, C., Michels, J., Mizdalski, E., Schunemann, H., Steffens, M. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Apr 2008, In: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 55, p. 1056-1067

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Published

    Meiofauna in sea ice of the Weddell Sea (Antarctica)

    Schnack-Schiel, S. B., Dieckmann, G. S., Gradinger, R., Melnikov, I., Spindler, M. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Oct 2001, In: Polar Biology. 24, 10, p. 724-728

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  13. Published

    Behavioural plasticity compensates for adaptive loss of cricket song

    Schneider, W., Rutz, C. & Bailey, N., 22 Mar 2024, In: Ecology Letters. 27, 3, e14404.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  14. Published

    On the Along-Slope Heat Loss of the Boundary Current in the Eastern Arctic Ocean

    Schulz, K., Janout, M. A., Lenn, Y-D., Castillo, E. R., Polyakov, I., Mohrholz, V., Tippenhauer, S., Reeve, K., Holemann, J., Rabe, B. & Vredenborg, M., Feb 2021, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 126, 2, e2020JC016375.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  15. Published

    Impacts of Bottom Fishing on Sediment Biogeochemical and Biological Parameters in Cohesive and Non-cohesive Sediments

    Sciberras, M., Parker, R., Powell, C., Robertson, C., Kroger, S., Bolam, S. & Hiddink, J., Nov 2016, In: Limnology and Oceanography. 61, 6, p. 2076-2089

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  16. Published

    Benthic community response to a scallop dredging closure within a dynamic seabed habitat

    Sciberras, M., Hinz, H., Bennell, J. D., Jenkins, S. R., Hawkins, S. J. & Kaiser, M. J., 2013, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 480, p. 83-98

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  17. Published

    Evaluating the biological effectiveness of fully and partially protected marine areas

    Sciberras, M., Jenkins, S. R., Kaiser, M. J., Hawkins, S. & Pullin, A. S., 28 Feb 2013, In: Environmental Evidence. 2, 4

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  18. Published

    Response of benthic fauna to experimental bottom fishing: a global meta-analysis

    Sciberras, M., Hiddink, J. G., Jennings, S., Szostek, C. L., Hughes, K. M., Kneafsey, B., Clarke, L., Ellis, N., Rijnsdorp, A. D., McConnaughey, R. A., Hilborn, R., Collie, J. S., Pitcher, R., Amoroso, R. O., Parma, A. M., Suuronen, P. & Kaiser, M. J., Jul 2018, In: Fish and Fisheries. 19, 4, p. 698-715

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  19. Published

    Evaluating the relative conservation value of fully and partially protected marine areas

    Sciberras, M., Jenkins, S. R., Mant, R., Kaiser, M. J., Hawkins, S. J. & Pullin, A. S., 23 May 2013, In: Fish and Fisheries. 16, 1, p. 58-77

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  20. Published

    Mediation of nitrogen by post-disturbance shelf communities experiencing organic matter enrichment

    Sciberras, M., Tait, K., Brochain, G., Hiddink, J., Hale, R., Godbold, J. & Solan, M., Sept 2017, In: Biogeochemistry. 135, 1-2, p. 135-153

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  21. Published

    Predation of cockles (Cerastoderma edule) by the whelk (Buccinum undatum) under laboratory conditions.

    Scolding, J. W., Richardson, C. A. & Luckenbach, M. J., 1 Nov 2007, In: Journal of Molluscan Studies. 73, 4, p. 333-337

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  22. Published

    Controls on macrotidal rip current circulation and hazard

    Scott, T., Masselink, G., Austin, M. J. & Russell, P., 15 Feb 2014, In: Geomorphology. 214

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  23. Published

    Seabirds and Marine Renewables: Are we Asking the Right Questions?

    Scott, B. E., Langton, R., Philpott, E. & Waggitt, J., Feb 2014, Marine Renewable Energy Technology and Environmental Interactions. Springer, p. 81-92 11 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  24. Published

    Rip current hazards on large-tidal beaches in the United Kingdom

    Scott, T. M., Russell, P. E., Masselink, G., Austin, M. J., Wills, S. & Wooler, A., 9 May 2011, Rip Currents: Beach Safety, Physical Oceanogaphy, and Wave Modeling. Leatherman, S. & Fletemeyer, J. (eds.). CRC Press, p. 225-242 18 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  25. Published

    The distribution of benthic foraminifera in the Celtic Sea:The significance of seasonal stratification.

    Scott, G. A., Scourse, J. D. & Austin, W. E., 1 Jan 2003, In: Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 33, 1, p. 32-61

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  26. Published

    Dynamics of rip currents associated with groynes — field measurements, modelling and implications for beach safety

    Scott, T., Austin, M. J., Masselink, G. & Russell, P., 30 Oct 2015, In: Coastal Engineering. 107, p. 53-69

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  27. Published

    Porth Seal

    Scourse, J. D., 1 Jan 2006, The Isles of Scilly: Field Guide. Scourse, J. D. (ed.). 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London, p. 97-101

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  28. Published

    Battery (Castle Down).

    Scourse, J. D., Rhodes, E. J. & Scourse, J. D. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, The Isles of Scilly: Field Guide. 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London, p. 136-138

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  29. Published

    Carn Morval.

    Scourse, J. D. & Scourse, J. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, The Isles of Scilly: Field Guide. 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London, p. 45-57

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  30. Published

    Celtic Sea linear tidal sand ridges, the Irish Sea Ice Stream and the Fleuve Manche: palaeotidal modelling of a transitional passive margin depositional system.

    Scourse, J. D., Uehara, K. & Wainwright, A., 15 Apr 2009, In: Marine Geology. 259, 1-4, p. 102-111

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  31. Published

    The origin of Heinrich layers: evidence from H2 for European precursor events.

    Scourse, J. D., Hall, I. R., McCave, I. N., Young, J. R. & Sugdon, C., 1 Jan 2001.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  32. Published

    A critical review of the glaciomarine model for Irish sea deglaciation: evidence from southern Britain, the Celtic shelf and adjacent continental slope.

    Scourse, J. D. & Furze, M. F., 1 Jul 2001, In: Quaternary Science. 16, 5, p. 419-434

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  33. Published

    Peninnis Head.

    Scourse, J. D., McCarroll, D. & Scourse, J. D. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, The Isles of Scilly: Field Guide. 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London, p. 87-90

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  34. Published

    Porth Cressa.

    Scourse, J. D. & Scourse, J. D. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, The Isles of Scilly: Field Guide. 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London, p. 91-93

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  35. Published

    Stable isotopic analyses of modern benthic foraminifera from seasonally stratified shelf seas: disequilibria and the ‘seasonal effect’.

    Scourse, J. D., Kennedy, H. A., Scott, G. A. & Austin, W. E., 1 Sept 2004, In: Holocene. 14, 5, p. 747-758

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  36. Published

    Little Porth Askin.

    Scourse, J. D. & Scourse, J. D. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, The Isles of Scilly: Field Guide. 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London, p. 162-164

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  37. Published

    The Isles of Scilly, Field Guide

    Scourse, J. D. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  38. Published

    Maximum extent and readvance dynamics of the Irish Sea Ice Stream and Irish Sea Glacier since the Last Glacial Maximum.

    Scourse, J. D., Chiverrell, R. C., Smedley, R., Small, D., Burke, M. J., Saher, M., Van Landeghem, K., Duller, G. A. T., O'Cofaigh, C., Bateman, M., Benetti, S., Bradley, S. L., Callard, S. L., Evans, D., Fabel, D., Jenkins, G. T-H., McCarron, S., Medialdea, A., Moreton, S., Ou, X., Praeg, D., Roberts, D. H., Roberts, H. M. & Clark, C., Jul 2021, In: Journal of Quaternary Science. 36, 5, p. 780-804 25 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  39. Published

    The role of megatides and relative sea level in controlling the deglaciation of the British-Irish and Fennoscandinavian ice sheets

    Scourse, J., Ward, S., Wainwright, A., Bradley, S. L. & Uehara, K., Feb 2018, In: Quaternary Science. 33, 2, p. 139-149

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  40. Published

    Annually resolved North Atlantic marine climate over the last millenium

    Scourse, J., Reynolds, D. J., Halloran, P., Nederbragt, A., Wanamaker, A., Butler, P., Richardson, C., Heinemeier, J., Eiriksson, J., Knudsen, K. L. & Hall, I., 6 Dec 2016, In: Nature Communications. 7, 13502.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  41. Published

    The Marine Radiocarbon Bomb Pulse across the Temperate North Atlantic: A Compilation of Δ14C Time Histories from Arctica islandica Growth Increments

    Scourse, J. D., Wanamaker, A. D., Weidman, C., Heinemeier, J., Reimer, P. J., Butler, P. G., Witbaard, R. & Richardson, C. A., 1 Apr 2012, In: Radiocarbon. 54, 2, p. 165-186

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  42. Published

    The glacial landscape of NE St Martin’s and White Island

    Scourse, J. D., Hiemstra, J. F., Evans, D. J. & Scourse, J. D. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, The Isles of Scilly: Field Guide. 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London, p. 102-103

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  43. Published

    Glacial marine geology of the Celtic shelf and Goban Spur – Porcupine continental margin.

    Scourse, J. D., Furze, M. F. & Scourse, J. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, The Isles of Scilly: Field Guide. 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London, p. 23-27

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  44. Published

    High resolution last deglaciation record from the Congo Fan reveals significance of mangrove pollen and biomarkers as indicators of shelf transgression.

    Scourse, J. D., Marret, F., Versteegh, G. J., Jansen, J. H., Schefuss, E. & Van Der Plicht, J., 1 Jan 2005, In: Quaternary Research. 64, (1), p. 57-69

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  45. Published

    The origin of Heinrich layers: evidence from H2 for European precursor events.

    Scourse, J. D., Hall, I. R., McCave, I. N., Young, J. R. & Sugdon, C., 30 Oct 2000, In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 182, 2, p. 187-195

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  46. Published

    The origin of Heinrich layers: evidence from H2 for European precursor events.

    Scourse, J. D., Hall, I. R., McCave, I. N., Young, J. R. & Sugdon, C., 1 Jan 2001.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  47. Published

    Pleistocene stratigraphy, geomorphology and geochronology.

    Scourse, J. D., Evans, D. J., Hiemstra, J., McCarroll, D., Rhodes, E. J., Furze, M. F. & Scourse, J. D. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, The Isles of Scilly: Field Guide. 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London, p. 13-22

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  48. Published

    Late Holocene oceanographic and climate change from the western European margin: the results of the HOLSMEER project

    Scourse, J. D., Seijrup, H. P. & Jones, P. D., 1 Nov 2006, In: Holocene. 16, 7, p. 931-935

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  49. Published

    First cross-matched floating chronology from the marine fossil record: data from growth lines of the long-lived bivalve mollusc Arctica islandica.

    Scourse, J. D., Richardson, C. A., Forsythe, G., Harris, I., Heinemeier, J., Fraser, N., Briffa, K. & Jones, P., 1 Nov 2006, In: Holocene. 16, 7, p. 967-974

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  50. Published

    Quaternary shelf sea palaeoceanography: recent developments in Europe.

    Scourse, J. D. & Austin, W. E., 30 Nov 2002, In: Marine Geology. 191, 3-4, p. 87-94

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review