Professor Davey Jones
Professor of Soil and Environmental Science / Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor

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Contact info
Address: Environment Centre Wales, Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2UW
Tel: 07827 807516 (UK) and 00 44 1248 382579 (International)
WeChat ID: wxid_iqg8l4vzh5nl12
Researchgate profile; Google scholar profile; Twitter feed; Web of Science ResearcherID: C-7411-2011
- 2024
Saving our lowland peatlands
Freeman, B. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor), Chadwick, D. (Supervisor) & Evans, C. (Supervisor), 17 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Bioremediation of Trifluralin via macroplastics in freshwater ecosystems compared to soil ecosystems
Shaw, Z. (Author), Chadwick, D. (Supervisor) & Jones, D. (Supervisor), 7 Jun 2024Student thesis: Masters by Research
Wastewater-based Epidemiology: Estimating the number of viral cases in a hospital setting using wastewater analysis
Pantea, I. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Farkas, K. (Supervisor), 8 May 2024Student thesis: Masters by Research
Hydrology and dune slack habitat: in-depth assessment of the relationship between hydrological regime and plant communities
van Willegen, L. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Jones, L. (Supervisor), 18 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Exploring the agronomic and environmental effects of herbal leys on lowland sheep production
Cooledge, E. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Chadwick, D. (Supervisor), 5 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2023
Benefits of a Novel Bioplastic Coated Fertiliser on Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Turfgrass
Thompson, E. (Author), Chadwick, D. (Supervisor) & Jones, D. (Supervisor), 13 Dec 2023Student thesis: Masters by Research
Use of passive samplers for the capture of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses from wastewater
Lambert-Slosarska, K. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Kevill, J. (Supervisor), 5 Dec 2023Student thesis: Masters by Research
Advancing knowledge of microbiallymediated lignocellulose degradation in soil using metagenomics and high-throughput in situ cultivation
Fidler, D. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor), McDonald, J. (Supervisor) & Griffiths, R. (Supervisor), 7 Aug 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Examining organo-mineral fertilisers for crop growth; the efficiency of a mineral fertiliser with the benefits of an organic product.
Arslan, D. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Chadwick, D. (Supervisor), 27 Feb 2023Student thesis: Masters by Research
- 2022
Acetamiprid in the environment : The impact of commercial neonicotinoid formulations on soil function and ecology
Potts, J. (Author), Cross, P. (Supervisor), Jones, D. (Supervisor), Pywell, R. (Supervisor) & Hayward, M. (Supervisor), 14 Dec 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Deep soil: investigating carbon sequestration potential and greenhouse gas behaviour in agricultural subsoil
Button, E. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Chadwick, D. (Supervisor), 14 Dec 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Mitigating the impacts of intensive agriculture on lowland organic soils
Musarika, S. (Author), Evans, C. D. (Supervisor), Jones, D. (Supervisor), Chadwick, D. (Supervisor) & McNamara, N. (Supervisor), 21 Nov 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Modelling the impacts of agri-environment scheme options on plants and soils
West, B. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Smart, S. (Supervisor), 11 Oct 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Community-scale viral ecology of agricultural soils and implications for biosolids disposal, wastewater treatment and public health
Hillary, L. (Author), McDonald, J. (Supervisor) & Jones, D. (Supervisor), 31 Aug 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The impact of slurry acidification on soil and crop quality: a UK case study
Langley, J. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Chadwick, D. (Supervisor), 8 Aug 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The influence of antecedent soil moisture conditions and nutrient management on soil nitrous oxide emissions.
Barrat, H. (Author), Cardenas, L. M. (Supervisor), Chadwick, D. (Supervisor) & Jones, D. (Supervisor), 8 Jun 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Metabolomic and volatilomic profiling for the assessment of soil carbon cycling and biological quality
Brown, R. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Chadwick, D. (Supervisor), 4 Feb 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A Comparative Study of Phosphorus Based Fertilisers’ Performance: An Assessment on Plant Growth Parameters and Soil Health using Lolium Perenne
Ray, A. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor), 26 Jan 2022Student thesis: Masters by Research
- 2021
Turnover of S-containing amino acids (cysteine and methionine) in grassland soils and their availability to plants
Wang, D. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Chadwick, D. (Supervisor), 8 Dec 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Metagenomics to determine land use effects on soil ecosystem services
Jones, B. (Author), Griffiths, R. (Supervisor) & Jones, D. (Supervisor), 15 Jun 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
‘Agricultural policy change and the sustainability of farming in the uplands’
Arnott, D. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Chadwick, D. (Supervisor), 2 Jun 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Soil proteases: widening the bottleneck of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle
Greenfield, L. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor), Hill, P. (Supervisor), Paterson, E. (Supervisor) & Baggs, L. (Supervisor), 26 May 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2020
The potential of biological nitrification inhibitors to suppress soil nitrification and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Ma, Y. (Author), Chadwick, D. (Supervisor), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Cardenas, L. M. (Supervisor), 10 Aug 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Understanding the role of plant-microbe symbiosis in the cycling of carbon in temperate forest ecosystems
Peters, T. (Author), Smith, A. (Supervisor) & Jones, D. (Supervisor), 9 Jun 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Monitoring and analysis of the structure, function and biodiversity of soils
Seaton, F. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor), Robinson, D. (Supervisor) & Creer, S. (Supervisor), 8 Jun 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy