Professor Simon Middleburgh

Ser Cymru Professor

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  1. 2024
  2. Lithium Accelerated Corrosion of Zirconium Alloys

    Author: Stephens, G. F., 29 May 2024

    Supervisor: Middleburgh, S. (Supervisor), Rushton, M. (Supervisor) & Cole-Baker, A. (External person) (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  3. Assessing the Performance and Economics of Advanced Burnable Absorbers

    Author: Bolukbasi, M., 25 Apr 2024

    Supervisor: Middleburgh, S. (Supervisor) & Lee, W. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  4. High Burnup Fragmentation in Uranium Oxide Fuels for Light Water Reactors

    Author: Dixon, L., 6 Feb 2024

    Supervisor: Rushton, M. (Supervisor), Middleburgh, S. (Supervisor) & Atkinson, K. (External person) (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  5. 2023
  6. Preparation and characterisation of uranium and tungsten borides for applications in the nuclear industry

    Author: Martini, F., 13 Nov 2023

    Supervisor: Spencer, P. (Supervisor) & Middleburgh, S. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  7. Registration of 3D models to 2D X-ray images using fast X-ray simulation and global optimisation algorithms

    Author: Wen, T., 31 Jul 2023

    Supervisor: Vidal, F. (Supervisor) & Middleburgh, S. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  8. Compositionally Complex Alloys in Accident Tolerant Fuel Coating Systems

    Author: Wilson, J., 21 Feb 2023

    Supervisor: Rushton, M. (Supervisor) & Middleburgh, S. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  9. 2022
  10. The Role of Alloying Elements on Grain Boundary Complexions in Nuclear Materials

    Author: Owen, M., 14 Dec 2022

    Supervisor: Middleburgh, S. (Supervisor) & Pierce, I. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  11. High Entropy Alloys and Their Desirability For Novel First Wall Materials In Fusion Applications

    Author: Lin-Vines, A., 6 Jun 2022

    Supervisor: Middleburgh, S. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research