School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
21ENGBIO: Polyphosphate-based synthetic pathway (PSP) for bioconversion of isopentenols to isoprenoid precursors using recombinant cell lysates
Iakounine, A. (PI)
31/01/22 → 9/08/24
Project: Research
81280 - Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (SBS element)
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/08/17 → 17/09/24
Project: Research
A Novel Public Health Monitoring system for 2020 and beyond
Baird, M. (PI)
1/04/14 → 31/05/15
Project: Research
A activity assay for the detection and quantification of botulinum toxin
Gwenin, C. (PI)
1/10/13 → 31/05/15
Project: Research
A computational and experimental evaluation of lipids
Gwenin, C. (PI)
1/10/14 → 10/06/15
Project: Research
A novel method to activate prodrugs at solid tumours
Gwenin, C. (PI)
1/04/14 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
A pilot study into the validation and identification of a new family of oncogenes.
Mcfarlane, R. (PI)
9/05/11 → 8/01/13
Project: Research
A point-of-care device for diagnosis of mycobacterial infections
Baird, M. (PI)
1/04/12 → 30/04/15
Project: Research
A systems approach to understanding microorganisms in Acute Oak Decline
McDonald, J. (PI)
1/05/15 → 15/07/17
Project: Research
A trilateral network for agroforestry and integrated regenerative landscape management to support climate resilient development and food security
Pagella, T. (PI)
1/12/24 → 15/03/25
Project: Research
ADAPT – Ancient DNA studies of Adaptive Processes through Time
Creer, S. (PI)
1/10/16 → 21/07/20
Project: Research
AMAZECO - An Ecosystem Structure EBV product covering the Amazon combining satelite and airborne LIDAR
Valbuena, R. (PI)
1/10/20 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Adaptive radiations of cichlid fish in Tanzanian crater lakes
Turner, G. (PI)
1/01/12 → 31/08/13
Project: Research
Additional funding for ENVISION student Katie Devenish
Willcock, S. (PI)
1/10/19 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Addressing the unintended consequences of tropical forest restoration for people and biodiversity
Warren-Thomas, E. (PI)
1/06/20 → 25/02/25
Project: Research
Advanced biodiversity monitoring for results-based and effective agricultural policy and transformation (BioMonitor4CAP)
Griffiths, R. (PI)
1/12/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Research
Agri-Environment Monitoring and Services Contract Lot 3 (Studentship)
Jones, D. (PI)
1/06/09 → 1/08/12
Project: Research
Agri-environment moitoring and technical services contract (no 183/20007/08, Lot 3)
1/06/09 → 31/07/12
Project: Research
Agronomic Processes to Optimise Galanthamine Content of Daffodil Biomass ( AGROGAL)
Tomos, D. (PI)
4/10/11 → 12/08/17
Project: Research
Agronomic Processes to Optimise Galanthamine Content of Daffodil Biomass ( AGROGAL)
Tomos, D. (PI)
1/07/11 → 12/08/17
Project: Research
An innovative and cost effective approach for the selective recovery of metals
Johnson, B. (PI)
1/06/09 → 14/02/11
Project: Research
Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater samples from July to September, 2021
Jones, D. (PI)
1/07/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Research