School of Ocean Sciences
- 2017
Population biology of two species of grey mullet, Liza abu in CentralIraq (Heckel, 1843) and Chelon labrosus (Risso, 1827) in North West Wales
Tulkani, R. H. M. (Author), McCarthy, I. (Supervisor) & Richardson, C. (Supervisor), Jun 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Age, growth and reproductive assessment of the whelk, Buccinum undatum, in coastal shelf seas
Hollyman, P. (Author), Richardson, C. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Combined effects of hydrodynamics and cohesive clay on bedform morphology and migration on sandy tidal flats
Lichtman, I. (Author), Baas, J. (Supervisor), Thorne, P. D. (Supervisor) & Amoudry, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Hydroacoustics as a tool for the assessment of fishes within existing and candidate marine protected areas (MPAs)
Egerton, J. (Author), Turner, J. (Supervisor) & Le Vay, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Simulating Feedbacks between Tidal Stream Array Operation and the Marine Energy Resource
Goward Brown, A. (Author), Neill, S. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Development of a Spatially Dynamic Model to Evaluate Management Scenarios in a Scallop Fishery
Shepperson, J. (Author), Kaiser, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The biology and ecology of the rocky shore crab Leptodius exaratus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) on the coast of Kuwait
Al-Wazzan, Z. (Author), Le Vay, L. (Supervisor), Gimenez Noya, J. (Supervisor) & Behbehani, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Watermass Transformations near the Tip of the Antarctic Peninsula
Mead Silvester, J. (Author), Rippeth, T. (Supervisor) & Lenn, Y.-D. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Drivers of thermocline shear in seasonally stratified shelf seas
Li, J. (Author), Rippeth, T. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Phytoplankton dynamics in Maltese coastal waters (Central Mediterranean) using in situ, remote sensing methods, and modelling techniques
Saliba, M. (Author), Bowers, D. (Supervisor) & Thomas, D. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Master of Philosophy
- 2016
A new proxy for constraining Palaeotidal simulations for the Northwest European Shelf Seas
Ward, S. (Author), Neill, S. (Supervisor) & Scourse, J. (Supervisor), 3 Oct 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Community level effects of variable recruitment of a key species Mytilus edulis L. in the rocky intertidal
Wangkulangkul, K. (Author), Jenkins, S. (Supervisor) & Hawkins, S. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Mineral Dynamics in Sea Ice Brines
Butler, B. (Author), Kennedy, H. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Operational Ocean Modelling: a Critical Evaluation of Published Works
Siddorn, J. (Author), Bowers, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Optical Measurements of Suspended Sediments
Jafar Sidik, M. (Author), Bowers, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Stability and variability of the ecosystem engineer Sabellaria alveolata on differing temporal and spatial scales
Bush, L. (Author), Mitchelson-Jacob, E. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The impact of large-scale sea-level changes on tides in the past, present and future
Wilmes, S.-B. (Author), Green, M. (Supervisor) & Scourse, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The nature of remotely-sensed surface turbidity in U.K. and Atlantic French Waters
Griffiths, J. (Author), Bowers, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Will warming affect food web structure?
Jenkins, S. (Author), Jenkins, S. (Supervisor), Gimenez Noya, J. (Supervisor) & Davies, A. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2015
Fisheries ecology of the brown crab (Cancer pagurus L.) in the Isle of Man
Ondes, F. (Author), Kaiser, M. (Supervisor), Murray, L. (Supervisor) & Kaiser, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Population characteristics and environmental interactions of the king scallop fishery in the English Channel
Szostek, C. (Author), Kaiser, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The ecology, age and growth of two muricacean gastropods from shores of Kuwait
Alsayegh, L. (Author), Richardson, C. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The effects of saltmarsh conservation grazing on breeding Common Redshank Tringa totanus
Sharps, E. (Author), Hiddink, J. (Supervisor) & Skov, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The interaction between tides, ice shelves and ice streams
Rosier, S. (Author), Green, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Tidal modulation of seabed light and its implications for Benthic Algae
Roberts, E. (Author), Bowers, D. (Supervisor) & Davies, A. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy