College of Science & Engineering
Soltangheisi, Amin
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Officer
Person: Research
Steele, Katherine
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Reader in Sustainable Crop Production / Director of Impact & Engagement
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research - Reader
Person: Academic
Sutton, Alex
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Teaching & Research Lectureship
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Tang, Jianming
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Professor in Optical Communications
Person: Academic
Teahan, William
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
Person: Academic
Thomas Lane, Eifiona
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Geography & Environmental Planning
Person: Academic
Thornham, Daniel
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Zoology / Exams Officer
Person: Academic
Tidau, Svenja
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Wildlife Ecology
Person: Academic
Turner, George
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor in Zoology (Aquatic)
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Unsworth, Christopher
- School of Ocean Sciences - Research Officer in Coastal Oceanography
Person: Research
Vallejo Castro, Luis
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Post-doctoral Research Officer of the DSP Centre of Excellence
Person: Research
Villanueva, Walter
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Reader in Nuclear Engineering
Person: Academic