Research activities

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  1. 2018
  2. Cyflwyniad ar gwrs preswyl Glan-llyn

    Aled Llion Jones (Speaker)

    21 Nov 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation

  3. Hanban’s Chinese Voluntary Teachers in-service Training Programme in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    Yue Zhang (Participant)

    21 Nov 201823 Nov 2018

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in Academic conference


    Vian Bakir (Contributor)

    21 Nov 201823 Nov 2018

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar

  5. The UK Acoustics Network (External organisation)

    Timothy Whitton (Member)

    21 Nov 2018 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  6. Bilingualism Conference - GwE and Bangor University

    Gwawr Maelor (Speaker)

    22 Nov 2018

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in Academic conference

  7. ITV Programme: Byd ar Bedwar & ITV Wales News

    Nia Williams (Contributor)

    22 Nov 2018

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation

  8. Interview on BBC Radio Wales (Good Morning Wales)

    Helena Miguelez-Carballeira (Contributor)

    24 Nov 2018

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation

  9. BBC Radio Interview

    Nia Williams (Contributor)

    26 Nov 2018

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation

  10. Cyflwyniad y Gymraeg ar Daith, Ysgol Friers

    Aled Llion Jones (Speaker)

    26 Nov 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation

  11. Why Radionuclides are Good For You

    Michael Rushton (Contributor)

    26 Nov 2018

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Schools engagement

  12. 1st World Forum on Urban Forests

    Eefke Mollee (Participant)

    27 Nov 20181 Dec 2018

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in Academic conference

  13. Confucius Institute of Royal Academy of the Kindom of Cambodia

    Yue Zhang (Visiting researcher)

    27 Nov 2018

    Activity: Visiting an external institutionVisiting an external academic institution

  14. Darlith academaidd yn yr Adran Astudiaethau Celtaidd, Prifysgol Rhydychen

    Angharad Price (Speaker)

    27 Nov 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  15. Chemsex and PrEP reliance are fuelling a rise in syphilis among men who have sex with men

    Simon Bishop (Contributor)

    28 Nov 2018

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation

  16. How our language reveals how we understand the world – and who we are

    Thora Tenbrink (Speaker)

    28 Nov 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  17. Telltale signs of deceitful public relations campaign

    Vian Bakir (Contributor)

    28 Nov 2018

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation

  18. The complexities of phonological complexity: evidence from bilingualism

    Marco Tamburelli (Speaker)

    28 Nov 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  19. Gest, traç i línia en l'obra poètica de Montserra Abelló

    Eva Bru-Dominguez (Speaker)

    29 Nov 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  20. Regulating Digital Campaigning: What is to be Done?

    Vian Bakir (Participant) & Andrew McStay (Participant)

    29 Nov 2018

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar

  21. MSc Child and Adolescent Psychology session on bilingualism

    Athanasia Papastergiou (Speaker)

    30 Nov 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  22. Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK - Panel of Advisers

    Jaci Huws (Contributor)

    Dec 2018Dec 2021

    Activity: OtherTypes of Business and Community - Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel

  23. Evaluation Paper 18/3: An evaluation of reducing barriers to entry into the UK banking sector

    John Ashton (Contributor)

    1 Dec 2018

    Activity: OtherTypes of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups

  24. in Technical Annex to Evaluation Paper 18/3

    John Ashton (Contributor)

    1 Dec 2018

    Activity: OtherTypes of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups