College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Harnessing Research on Education in the UK: Case Studies
Roberts-Tyler, E. (PI)
1/03/17 → 21/09/22
Project: Research
Headsprout Early Reading in Special Schools (HERiSS): a cluster-randomised controlled trial - COVID19 extension
Roberts-Tyler, E. (PI)
1/10/19 → 26/03/24
Project: Research
Hillforts of North Wales 2011-12: Caer Drewyn and its Environs
Karl, R. (PI)
1/04/12 → 31/01/13
Project: Research
Hillforts of North Wales: Caer Drewyn and its Environs 2009
Karl, R. (PI)
1/10/09 → 31/08/10
Project: Research
Hospital Discharge Arrangements and the Voluntary Sectors
Zinovieff, F. (PI)
1/03/09 → 18/07/10
Project: Research
How can science teaching and learning be supported in North Wales?
1/05/17 → 28/02/18
Project: Research
How cognates affect codeswitching: study of Welsh-English bilinguals
1/03/11 → 28/05/12
Project: Research
How do accounting practices of the UK tax credits system effect claimants?
Closs-Davies, S. (PI)
1/02/20 → 19/08/23
Project: Research
Impacts of the global pandemic on teaching literatures in Welsh secondary schools (CEN 7)
Olive, S. (PI)
1/11/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Incorporating Marine Cultural Heritage Protection into Tanzania’s National Adaptation Plan
Roberts, H. (PI)
1/01/20 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Independent Scrutiny and Assurance of Devolved Tax Forecasts for Wales
Jones, E. (PI)
1/03/17 → 1/08/19
Project: Research
Indigenous Enslavement and the Beginning of English Plantation Colonies in the Lesser Antilles, 1600 - 1676
Veevers, D. (PI)
1/09/24 → 15/09/26
Project: Research
Infectious Storytelling: Using Creative Media to Effect Positive Behaviour Change Regarding Antimicrobial Resistance
1/12/18 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
Infrastructure for Social Care Research (extension)
Seddon, D. (PI)
1/04/15 → 29/09/16
Project: Research
Intensive Interaction for children and young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: INTERACT trial.
Kyffin, F. (PI)
1/03/23 → 15/07/27
Project: Research
Investigating School Funding in Wales- Understanding The Pupil Development Grant
Hughes, C. (PI)
1/08/22 → 30/09/23
Project: Research
Investigating the Effect of Marine Plastic Waste on the Adaptive Resilience of Coastal Communities in Indonesia
11/03/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Investigating the impact of covid on use of reading programmes in English and Welsh Medium primary schools across Wales CEN3
Hulson-Jones, A. (PI)
1/11/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on independent study habits of GCSE and A-Level students across Wales (CEN 6)
Sultana, F. (PI)
1/11/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Investigating the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Educating Travelling Community children in Wales. (CEN13)
Owen, A. (PI)
1/11/21 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
Investigating the impact of the pandemic on Pupil voice and opportunities for involving pupils in decisions about their education (CEN1)
Young, N. (PI)
1/11/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Investigating the impact of the pandemic on children, teachers and parents’ Health and Wellbeing in SEN contexts (CEN11)
Noone, S. (PI)
1/11/21 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
Investigating the impact of the pandemic on collaborations and teacher professional learning needs within an SLO framework (CEN 8)
Jones, R. (PI)
1/11/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Investigating the impact of the pandemic on refugee families and children in Wales (CEN 12).
Kyffin, F. (PI)
1/11/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Investigating the nature of difficulty in language learning with EEG
Bovolenta, G. (PI)
1/12/23 → 15/12/25
Project: Research
Investing in the Past: Upgrading Bangor University Archives’ Store
Niebrzydowski, S. (PI)
1/02/23 → 30/08/23
Project: Research
Judicial Review in Wales: Access to Justice and the Rule of Law
Nason, S. (PI)
31/08/20 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
KESS - MRES Datblygu Economi Digidol Cwmni Cyhoeddi Cerddorieth yng Ngywnenedd
Dowdney, P. (PI)
1/10/09 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
KESS - MRESS Exploring web based news gathering procedures and techniques
Dowdney, P. (PI)
1/08/10 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
KESS - MRESS Crowdsourcing, community building, and property markets; leveraging knowledge and community capital
Dowdney, P. (PI)
1/10/09 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
KESS - PhD Developing new and existing markets in digital platforms, radio, television and also exploring using web platforms.
Dowdney, P. (PI)
1/01/10 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
KESS - PhD Digital data for community histories: capture the decline of slate communities in NW Wales
Dowdney, P. (PI)
1/11/09 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
KESS - PhD The Commemoration of the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the Memorialisation of Historical Trauma
Dowdney, P. (PI)
1/01/10 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
KESS - PhD Mary Richards (Darowen) a chasglu alawon traddodiadol Cymru
Dowdney, P. (PI)
1/11/09 → 30/09/15
Project: Research