School of Ocean Sciences
- 2012
The invasion potential of the non-native Chilean oyster (Ostrea chilensis Philippi 1845) in the Menai Strait (North Wales, UK) : present observations and future predictions
Morgan, E. (Author), Richardson, C. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Thermocline Mixing in a Seasonally Stratified Shelf Sea
Lincoln, B. (Author), Rippeth, T. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2011
Establishing multi-bivalve species Sclerochronology
Reynolds, D. J. (Author), Scourse, J. (Supervisor) & Richardson, C. (Supervisor), Jun 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Functional ecology of the southern stingray, Dasyatis Americana
Tilley, A. (Author), Turner, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Long-term morphological modelling of tidal basins
McCann, D. (Author), Davies, A. (Supervisor), Jan 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Predicting the impact of towed fishing gears on emergent epifauna
Lambert, G. (Author), Hiddink, J. G. (Supervisor), Jan 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in coastal marine communities: Towards predicting the consequences of extinction for ecosystem functioning in natural assemblages
Davies, T. W. (Author), Hiddink, J. G. (Supervisor) & Jenkins, S. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Microalgal photobioreactors for power plant CO2 mitigation and bioenergy
Hulatt, C. J. (Author), Thomas, D. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Variability of CO2 Dynamics in Two Contrasting Shelf Sea Regimes on the NW European Shelf
Litt, E. J. (Author), Mitchelson-Jacob, E. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2010
Causes of light backscattering by particles in the open ocean and the coastal zone
Martinez-Vicente, V. (Author), Mitchelson-Jacob, E. (Supervisor), Dec 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Socioeconomic valuation of the marine environment in Wales implications for coastal management
Ruiz Frau, A. (Author), Dec 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Low latitude Pacific palaeoceanographic change across the Eocene/Oligocene boundary
Broadbent, T. (Author), Clarke, L. (Supervisor), Nov 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Processes contributing to the evolution and destruction of stratification in the Liverpool Bay ROFI
Howlett, E. (Author), Rippeth, T. (Supervisor), Apr 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Scales and otoliths as biogeochemical tags of Salmo trutta
Ramsay, A. (Author), McCarthy, I. (Supervisor), Mar 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Ecosystem engineers in diversity and process relationships
de Moura Queiros, A. F. (Author), Kaiser, M. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Field observation and modelling of near-shore sediment transport processes
Marten, K. V. (Author), Davies, A. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The distribution, ecological niche modelling and habitat suitability mapping of the Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) within the North Atlantic
Tetley, M. J. (Author), Mitchelson-Jacob, E. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2009
Aspects of the biology of the little cuttlefish, Sepiola atlantica and the common European cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)
Jones, N. J. E. (Author), Richardson, P. C. (Supervisor), Dec 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Vent mussel shells as indicators of environmental conditions at hydrothermal vents
Libertinova, J. (Author), Kennedy, H. (Supervisor), Clarke, L. (Supervisor), Richardson, C. (Supervisor) & Dando, P. (Supervisor), Oct 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Advancing the ecological knowledge base of the dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) off Southern Africa
Hussey, N. E. (Author), McCarthy, I. (Supervisor), Sept 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Application of natural stable isotopes in aquaculture nutrition
Gamboa Delgado, J. (Author), Le Vay, L. (Supervisor), Sept 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Facilitation and biodiversity in the marine benthos
Johnson, G. E. L. (Author), Hiddink, J. G. (Supervisor), Kaiser, M. (Supervisor) & Ramsay, K. (Supervisor), Sept 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Population dynamics of plaice Pleuronectes platessa L in the inshore waters of North West Wales and Eastern Anglesey
Al Rashada, Y. (Author), McCarthy, I. (Supervisor), Jun 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Establishing the Arctica islandica archive: Development of the definitive shell-based proxy for the North Atlantic shelf seas
Butler, P. G. (Author), Richardson, C. (Supervisor) & Scourse, J. (Supervisor), May 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Remote sensing of chlorophyll concentrations in a turbid shelf sea
Kyte, E. A. (Author), Bowers, D. (Supervisor) & Mitchelson-Jacob, E. (Supervisor), Feb 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy