School of History, Law and Social Sciences
- 2024
A Civil Liability Regime for Offshore Petroleum Development in the Arctic Region
Omaka, A. (Author), Roberts, H. (Supervisor), 25 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Reflections in Soil: Multi-element analysis of later prehistoric and early historic house floors in Britian
George, N. (Author), Waddington, K. (Supervisor) & Edwards, N. (Supervisor), 4 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Naval King Charles II’s use of the English Navy, 1659 - 1668
Barnet, A. (Author), Claydon, T. (Supervisor), 30 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Archwilio profiadau bywyd ac anghenion unigolion sy’n rhoi gofal yng Ngogledd Cymru er mwyn datblygu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o ystyron gwahanol weithgareddau gofalu a’u heffaith ar hunaniaeth unigolion sy’n rhoi gofal.
Lloyd, R. (Author), Davies, M. (Supervisor), 11 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The role of Religious Salience and Ethnicity in Weakening Political Institutions in Nigeria since 1960: A Socio-economic analysis
Osokogwu, E. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor) & Wali, F. (Supervisor), 9 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Revisioning a Pentecostal Theology of water Baptism: An ecclesial rite of embodied transformation
George, E. (Author), Thomas, J. (Supervisor), 8 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Proprietors, people, transition and change on a Welsh estate: Gregynog Hall, Montgomeryshire, 1750-1900
Oldham, M. (Author), Rees, L. (Supervisor) & Evans, S. (Supervisor), 3 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Politics of the Spirit: Memory, Identity, and Imagination
Rouse, C. (Author), Thomas, C. (Supervisor), 15 Mar 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The possibility of ratification of the Vienna Convention into the Iranian Law: A case study on delivery of goods in international transaction.
Badiei, A. (Author), Jing, Z. (Supervisor) & Owen, G. (Supervisor), 1 Mar 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Bollingen - a Biography of Jung's Tower
Gledhill, M. (Author), Wali, F. (Supervisor) & Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 14 Feb 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy