College of Medicine & Health
- 2016
Bilingual Lexical Processing: Evidence from picture naming andtranslation in aphasic and non-aphasic speakers
Hughes, E. (Author), Tainturier, M.-J. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Examining the Interactive Effects of Mental Toughness, Self-Regulated Training Behaviors, and Personality in Swimming
Alqallaf, A. (Author), Hardy, L. (Supervisor) & Beattie, S. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Exercise motives and gains: implications for health behaviour change
Strommer, S. (Author), Ingledew, D. (Supervisor) & Markland, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Exercise rehabilitation after hip or knee joint replacement: The effects of illness representations and self-efficacy on adherence, physical recovery and emotional well-being
Magklara, E. (Author), Morrison, V. (Supervisor) & Burton, C. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Experiences of Healthcare Professionals and Patients in Paediatric Cystic Fibrosis: Making and Breaking Bonds
Jones, S. (Author), Jan 2016Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Exploring Psychological Distress in Renal Services: Health Care Professionals and Patient Experiences
Shakespeare, M. (Author), Jan 2016Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Functional integration of neural signals during person perception
Greven, I. (Author), Ramsey, R. (Supervisor) & Downing, P. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Growing Kind Minds: Adapted group Compassion Focused Therapy for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities (CFT-ID)
Clapton, N. (Author), Williams, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Hemispheric asymmetries: behavioural, kinematic, and electrophysiological predictors of cerebral organisation
Johnstone, L. (Author), Carey, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
How language, culture and emotions shape the mind
Ellis, C. (Author), Jones, M. (Supervisor) & Turnbull, O. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Individual Difference in Self and Social Attributions of Facial Appearances: Behavioural Correlates of Depression
Sreenivas, S. (Author), Ward, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Influences on cognition:Emotion, social cues, context
Brennan-Craddock, A. (Author), Heerey, E. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Kidney Transplantation: Investigating Sexual Functioning in Female Recipients and Exploring the Lived Experience of Donors
Rutter, L. (Author), Parry-Jones, B. (Supervisor) & Gardner, P. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Managing Diabetes in Adolescence: An Exploration of the Relevant Literature and Lived Experiences
Oakley, L. (Author), Jan 2016Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Neuroimaging of Chronic Pain
Khusnullina, A. (Author), Mullins, P. (Supervisor) & Jones, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Neuropsychology of Motivated Forgetting
Shanker, S. (Author), Turnbull, O. (Supervisor) & Bracewell, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Participant-produced photography to augment therapeutic interventions for people with intellectual disabilities
Boulton, N. (Author), Williams, J. (Supervisor) & Jones, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Probing the impact of familiarity on effective connectivity within the Action Observation Network
Gardner, T. (Author), Cross, E. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Proton MRS Studies in Ageing: investigating relaxation, concentration, and correlation with resting-state activity in the PCC
Rusiak, K. (Author), Mullins, P. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Resilience, Behavioural Problems and Well-being in Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their Families.
Halstead, E. (Author), Griffith, G. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Rheumatoid cachexia in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated in the current treat-to-target era: An exploration of the incidence, mechanisms, effects on physical function, and a potential nutritional treatment
Wilkinson, T. (Author), Lemmey, A. (Supervisor) & OBrien, T. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Self-efficacy and Performance Relationships: Examining the Roles of Personality, Bias, and Effort
Dempsey, C. (Author), Beattie, S. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Tear secretory IgA: a non-invasive biomarker of mucosal immune competence
Hanstock, H. (Author), Walsh, N. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The effect of inter-stimulus competition on visual short-term memory capacity.
Miller, C. (Author), Shapiro, K. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The experiential and neurological underpinnings of spatial working memory representations
Katshu, M. (Author), d'Avossa, G. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The role of Psychological Processes in acquired brain injury sequelae
Byrne, C. (Author), Coetzer, B. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
The role of TEX19 in growth and maintenance of colorectal cancer stem-like cells
Planells Palop, V. (Author), Mcfarlane, R. (Supervisor) & Wakeman, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Translating Research into Practice: Factors Influencing Implementation of Evidence Based Psychotherapy Treatments
King, J. (Author), Swales, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Virtual dissection of subcortical non-image forming visual pathways in the human brain with DTI tractography
Koller, K. (Author), Rafal, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Working with Trauma: Perceived Competence and Burnout in Mental Health Staff
West, H. (Author), Horn, N. (Supervisor) & Power, K. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
A neurophysiological investigation of mindfulness training in secondary schools: Modifications in cognitive control and emotion processing in adolescents
Sanger, K. (Author), Dorjee, D. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2015
Automatic imitation:antecedents and individual differences
Butler, E. E. (Author) & Butler, E. (Author), Ramsey, R. (Supervisor), 10 Dec 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Comparing understanding of Health related knowledge following Easy Read alone or Easy Read with additional support in adults with intellectual disabilities.
Rowlands, L. (Author), Hughes, J. (Supervisor), 1 Dec 2015Student thesis: Masters by Research
Identification of genetic markers that predict cancer sensitivity to the anticancer drugs 5-FU and Irinotecan
Jordan, T. (Author), Hartsuiker, E. (Supervisor) & Gollins, S. (Supervisor), 16 Jun 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Neuroanatomical and perceptual deficits in auditory agnosia : a study of an auditory agnosia patient with inferior colliculus damage
Poliva, O. (Author), Rafal, B. (Supervisor), 28 May 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Increasing student's skills in STEM with the use of precision teaching : assessing the effectiveness of SAFMEDS
Hunter, S. (Author), Hughes, C. (Supervisor), 27 May 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Preliminary stages in the validation of a talent identification model in cricket
Barney, E. (Author), Hardy, L. (Supervisor), 27 May 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Emotional memory for basic emotions in amnesia
Stanciu, M. (Author), Turnbull, O. (Supervisor), 25 May 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Illusions of control : exploring the dissociation between explicit and implicit systems
Wilkin, C. (Author), Ward, R. (Supervisor), 20 May 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Group interventions for adults with ASD
Cernyw, E. (Author), Henderson, B. (Supervisor) & Griffith, G. (Supervisor), 19 Feb 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An Evaluation of the Incredible Years School Readiness Parenting Programme Delivered in Welsh Schools
Pye, K. (Author), Hutchings, J. (Supervisor) & Bywater, T. J. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An investigation examining the effects of specificity within the construct of anxiety on planning and execution of movement
Hadnett, V. (Author), Lawrence, G. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Awareness and the emotional experience of acquired brain injury
Roblin, A. (Author), Addy, K. (Supervisor) & Morrison, V. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Bilingualism and cognition: an ERP approach
Roch, N. (Author), Mills, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Cognitive reserve, mood, and cognitive function in later life
Opdebeeck, C. (Author), Clare, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Coping, mindfulness, occupational stress and burnout amongst healthcare professionals employed within forensic inpatient settings
Kriakous, S. (Author), Owen, R. (Supervisor) & Elliott, K. A. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Dehydration: assessment techniques and effects on endurance performance and well-being
Owen, J. (Author), Oliver, S. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Development of an intervention to promote Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors (PACS)
Nafees, S. (Author), Williams, N. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Effects of acute and chronic exercise on appetite regulatory hormones, craving and body weight in sedentary lean and overweight/obese females
Fatahi, F. (Author), Kubis, H.-P. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Environmental extremes and the immune response to exercise
Dolci, A. (Author), Walsh, N. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy