Bangor University
Abbaszadeh, Sahar
- Venues Hospitality and Catering - Catering Assistant
- School of Education
Person: Support
Alsakka, Rasha
- Bangor Business School - Professor in Banking & Finance / Senior Tutor
- The Institute of European Finance - Credit Risk
Person: Research, Academic
Altunbas, Yener
- Bangor Business School - Professor in Banking
- The Institute of European Finance - Responsible Banking
Person: Research, Academic
Amir Kassim, Azlina
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Lecturer / College Internationalisation Lead
Person: Academic
Andrews, Joshua
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Eastern Religions
Person: Academic
Annewandter, Robert
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Advanced Nuclear Materials Modelling Research Officer
Person: Research
Anwar, Riaz
- The Institute of European Finance - Accounting and Governance
- Bangor Business School - Lecturer in Accounting
Person: Academic
Ap Cenydd, Llyr
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Lecturer in Visualisation (CCC)
Person: Academic
Ap Gwilym, Owain
- Bangor Business School - Deputy Head of School / Profess
- The Institute of European Finance - Credit Risk - Lead
Person: Research, Academic
Ap Gwilym, Rhys
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Economics
- Rhanbarth - Tax and Welfare
- The Institute of European Finance - Responsible Banking
Person: Academic
Apolloni, Dafydd
- Welsh 4 Adults - Welsh Language Tutor, Tiwtor dysgu Cymraeg
- School of Welsh
Person: Support
Armstrong, Alison
- Finance Services - Senior Accountant (Academic/Professional/Commercial)
Person: Professional
Ashcroft, Laura
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Lecturer in Counselling (Teaching & Scholarship)
Person: Academic
Ashurst, Wendy
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Accounting / Director of Teaching and Learning
- The Institute of European Finance - Accounting and Governance
Person: Academic
Ashworth, David
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Professional Policing, Criminology & Criminal Justice
Person: Academic
Austin, Martin
- School of Ocean Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Ocean Sciences
- Catchment and Coastal Processes Research Group
Person: Academic
Awst, Manon
- Pontio Arts - Creative Co-ordinator of Pontio Public Spaces
- School of Arts, Culture and Language
Person: Support
Baas, Jaco
- School of Ocean Sciences - Reader in Ocean Sciences
- Catchment and Coastal Processes Research Group
Person: Academic
Bagheri, Mahshid
- Bangor Business School - Lecturer in Management
- Rhanbarth - Organisational behaviour
Person: Academic
Baker, Andrew
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Law / Director of Teaching and Learning
Person: Academic
Bakir, Vian
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Professor in Journalism and Political Communications
Person: Academic
Ballard, Scott
- North Wales Medical School - Lecturer in Medical Sciences (Physician Associate Studies)
Person: Academic