Bangor University

  1. Published

    Why people drink; how people change: A guide to alcohol and people’s motivation for drinking it

    Cox, W. M. & Klinger, E., 2022, Springer.

    Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review

  2. Published

    Why people enter treatment for alcohol problems: findings from UK Alcohol Treatment Trial pre-treatment interviews.

    Slegg, G. P., Orford, J., Kerr, C., Copello, A., Hodgson, R., Alwyn, T., Black, R., Smith, M., Thistlethwaite, G., Westwood, A. & Slegg, G., 1 Jan 2006, In: Journal of Substance Use. 11, 3, p. 161-176

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Published

    Why should we exercise when our knees hurt? A qualitative study of primary care patients with osteoarthritis of the knee

    Hendry, M., Williams, N., Markland, D. A., Wilkinson, C. & Maddison, P., 5 Oct 2006, In: Family Practice. 23, 5, p. 558-567

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Published

    Why so many medieval manuscripts feature doodles – and what they reveal

    Killacky, M., 6 Oct 2022, The Conversation.

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

  5. Published

    Why students take general psychology and what they think psychology is

    Cox, W. M., Huselid, J. L., Johnson, C. M., Kavanagh, T. A., Phillips, K. M. & Swenson, B. M., 1982, In: JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Published

    Why the International Criminal Court is right to focus on the environment

    Smith, T., 23 Sept 2016, The Conversation.

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

  7. Published

    Why the pine marten is not every red squirrel’s best friend

    Shuttleworth, C. & Hayward, M., 2019, The Conversation.

    Research output: Other contribution

  8. Published

    Why we should give prejudiced students a voice in the classroom

    Patterson, C., 3 Oct 2018, The Conversation.

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

  9. Published

    Why women’s rugby needs its own injury prevention strategy

    Owen, J. & Kirby, E., 28 Mar 2024, The Conversation.

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

  10. Published

    Why you should expect to pay more tourist taxes – even though the evidence for them is unclear

    Ap Gwilym, R. & Osti, L., 8 May 2024, The Conversation.

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

  11. Published

    Wide Band Polarization-Free Wavelength Conversion Based on Four-Wave -Mixing in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

    Hong, Y., Spencer, P. S. & Shore, K. A., 1 Feb 2004, In: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 40, 2, p. 152-156

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Published

    Wide bandwidth, low loss 1 by 4 wavelength division multiplexer on silicon for optical interconnects

    Tan, D. T. H., Ikeda, K., Zamek, S., Mizrahi, A., Nezhad, M. P., Krishnamoorthy, A. V., Raj, K., Cunningham, J. E., Zheng, X., Shubin, I., Luo, Y. & Fainman, Y., 31 Jan 2011, In: Optics Express. 19, 3, p. 2401-2409 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  13. Published

    Wide-Field and Real-Time Super-Resolution Optical Imaging By Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle-Assembled Solid Immersion Lens

    Wang, W., Yan, B., Wang, H., Chen, Y., Nie, X., Yi, C., Wang, Z., Xu, Z., Zeng, J. & Fan, W., 7 Jun 2023, In: Small. 19, 23, 2207596.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  14. Published

    Wideband Chaos With Time-Delay Concealment in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers With Optical Feedback and Injection

    Hong, Y., Spencer, P. S. & Shore, K. A., 5 Feb 2014, In: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 50, 4, p. 236-242

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  15. Published

    Wideband complex-enhanced chaos generation using a semiconductor laser subject to delay-interfered self-phase-modulated feedback

    Zhao, A., Jiang, N., Xue, C., Tang, J. & Qiu, K., Apr 2019, In: Optics Express. 27, 9, p. 12336-12348

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  16. Published

    Wider die zahmen Worte: Zu Polemik, Peer-Review und Streit(un)kultur in der deutschsprachigen Archäologie

    Karl, R., 9 Jan 2019, 17 p. Archäologische Denkmalpflege.

    Research output: Other contribution

  17. Published

    Widespread colonisation of Tanzanian catchments by introduced Oreochromis tilapia fishes: the legacy from decades of deliberate introduction

    Shechonge, A., Ngatunga, B. P., Bradbeer, S. J., Day, J. J., Freer, J. J., Ford, A. GP., Kihedu, J., Richmond, T., Mzighani, S., Smith, A. M., Sweke, E. A., Tamatamah, R., Tyers, A. M., Turner, G. F. & Genner, M. J., Apr 2019, In: Hydrobiologia. 832, 1, p. 235-253 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  18. Published

    Widespread convergence in toxin resistance by predictable molecular evolution

    Wuster, W., Ujvari, B., Casewell, N. R., Sunagar, K., Arbuckle, K., Wüster, W., Lo, N., O'Meally, D., Beckmann, C., King, G. F., Deplazes, E. & Madsen, T., 22 Sept 2015, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 112, 38, p. 11911-11916

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  19. Published

    Widespread deoxygenation of temperate lakes

    Jane, S. F., Hansen, G. J. A., Kraemer, B. M., Leavitt, P. R., Mincer, J. L., North, R. L., Pilla, R. M., Stetler, J. T., Williamson, C. E., Woolway, R. I., Arvola, L., Chandra, S., DeGasperi, C. L., Diemer, L., Dunalska, J., Erina, O., Flaim, G., Grossart, H-P., Hambright, K. D., Hein, C., Hejzlar, J., Janus, L. L., Jenny, J-P., Knoll, L. B., Leoni, B., Mackay, E., Matsuzaki, S-I. S., McBride, C., Muller-Navarra, D. C., Paterson, A. M., Pierson, D., Rogora, M., Rusak, J. A., Sadro, S., Saulnier-Talbot, E., Schmid, M., Sommaruga, R., Thiery, W., Verburg, P., Weathers, K. C., Weyhenmeyer, G. A., Yokota, K. & Rose, K. C., 2 Jun 2021, In: Nature. 594, 7861, p. 66-70

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  20. Published

    Widespread extinctions of co-diversified primate gut bacterial symbionts from humans

    Sanders, J. G., Sprockett, D. D., Li, Y., Mjungu, D., Lonsdorf, E. V., Ndjango, J-B. N., Georgiev, A. V., Hart, J. A., Sanz, C. M., Morgan, D. B., Peeters, M., Hahn, B. H. & Moeller, A. H., Jun 2023, In: Nature Microbiology. 8, 6, p. 1039-1050 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  21. Published

    Widespread introgression across a phylogeny of 155 Drosophila genomes

    Suvorov, A., Kim, B. Y., Wang, J., Armstrong, E. E., Peede, D., D'Agostino, E. R. R., Price, D. K., Waddell, P., Lang, M., Courtier-Orgogozo, V., David, J. R., Petrov, D., Matute, D. R., Schrider, D. R. & Comeault, A., 10 Jan 2022, In: Current Biology. 32, 1, p. 111-123

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  22. Published

    Widespread loss of lake ice around the Northern Hemisphere in a warming world

    Sharma, S., Blagrave, K., Magnuson, J. J., O'Reilly, C. M., Oliver, S., Batt, R. D., Magee, M. R., Straile, D., Weyhenmeyer, G. A., Winslow, L. & Woolway, R. I., 1 Mar 2019, In: Nature Climate Change. 9, 3, p. 227-231

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  23. Published

    Widespread parallel population adaptation to climate variation across a radiation: implications for adaptation to climate change

    Thorpe, R. S., Barlow, A., Malhotra, A. & Surget-Groba, Y., 16 Feb 2015, In: Molecular Ecology. 24, 5, p. 1019-1030

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  24. Published

    Widespread variation in functional trait-vital rate relationships in tropical tree seedlings across a precipitation and soil phosphorus gradient

    Browne, L., Markesteijn, L., Manzané-Pinzón, E., Wright, S. J., Bagchi, R., Engelbrecht, B., Jones, F. A. & Comita, L. S., 1 Feb 2023, In: Functional Ecology. 37, 2, p. 248-260 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  25. Published

    Widespread vulnerability of Malagasy predators to the toxins of an introduced toad

    Marshall, B. M., Casewell, N. R., Vences, M., Glaw, F., Andreone, F., Rakotoarison, A., Zancolli, G., Woog, F. & Wuster, W., 4 Jun 2018, In: Current Biology. 28, 11, p. R654-R655 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  26. Published

    Wie (Denkmalschutz-) Gesetze funktionieren sollten

    Karl, R., 2 Apr 2018

    Research output: Other contribution

  27. Published

    Wie aus Kelten, die sich für Römer halten, Welsche werden.

    Karl, R., 1 Jan 2006.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  28. Published

    Wie man einem Kelten Wein verkauft.

    Karl, R., 1 Jan 2005.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  29. Published

    Wie viel Roastbeef steckt im „Rost Pfiff“? Auf den Spuren eines „englischen“ Rezeptes

    Mullneritsch, H., 1 Nov 2014, In: Feldbacher Beiträge zur Heimatkunde der Südoststeiermark. 13, p. 7-18 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  30. Published

    Wie viele Fundmeldungen braucht das Land?

    Karl, R., 19 Feb 2019, 25 p. Archäologische Denkmalpflege.

