Bangor University
Beech, Emily-Louise
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Graduate Teaching Assistant
Person: Support
Chadwick, Dave
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor of Sustainable Land Use Systems
Person: Academic
Parry, Sara
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Marketing
- Rhanbarth - Tourism, destinations and place engagement
- Rhanbarth - Understanding Consumers
Person: Academic
Stoetzler, Marcel
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Sociology
Person: Academic
Winder, Isabelle
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Zoology
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Henningham, Helen
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Professor in Psychology
- The Insitute for Wellbeing Research
Person: Academic
Altunbas, Yener
- Bangor Business School - Professor in Banking
- The Institute of European Finance - Responsible Banking
Person: Research, Academic
Jones, Leah
- North Wales Medical School - Lecturer in Medical Sciences (Clinically Applied Anatomy and Physiology)
Person: Academic
Rogers, Helen
- Bangor Business School - Lecturer in Accounting
- Rhanbarth - Tax and Welfare
- The Institute of European Finance - Accounting and Governance
Person: Academic
Flynn, Greg
- School of Health Sciences - Research Project Support Officer (Health Economics)
Person: Research
Williams, Sian Gibson
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Instrumental/Vocal Tutor
Person: Academic
Kurr, Rachel
- College of Science & Engineering - Placements and Fieldtrips Co-ordinator, Academic Support Officer
Person: Support
Hallman, Tyler
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer In Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
Person: Academic
Jones, Julia Patricia Gordon
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor in Conservation Science
Person: Academic
Zancan, Elia
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Person: Research
Oldfield, Alun
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Policing, Criminology & Criminal Justice
Person: Academic
Ashcroft, Laura
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Lecturer in Counselling (Teaching & Scholarship)
Person: Academic
Jones, Rebecca
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer
- School of Education - CELT Digital Pedagogy Lead
Person: Academic