Professor Fergus Sinclair
Emeritus Professor

- 2020
Analysis of Options by Context for Scaling Agroforestry in Northwest Vietnam
Nguyen, M. P. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor) & Pagella, T. (Supervisor), 6 Jul 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2019
How ‘local’ is local knowledge?: the role of local knowledge in implementing locally appropriate land restoration interventions
Kuria, A. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor) & Pagella, T. (Supervisor), 3 Jun 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2018
The role of local knowledge in developing context sensitive agroforestry options for smallholder farmers
Smith, E. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor) & Pagella, T. (Supervisor), Jan 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2012
Local knowledge regarding trade-offs among coffee productivity and other ecosystem services in a range of different agroforestry systems in Central America
Cerdán Cabrera, C. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2011
Approaches for spacially explicit negotiation of impacts of land use change on ecosystem services
Pagella, T. F. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Oct 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2010
Variation in Thaumatococcus daniellii (Benn.) Benth. and its potential as an intercop with Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. Ex A. de Juss) Mueller-Argoviensis in West Africa
Waliszewski, W. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Aug 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Assessing integrated watershed management and spatial groundwater vulnerability to pollution in priority watersheds of the Yacyreta Dam in Paraguay
Musalem-Castillejos, K. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor) & Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Mar 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Linking plant strategies and ecosystem function an assessment of the contribution of biodiversity to neotropical grassland productivity
Ospina Hernandez, S. D. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2006
Birds using a contemporary neotropical landscape: the effects of forest fragmentation and agricultural landscape structure on neotropical birds
Taylor, R. C. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Jun 2006Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2005
Farmers' ecological and agronomic knowledge about the management of multistrata cocoa systems in Southern Cameroon.
Nomo, B. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Mar 2005Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2004
Combining local and scientific knowledge about tree fodder evaluation and management in the hills of Nepal
Subba, D. B. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Aug 2004Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Understanding and improving the adoption of soil fertility interventions at the forest margin in Ghana
Moss, C. M. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Feb 2004Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2003
Competitive interactions between Coffea arabica L. and fast-growing timber shade trees
van Kanten, R. F. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Jun 2003Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Incorporating local knowledge in participatory development of soil and water management interventions in the middle hills of Nepal
Shresta, P. K. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), 2003Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2002
Integrating farmers' knowledge and decision-making in the planning of participatory research of cassava/maize intercropping
Lopez Montes, A. J. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Oct 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Influence of crop profitability, market, labour and land on smallholder cropping systems in rubber growing areas of Sri Lanka
Thennakoon, T. M. S. P. K. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Jul 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Evaluation of the role of trees and shrubs in seasonally dry pastures of Colombia
Cajas-Girón, Y. S. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2001
The potential of Tithonia diversifolia and other species as green manures for highly productive farming systems in the Nepalese Terai
Sherchan, D. P. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Dec 2001Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Participatory crop improvement for maize/millet intercropping with trees in the middle hills of Nepal.
Tiwari, T. P. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Aug 2001Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1994
Farmers, ecological knowledge about the management and use of farmland tree fodder resources in the mid-hills of eastern Nepal
Thapa, B. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Oct 1994Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy