College of Medicine & Health

  1. Other report › Research › Not peer-reviewed
  2. Published

    Exclusion From Services In Later Life: ROSEnet Briefing Paper Series No.4

    ROSEnet Services Working Group, Barbabella, F., Barlin, H., Barstad, J., Ferreira, C. C., Draulans, V., Hlebec, V., Lamura, G., MacLeod, C., Maskeliunas, R., Siren, A., Walsh, K. (ed.) & Scharf, T. (ed.), 2020, COST Action 15122 Reducing Old-Age Exclusion: Collaborations in Research and Policy. 9 p. (ROSEnet Briefing Paper Series)

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

  3. Published

    Feedback on Operation liberty: Police understanding of vulnerability

    Ford, K., Barton, E. & Roderick, J., 2017, Public Health Wales NHS Trust.

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

  4. Published

    Funding and access to hospice care in Wales

    Spencer, L., Davies, J., Pisavadia, K. & Edwards, R. T., 24 Apr 2024, 36 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

  5. Published

    Parenting Programme in Health Centres: What you do with baby really matters: implementation manual

    Walker, S., Powell, C., Chang, S., Baker-Henningham, H., Grantham-McGregor, S. & Lopez-Boo, F. (ed.), Aug 2016, Inter-American Development Bank.

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

  6. Published
  7. Published
  8. Published
  9. Published
  10. Published

    Siaradwyr Cymraeg mewn ymchwil iechyd a gofal yng Nghymru

    Cooledge, B. & Spencer, L., 20 Sept 2022

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

  11. Published

    Social Return on Investment of Sistema Cymru - Codi'r To

    Winrow, E. & Edwards, R., 2018, 32 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

  12. Published

    Social care and older people with chronic kidney disease: a mixed-method narrative review

    Neukirchinger, B., McLaughlin, L., Roberts, N. & Noyes, J., Oct 2018, Bangor University/Wales Kidney Research Unit.

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

  13. Published
  14. Published

    Warm Homes for Health End of Study Briefing 2016: Exploring the costs and outcomes of improving population health through better housing

    Edwards, R. T., Bray, N., Burns, P. & Jones, A., 2016, Prifysgol Bangor University. 4 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

  15. Published

    Wheelchair Outcomes Assessment Tool for Children: Summary Report

    Bray, N., Tuersley, L. & Edwards, R. T., 2018, Prifysgol Bangor University. 36 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

  16. Commissioned report › Research › Peer-reviewed
  17. Published

    A rapid assessment of re-opening nightlife whilst containing COVID-19 and preventing violence

    Janssen, H., Cresswell, K., Judd, N., Hughes, K., Snowdon, L., Barton, E., Jones, D., Wood, S. & Bellis, M., 2020, Uned Atal Trais - Violence Prevention Unit. 48 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  18. Published

    A rapid review of the impact of office layout on employee health, productivity and sustainability

    Ford, K., Griffith, N., Hughes, K. & Bellis, M., May 2022, Wrexham: Bangor University. 10 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  19. Published

    Adolygiad cyflym o effaith cynllun swyddfa ar iechyd, cynhyrchiant a chynaliadwyedd gweithwyr

    Ford, K., Griffith, N., Hughes, K. & Bellis, M., 13 May 2022, Wrexham : Bangor University. 10 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  20. Published

    Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Diabetes | A brief review

    Hughes, K., Ford, K. & Bellis, M., 25 May 2020, Public Health Wales; Bangor University.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  21. Published

    Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in Bolton: Impacts on health, wellbeing and resilience

    Ford, K., Hughes, K. & Bellis, M., Dec 2021, Public Health Wales; Bangor University. 35 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  22. Published

    Adverse childhood experiences and COVID-19 in Bolton

    Ford, K., Hughes, K., Janssen, H. & Bellis, M., 13 Jun 2022, Wrexham: Bangor University.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  23. Published

    Adverse childhood experiences and engagement with healthcare services: Findings from a survey of adults in Wales and England

    Ford, K., Hughes, K., Cresswell, K., Amos, R. & Bellis, M., 30 Apr 2024, Public Health Wales; Bangor University. 38 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  24. Published

    Byw yn dda yn hirach: Y ddadl economaidd dros fuddsoddi yn iechyd a llesiant pobl hŷn yng Nghymru

    Edwards, R., Spencer, L., Bryning, L. & Anthony, B., 30 Jul 2018, 68 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  25. Published

    Climate Change in Wales: Health Impact Assessment: Technical Report

    Edmonds, N., Green, L., Azam, S., Bellis, M., Cresswell, K., Clar, C., Davies, M., Fletcher, M., Hughes, K., James, K., Judd, N., Toner, S., Wheater, P. & Wood, S., Jul 2023

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  26. Published

    Cold homes and their association with health and well-being: a systematic literature review

    Janssen, H., Gascoyne, B., Ford, K., Hill, R., Roberts, M. & Azam, S., 2022, Public Health Wales NHS Trust.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  27. Published

    Domestic Homicide Review: Relating to Michael

    Davies, C. T., 2021, Lincolnshire County Countil.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  28. Published

    Early evaluation of the Integrated Care and Support Pioneers Programme: Final Report

    Erens, B., Wistow, G., Mounter-Jack, S., Douglas, N., Jones, L., Manacorda, T. & Mays, N., Sept 2015, London: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  29. Published

    Engaging Care Leavers: Care-leaver's Engagement with Multi-agency Services. An Evidence Informed Good Practice Toolkit

    Davies, C. T., Prendergast, L., Seddon, D., Hartfiel, N. & Edwards, R. T., May 2024, 2 ed. Prifysgol Bangor University. 40 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  30. Published

    Evaluation of the NHS General Dental Services Contract Reform Programme in Wales

    Jones, L., Overs, E., Woods, C., Mostaghim, M. & Jones, A. W., Jan 2024, Prifysgol Bangor University. 90 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  31. Published

    Framing a public health approach to gambling harms in Wales: Challenges and opportunities

    Rogers, R., Wardle, H., Sharp, C., Dymond, S., Davies, T., Hughes, K. & Astbury, G., 29 Jan 2019, Bangor University.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  32. Published

    Gambling as a public health issue in Wales

    Rogers, R., Wardle, H., Sharp, C., Wood, S., Hughes, K., Davies, T., Dymond, S. & Bellis, M., 29 Jan 2019, Bangor University.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  33. Published

    Keeping warm at home during winter in Wales: Differences in heating behaviours, coping strategies, and wellbeing from 2022 to 2023

    Ford, K., Carella, N., Hill, R., Janssen, H., Heywood, L., Griffiths, D. & Azam, S., 28 Mar 2024, Public Health Wales; Bangor University. 28 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  34. Published

    Living Well for Longer: Economic argument investing in the health and wellbeing of older people in Wales

    Edwards, R., Spencer, L., Bryning, L. & Anthony, B., 30 Jul 2018, 68 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  35. Published

    Lles mewn gwaith: Y dadleuon economaidd dros fuddsoddi mewn iechyd a lles y gweithlu yng Nghymru

    Edwards, R. T., Spencer, L., Anthony, B. & Bryning, L., 17 Oct 2019, Bangor : Bangor University. 64 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  36. Published

    Profiadau Niweidiol mewn Plentyndod (ACEs) a Diabetes | Adolygiad byr

    Ford, K., Hughes, K. & Bellis, M., 25 May 2021, Public Health Wales; Bangor University.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  37. Published

    Promoting physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions by primary care: the Function First realist synthesis with co-design

    Law, B., Langley, J., Hall, B., Burton, C., Hiscock, J., Williams, L., Morrison, V., Lemmey, A., Gallanders, J., Lovell-Smith, C., Cooney, J. & Williams, N., Sept 2021, NIHR Journals Library. 134 p. (NIHR Monograph Series; vol. HS&DR Reference: 17/45/22 )

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  38. Published

    Six Steps to Success in End of Life Care_SIX STEPS PROGRAMME EVALUATION

    Din, N., 2018

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  39. Published

    Transforming Young Lives across Wales: The Economic Argument for Investing in Early Years

    Edwards, R., Bryning, L. & Lloyd Williams, H., 13 Oct 2016, Prifysgol Bangor University. 110 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  40. Published

    Wellness in work: The economic arguments for investing in the health and wellbeing of the workforce in Wales

    Edwards, R. T., Spencer, L., Anthony, B. & Bryning, L., 17 Oct 2019, Bangor: Bangor University. 64 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  41. Published

    What does good look like? Setting its outcome principles and Framework for Wales. Consultation Report.

    Wallace, C., Stone, J., Beeckman, L., Davies, E., Davies, F., Evans, R., Griffiths, M., Kenkre, J., Llewellyn, M., Lynch, M., Pontin, D., Powell, D., Roberts, G., Rees, S., Smith, S., Thomas, S., Vinnicombe, S. & Wallace, S., 3 Oct 2018, 14 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

  42. Published
  43. Commissioned report › Research › Not peer-reviewed
  44. Published

    A Global and National Perspective on Dementia: Research Briefing

    Jones, C., Feb 2018, 016 ed. Wales: National Assembly for Wales Commission. 11 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  45. Published

    A randomised controlled trial of a workbook-based intervention for stroke pateints: effects on disability and distress in patients and partners

    Morrison, V. L., Johnston, M., Morrison, V., MacWalter, R. & Pollard, B., 1 Jan 2005, 2005 ed. Unknown.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  46. Published

    A rapid assessment of reopening nightlife whilst containing COVID-19 and preventing violence: Full report

    Janssen, H., Cresswell, K., Judd, N., Hughes, K., Snowdon, L., Barton, E., Jones, D., Wood, S. & Bellis, M., 2020, Uned Atal Trais - Violence Prevention Unit.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  47. Published

    A study into the section commanders course at the Infantry Battle School Brecon.

    Hardy, L. & Arthur, C. A., 1 Jan 2008, 2008 ed. Institute for the Psychology of Elite Performance, Bangor University, Wales.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  48. Published

    Access to dementia services for bilingual (Welsh and English) residents

    Jones, C., Feb 2018, 017 ed. Wales: National Assembly for Wales Commission. 12 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  49. Published

    All Wales Breastfeeding Five Year Action Plan

    Brown, S., 3 Jul 2019, Welsh Government. 24 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  50. Published

    An Evaluation of the IPS Programme: I CAN Work

    Williams, S., Prendergast, L., Roberts, S., Burton, C. & Hartfiel, N., 2021, Bangor University. 88 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  51. Published

    Analysis of Local Authority Area Plans

    Vinnicombe, S. & Noyes, J., Jan 2019, National Centre for Population Health and Wellbeing Research. 16 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  52. Published

    Appraisal Update.

    Brigden, D. N. & Lamont, G. L., 1 Jan 2001, 2001 ed. Mersey Deanery.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  53. Published

    Artworks Cymru Participatory arts research and evaluation case study report

    Keay-Bright, W. & McLaughlin, L., Feb 2017, ArtWorks Cymru. 20 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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