    Research output: Other contribution

  31. Published

    Wild bonobos host geographically restricted malaria parasites including a putative new Laverania species

    Liu, W., Sherrill-Mix, S., Learn, G. H., Scully, E. J., Li, Y., Avitto, A. N., Loy, D. E., Lauder, A. P., Sundararaman, S. A., Plenderleith, L. J., Ndjango, J-B. N., Georgiev, A. V., Ahuka-Mundeke, S., Peeters, M., Bertaolani, P., Dupain, J., Garai, C., Hart, J. A., Hart, T. B., Shaw, G. M., Sharp, P. M. & Hahn, B. H., Nov 2017, In: Nature Communications. 8, 1635.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  32. Published

    Wild dog reintroductions in South Africa: a systematic review and cross-validation of an endangered species recovery programme.

    Gusset, M., Stewart, G. B., Bowler, D. E. & Pullin, A. S., 1 Aug 2010, In: Journal for Nature Conservation. 18, 3, p. 230-234

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  33. Published

    Wilde Denker: Unordnung und Erkenntnis auf dem Tellerrand der Ethnologie; Festschrift für Mark Münzel zum 60. Geburtstag.

    Schmidt, B. E. (ed.) & Schmidt, B. (ed.), 1 Jan 2003, 2003 ed. Philipps-Universität Marburg.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  34. Published

    Wildfire and charcoal enhance nitrification and Ammonium-Oxidizing bacterial abundance in dry montane forest soils.

    Ball, P. N., MacKenzie, M. D., DeLuca, T. H. & Holben Montana, W. E., 1 Jul 2010, In: Journal of Environmental Quality. 39, 4, p. 1243-1253

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  35. Published

    Wildfire-produced charcoal directly influences nitrogen cycling in ponderosa pine forests.

    DeLuca, T. H., MacKenzie, M. D., Gundale, M. J. & Holben, W. E., 1 Mar 2006, In: Soil Science Society of America Journal. 70, 2, p. 448-453

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  36. Published

    Wildlife supply chains in Madagascar from local collection to global export

    Robinson, J., Fraser, I., St John, F. A. V., Randrianantoandro, J., Andriantsimanarilafy, R., Razafimanahaka, J. H., Griffiths, R. A. & Roberts, D. L., 1 Oct 2018, In: Biological Conservation. 226, p. 144-152

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  37. Published

    Wildwest in Winterthur: Ein Bauarbeiterstreik und seine Folgen.

    Koller, C., 1 Jan 2007, In: Jahrbuch Winterthur. 54, p. 136-141

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  38. Published
  39. Published

    Wilhelm II

    Sedlmaier, A., 1 Jan 2004, Dictionary of literary influences: the twentieth century: 1914-2000. Powell, J. (ed.). 2004 ed. Greenwood Press, p. 557-558

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  40. Published
  41. Published

    Will It Ever End?’ The Continuous Cycle of Inequalities Faced By Romani Gypsy, Roma Traveller Populations

    Crew, T. & Smith-Mands, J., 14 Feb 2023, Crime, Criminality and Injustice: An Interdisciplinary Collection of Revelations. Prideaux, S., Sheikh, M. & Formby, A. (eds.). Anthem Press

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  42. Published

    Will You Walk In, My Lord? Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida and the Anxiety of Oikos

    Hiscock, A., 18 Apr 2016, Shakespeare and Hospitality: Ethics, Politics, and Exchange. Reinhard Lupton, J. & Goldstein, D. (eds.). Routledge, p. 17-38 (Routledge Studies in Shakespeare).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  43. Published

    Will a Shrink Make you Richer? Gender Differences in the Effects of Psychotherapy on Labour Efficiency

    Cozzi, G., Galli, S. & Mantovan, N., 31 Oct 2018, In: European Economic Review. 109, p. 257 274 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  44. Published

    Will dingoes really conserve wildlife and can our methods tell?

    Hayward, M. W. & Marlow, N., 9 Apr 2014, In: Journal of Applied Ecology. 51, 4, p. 835-838

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  45. Published

    William Basset.

    Claydon, A. M., Claydon, T., Matthew, H. C. (ed.) & Harrison, B. (ed.), 1 Jan 2004, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: 4. 2004 ed. Oxford University Press, p. 273-274

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  46. Published

    William Binckes.

    Claydon, A. M., Claydon, T., Matthew, H. C. (ed.) & Harrison, B. (ed.), 1 Jan 2004, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: 5. 2004 ed. Oxford University Press, p. 742-743

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  47. Published

    William III.

    Claydon, A. M., Claydon, T., Matthew, H. C. (ed.) & Harrison, B. (ed.), 1 Jan 2004, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: 59. 2004 ed. Oxford University Press, p. 73-98

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  48. Published

    William III: Profiles in Power.

    Claydon, A. M. & Claydon, T., 1 Jan 2002, Longman.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  49. Published

    William and Mary.

    Claydon, A. M., Claydon, T. & Speck, W. A., 1 Jan 2007, Oxford University Press.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  50. Published

    William: King and Conqueror

    Hagger, M. S. & Hagger, M., 1 Jan 2012, I.B.Taurus.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook