Research outputs

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  1. Published

    Théorie critique et impérialisme

    Stoetzler, M., 23 Aug 2021

    Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/site

  2. Published

    For a dialectical concept of culture

    Stoetzler, M., Oct 2020, In: Cured Quail. 2, p. 8-22

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  3. Published

    The Socialist Response to Antisemitism in Imperial Germany, Lars Fischer 2007

    Stoetzler, M., 2009, In: German Studies Review. 32, 1, p. 172-173

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article review

  4. Published

    Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Imperialism

    Stoetzler, M., 2016, Palgrave Encyclopaedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. Ness, I. & Cope, Z. (eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, Vol. 1. p. 167-174

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  5. Published

    Adornos Kritik der politischen Ökonomie – By D. Braunstein (pages 549–551)

    Stoetzler, M., Sept 2013, In: British Journal of Sociology. 64, 3, p. 549-551

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article reviewpeer-review

  6. Published

    Critical Theory and the Critique of Antisemitism

    Stoetzler, M. (ed.), 28 Dec 2023, London: Bloomsbury Academic. 306 p. (Critical Theory and the Critique of Antisemitism)

    Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review

  7. Published

    Loving to hate the Jews: antisemitism according to the Frankfurt School

    Stoetzler, M., 13 May 2020, In: Patterns of prejudice. 54, 3, p. 287-293

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article reviewpeer-review

  8. Published

    On how to make Adorno scream, Some notes on John Holloway’s Change the World Without Taking Power

    Stoetzler, M., 2005, In: Historical Materialism. 13, 4, p. 193-215

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Published

    Non-identity, critique of labour and pseudo-praxis: extra-marginal palinlegomena on the dialectics of doing

    Stoetzler, M., 30 Jun 2022, Adorno and Marx: Negative Dialectics and the Critique of Political Economy. Bonefeld, W. & O'Kane, C. (eds.). Bloomsbury Academic, p. 205-222 (Critical Theory and the Critique of Society).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  10. Published

    Antisemitismus und Gesellschaftstheorie: Die Frankfurter Schule im amerikanischen Exil

    Stoetzler, M., 2011, In: East European Jewish Affairs. p. 100-102

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article reviewpeer-review

  11. Published

    Durkheim’s and Simmel’s reactions to antisemitism and their reflection in their views on modern society

    Stoetzler, M., 22 May 2019, Antisemitismus im 19. Jahrhundert aus internationaler Perspektive. König, M. & Schultz, O. (eds.). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Unipress (Schriften aus der Max Weber Stiftung), p. 83-102 20 p. (Schriften aus der Max Weber Stiftung; vol. 1).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  12. Published

    ‘Learning from the power of things: labour, civilization and emancipation in Horkheimer and Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment’

    Stoetzler, M., 18 Jun 2019, In: Marxism 21. 16, 2, p. 210-235 26 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  13. Published

    Nationalism and the International Labor Movement: The Idea of the Nation in Socialist and Anarchist Theory by Michael Forman

    Stoetzler, M., 2006, In: Historical Materialism. 14, 3, p. 295-314

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article review

  14. Published

    My 350 on Brexit: Liberal nationalism gives advance notice of its fascist form

    Stoetzler, M., 3 Jul 2016

    Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/site

  15. Published

    Capitalismo, nación y corrosión social: notas sobre el “antisemitismo de izquierda"

    Stoetzler, M., May 2021, In: Bajo el Volcan. 4, p. 327-359

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  16. Published

    Frank Bajohr, Dieter Pohl, Right-Wing Politicsand the Rise of Antisemitism in Europe 1935–1941, Göttingen (Wallstein) 2019

    Stoetzler, M., 13 Dec 2019, In: Francia recensio. 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article reviewpeer-review

  17. Published

    ‘It only needs all’: re-reading Dialectic of Enlightenment at 70

    Stoetzler, M., 24 Jun 2017

    Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/site

  18. Published

    From interacting systems to a system of divisions: The concept of society and the ‘mutual constitution’ of intersecting social divisions

    Stoetzler, M., 1 Nov 2017, In: European Journal of Social Theory. 20, 4, p. 455-472

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  19. Published

    Antisemitism, Anti-capitalism, Community: (Con)fusing Reft and Light

    Stoetzler, M., 28 Dec 2023, Critical Theory and the Critique of Antisemitism. Stoetzler, M. (ed.). Bloomsbury Academic

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  20. Published

    Rightshift: the white fight against ‘the progressive storyline’

    Stoetzler, M., 11 May 2021, In: Patterns of prejudice. p. 95-101

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article reviewpeer-review

  21. Published
  22. Published

    Wer aber von der Geschichte des Subjekts nicht reden will, sollte auch vom Kapitalismus schweigen. Zur Radikalität der Dialektik der Aufklärung

    Stoetzler, M., 15 Apr 2019, Zur Kritik der regressiven Vernunft. Beiträge zur "Dialektik der Aufklärung". Schmid Noerr, G. & Ziege, E-M. (eds.). Wiesbaden: Springer VS, p. 163-180 18 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  23. Published

    Anti-Semitism, the Bourgeoisie and the Self-Destruction of the Nation-State

    Stoetzler, M., 2008, Hannah Arendt and the uses of History: Imperialism, Nation, Race, and Genocide. King, R. H. & Stone, D. (eds.). Berghahn Books, p. 130-146

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  24. Published

    Outdoor performance monitoring of perovskite solar cell mini-modules: Diurnal performance, observance of reversible degradation and variation with climatic performance

    Stoichkov, V., Bristow, N., Troughton, J., de Rossi, F., Watson, T. M. & Kettle, J., Aug 2018, In: Solar Energy. 170, p. 549-556

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  25. Published

    Multi stress testing of OPV modules for accurate predictive ageing and reliability predictions

    Stoichkov, V., Kumar, D., Tyagi, P. & Kettle, J., Jul 2018, In: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 8, 4, p. 1058-1065

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  26. Published

    Exploring preferences for variable delays over fixed delays to high-value food rewards as a model of food-seeking behaviours in humans

    Stokes, L-J. G., Davies, A., Lattimore, P., Winstanley, C. & Rogers, R., 18 Feb 2019, In: Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 374, 1766

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  27. Published

    Prolonged Wahnstimmung (delusional mood) without development of a psychotic illness in a 50 year old male: a case report

    Stone, B. & Lepping, P., 18 Jan 2018, In: Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 59, 4, p. 496-498

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  28. A method of establishing a transect for biodiversity and ecosystem function monitoring across Europe: Soil biodiversity and ecosystem functions across Europe: A transect covering variations in bio-geographical zones, land use and soil properties

    Stone, D., Blomkvist, P., Hendriksen, N. B., Bonkowski, M., Jørgensen, H. B., Carvalho, F., Dunbar, M. B., Gardi, C., Geisen, S., Griffiths, R., Hug, A. S., Jensen, J., Laudon, H., Mendes, S., Morais, P. V., Orgiazzi, A., Plassart, P., Römbke, J., Rutgers, M., Schmelz, R. M., Sousa, J. P., Steenbergen, E., Suhadolc, M., Winding, A., Zupan, M., Lemanceau, P. & Creamer, R. E., Jan 2016, In: Applied Soil Ecology. 97, p. 3-11 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  29. Adaptive use of nonlethal strategies for minimizing wolf–sheep conflict in Idaho

    Stone, S. A., Breck, S. W., Timberlake, J., Haswell, P., Najero, F., Bean, B. S. & Thornhill, D. J., 8 Feb 2017, In: Journal of Mammalogy. 98, 1, p. 33-44

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  30. Published

    Carbon nanotube-cellular interactions: macrophages, epithelial and mesothelial cells

    Stone, V., Kermanizadeh, A., Johnston, H., Boyles, M. & Varet, J., 2012, The toxicology of carbon nanotubes. Cambridge University Press

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  31. Published
  32. Evaluating the efficacy of the Headsprout reading program with children who have spent time in care

    Storey, C., McDowell, C. & Leslie, J., 9 Jul 2017, In: Behavioral Interventions. 32, 3, p. 285-293 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  33. Published

    A Comprehensive Policy Review of Evidence-Based Practices in Autism Policy across the United Kingdom’s Four Nations.

    Storey, C., McConnell, K. & Keenan, C., 8 Jun 2023, In: Children and Society. 38, 4, p. 995-1006 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  34. Published

    Comparing an Evidence-Based Approach to Literacy Instruction with an Eclectic Model for Children with Specific Literacy Difficulty.

    Storey, C., McDowell, C. & Leslie, J., 26 May 2018.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  35. Headsprout Early Reading for Specific Literacy Difficulty: A Comparison Study

    Storey, C., McDowell, C. & Leslie, J., 18 Jun 2019, In: Journal of Behavioral Education. 29, 619-633.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  36. Published

    Commentary on “Wales and Autism: The Impact of Philanthropy Matched with Ambition”

    Storey, C., 30 Jul 2024, In: Tizard Learning Disability Review. 29, 2, p. 95-98

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

  37. Supramolecular Entanglement from Interlocked Molecular Nanomagnets

    Stoumpos, C. C., Inglis, R., Karotsis, G., Jones, L. F., Collins, A., Parsons, S., Milios, C. J., Papaefstathiou, G. S. & Brechin, E. K., Jan 2009, In: Crystal Growth & Design. 9, 1, p. 24-27

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  38. Published

    Clarifying Collaborative Dynamics in Governance Networks

    Stout, M., Bartels, K. & Love, J., Nov 2018, From Austerity to Abundance? : Creative Approaches to Coordinating the Common Good. Diamond, J. & Stout, M. (eds.). Emerald, (Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management ; no. 6).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  39. Variable frequency EPR studies of a centered FeIII tetrahedron

    Stowe, A. C., Van Tol, J., Dalal, N. S., Collison, D., Jones, L., Tabernor, J. & Brechin, E. K., 2004, In: International Journal of Modern Physics B. 18, 27n29, p. 3853-3856

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  40. Published

    The relationship between lay and technical views of Escherichia coli O157 risk.

    Strachan, N. J., Hunter, C. J., Jones, C. D., Wilson, R. S., Ethelberg, S., Cross, P., Williams, A. P., MacRitchie, L., Rotariu, O. & Chadwick, D., 12 Jul 2011, In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 366, 1573, p. 1999-2009

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  41. Published

    Litter type affects the activity of aerobic decomposers in a boreal peatland more than site nutrient and water table regimes

    Straková, P., Niemi, R. M., Freeman, C., Peltoniemi, K., Toberman, H., Heiskanen, I., Fritze, H. & Laiho, R., 27 Sept 2011, In: Biogeosciences. 8, 9, p. 2741-2755

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  42. Published

    Successful application of ancient DNA extraction and library construction protocols to museum wet collection specimens

    Straube, N., Lyra, M., Paijmans, J., Preick, M., Basler, N., Penner, J., Rodel, M-O., Westbury, M. V., Haddad, C. F. B., Barlow, A. & Hofreiter, M., 1 Oct 2021, In: Molecular Ecology Resources.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  43. Published

    Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Supported Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Self-help Compared With Supported Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Self-help for Adults Experiencing Depression: The Low-Intensity Guided Help Through Mindfulness (LIGHTMind) Randomized Clinical Trial

    Strauss, C., Bibby-Jones, A-M., Jones, F., Byford, S., Heslin, M., Parry, G., Barkham, M., Lea, L., Crane, R., de Visser, R., Arbon, A., Rosten, C. & Cavanagh, K., 1 May 2023, In: JAMA psychiatry. 80, 5, p. 415-424 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  44. Published

    Low-Intensity Guided Help Through Mindfulness (LIGHTMIND): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing supported mindfulness-based cognitive therapy self-help to supported cognitive behavioural therapy self-help for adults experiencing depression.

    Strauss, C., Arbon, A., Barkham, M., Byford, S., Crane, R., de Visser, R., Heslin, M., Jones, A-M., Jones, F., Lea, L., Parry, G., Rosten, C. & Cavanagh, K., 4 May 2020, In: Trials. 21, 1, 374.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  45. Published

    Staff training and outreach support for Cognitive Stimulation Therapy and its implementation in practice: A cluster randomised trial

    Streater, A., Spector, A., Hoare, Z., Aguirre, E., Russell, I. & Orrell, M., Dec 2017, In: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 32, 12, p. e64-e71

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  46. Published

    Impacts of multiple extreme winter warming events on sub-Arctic heathland: phenology, reproduction, growth, and CO2 flux responses

    Street, L., Bokhorst, S., Bjerke, J. W., Street, L. E., Callaghan, T. V. & Phoenix, G. K., 1 Sept 2011, In: Global Change Biology. 17, 9, p. 2817-2830

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  47. Published

    Seasonal bryophyte productivity in the sub-Arctic: a comparison with vascular plants

    Street, L., Street, L. E., Stoy, P. C., Sommerkorn, M., Fletcher, B. J., Sloan, V. L., Hill, T. C. & Williams, M., 1 Apr 2012, In: Functional Ecology. 26, 2, p. 365-378

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  48. Published

    Upscaling leaf area index in an Arctic landscape through multiscale observations

    Street, L., Williams, M., Bell, R., Spadavecchia, L., Street, L. E. & Van Wijk, M. T., 1 Jul 2008, In: Global Change Biology. 14, 7, p. 1517-1530

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  49. Published

    Incident radiation and the allocation of nitrogen within Arctic plant canopies: implications for predicting gross primary productivity

    Street, L., Street, L. E., Shaver, G. R., Rastetter, E. B., Van Wijk, M. T., Kaye, B. A. & Williams, M., 1 Sept 2012, In: Global Change Biology. 18, 9, p. 2838-2852

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  50. Published

    Tracking Lexical Access in Speech Production: Electrophysiological Correlates of Word Frequency and Cognate Effects

    Strijkers, K., Costa, A. & Thierry, G., 1 Apr 2010, In: Cerebral Cortex. 20, 4, p. 912-928

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  51. Published

    Arboreal Mating Behaviors of the Big-eyed Green Pit Viper (Trimeresurus macrops) in Northeast Thailand (Reptilia: Viperidae)

    Strine, C., Barnes, C., Major, T., Artchawakom, T., Hill, J., Suwanwaree, P. & Brown, A., 1 Feb 2018, In: Current Herpetology. 37, 1, p. 81-87

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  52. Published

    Organic acid behaviour in a calcareous soil: implications for rhizosphere nutrient cycling.

    Strom, L., Owen, A. G., Godbold, D. L. & Jones, D. L., 1 Nov 2005, In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 37, 11, p. 2046-2054

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  53. Published

    Procedure for determining the biodegradation of radiolabeled substrates in a calcareous soil

    Strom, L., Godbold, D. L. & Jones, D. L., 1 Mar 2001, In: Soil Science Society of America Journal. 65, 2, p. 347-351

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  54. Published

    Organic acid mediated P mobilization in the rhizosphere and uptake by maize roots.

    Strom, L., Owen, A. G., Godbold, D. L. & Jones, D. L., 1 May 2002, In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 34, 5, p. 703-710

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  55. Published

    Organic acid behaviour in a calcareous soil: sorption reactions and biodegradation rates.

    Strom, L., Owen, A. G., Godbold, D. L. & Jones, D. L., 1 Dec 2001, In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 33, 15, p. 2125-2133

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  56. Published

    SSR assessment of Phytophthora infestans populations on tomato and potato in British gardens demonstrates high diversity but no evidence for host specialisation

    Stroud, J. A., Shaw, D. S., Hale, M. D. & Steele, K. A., 4 Jun 2015, In: Plant Pathology. 65, 2, p. 334-341

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  57. Published

    Safeguarding Imperiled Biodiversity and Evolutionary Processes in the Wallacea Center of Endemism

    Struebig, M., Aninta, S. G., Beger, M., Bani, A., Barus, H., Brace, S., Davies, Z., De Brauwer, M., Diele, K., Djakiman, C., Djamaluddin, R., Drinkwater, R., Drumbell, A., Evans, D., Fusi, M., Herrera-Alsina, L., Iksander, D. T., Jompa, J., Juliandi, B., Lancaster, L. T., Limmon, G., Lindawati, Lo, M. G. Y., Lupiyaningdyah, P., McCannon, M., Meijaard, E., Mitchell, S. L., Mumbunan, S., O'Connell, D., Osborne, O., Papadopulos, A. S. T., Rahajoe, J. S., Rosaria, Rossiter, S. J., Rugayah, Rustiami, H., Salzmann, U., Sheherazade, Sudiana, I. M., Sukara, E., Tasirin, J. S., Tjoa, A., Travis, J. M. J., Trethowan, L., Trianto, A., Utteridge, T., Voigt, M., Winarni, N., Zakaria, Z., Edwards, D. P., Frantz, L. & Supriatna, J., Nov 2022, In: BioScience. 72, 11, p. 1118-1130 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  58. Published

    Addressing human-tiger conflict using socio-ecological information on tolerance and risk

    Struebig, M. J., Linkie, M., Deere, N. J., Martyr, D. J., Milliyanawati, B., Faulkner, S. C., Le Comber, S. C., Mangunjaya, F. M., Leader-Williams, N., McKay, J. E. & St John, F. A. V., 27 Aug 2018, In: Nature Communications. 9, 3455.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  59. Published

    Clinicians' Attitudes towards clinical trials of cancer therapy

    Stuart, N. S., Ford, E., Jenkins, V., Fallowfield, L., Stuart, N., Farewell, D. & Farewell, V., 10 May 2011, In: British Journal of Cancer. 104, p. 1534-1543

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  60. Published

    Meta-analysis of clinical data using human meiotic genes identifies a novel cohort of highly restricted cancer-specific marker genes.

    Stuart, N. S., Wakeman, J., Mcfarlane, R. J., Feichtinger, J., Aldeailej, I., Anderson, R., Almutairi, M., Almatrafi, A., Alsiwiehri, N., Griffiths, K., Stuart, N., Wakeman, J. A., Larcombe, L. & McFarlane, R. J., 13 Aug 2012, In: Oncotarget. 3, 8, p. 843-853

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  61. Published

    Weight training has beneficial physical and psychological effects in prostate cancer (PC) patients on androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)

    Stuart, N. S., Marcora, S. M., Callow, N., Oliver, S. J. & Saxton, W., 1 Jul 2004, In: British Journal of Cancer. 91, Supplement 1, p. S37

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  62. Published

    The level of haemoglobin in anaemic cancer patients correlates positively with quality of life.

    Stuart, N. S., Lind, M., Vernon, C., Cruickshank, D., Wilkinson, P., Littlewood, T., Stuart, N., Jenkinson, C., Grey-Amante, P., Doll, H. & Wild, D., 1 Jan 2002, In: British Journal of Cancer. 86, 8, p. 1243-1249

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  63. Published

    Vinorelbine and infusional 5-fluorouracil in anthracycline and taxane pre-treated metastatic breast cancer.

    Stuart, N. S., McIllmurray, M. B., Bishop, J. L., Johnston, S. R., Price, C. G., O'Reilly, S. M., Joffe, J. K., Neave, F. & Whipp, E. C., 1 Mar 2008, In: Clinical Oncology. 20, 2, p. 152-156

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  64. Published

    Bendamustine prolongs progression-free survival in metastatic breast cancer (MBC): a phase III prospective, randomized, multicenter trial of bendamustine hydrochloride, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (BMF) versus cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (CMF) as first-line treatment of MBC

    Stuart, N. S., von Minckwitz, G., Chernozemsky, I., Sirakova, L., Chilingirov, P., Souchon, R., Marschner, N., Kleeberg, U., Tsekov, C., Fritze, D., Thomssen, C. F., Stuart, N., Vermorken, J. B., Loibl, S., Merkle, K. H. & Kaufmann, M., 1 Sept 2005, In: Anti-Cancer Drugs. 16, 8, p. 871-877

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  65. Published

    Analysis of a panel of antibodies to APC reveals consistent activity towards an unidentified protein.

    Stuart, N. S., Davies, M. L., Roberts, G. T., Stuart, N. & Wakeman, J. A., 31 Jul 2007, In: British Journal of Cancer. 97, 3, p. 384-390

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  66. Published

    Ant-mediated seed dispersal in a warmed world

    Stubble, K. L., Patterson, C. M., Rodriguez-Cabal, M. A., Ribbons, R. R., Dunn, R. R. & Sanders, N. J., 11 Mar 2014, In: PeerJ. 2, p. e286

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  67. Published

    Tau-mediated axonal degeneration is prevented by activation of the WldS pathway

    Stubbs, K., Batchelor, B., Sivanantharajah, L., Sealey, M., Ramirez-Moreno, M., Ruiz, E., Richardson, B., Perry, V. H., Newman, T. A. & Mudher, A., Apr 2023, In: Brain Communications. 5, 2, fcad052.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  68. Published

    Nine maxims for winter ecology

    Studd, E. K., Bates, A. E., Bramburger, A. J., Hayden, B., Henry, H. A. L., Humphries, M. M., Martin, R., McMeans, B., Moise, E., O'Sullivan, A., Sharma, S., Sinclair, B., Sutton, A. O., Templer, P. H. & Cooke, S. J., 1 Aug 2021, In: BioScience. 71, 8, p. 820-830

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  69. Published

    Head Sense: Concussion knowledge and attitude in U18 international female rugby union players

    Studt, S., Mullins, P. & Owen, J., 8 Jul 2024.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review

  70. Nonlinear Effects of Noxious Thermal Stimulation and Working Memory Demands on Subjective Pain Perception

    Sturgeon, J. A., Tieu, M. M., Jastrzab, L., McCue, R., Gandhi, V. & Mackey, S. C., 15 Jul 2015, In: Pain Medicine. 16, 7, p. 1301-10 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  71. Published

    Antenatal betamethasone and incidence of respiratory distress after elective caesarean section: pragmatic randomised trial.

    Stutchfield, P., Whitaker, R. & Russell, I., 24 Sept 2005, In: British Medical Journal. 331, 7518, p. 662-665

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  72. Published

    Giving steroids before elective caesarean section - Authors respond to editorial.

    Stutchfield, P. R. & Whitaker, R., 17 Dec 2005, In: British Medical Journal. 331, 7530, p. 1475-1475

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  73. Published

    Behavioural, educational and respiratory outcomes of antenatal betamethasone for term caesarean section (ASTECS trial)

    Stutchfield, P. R., Whitaker, R., Gliddon, A. E., Hobson, L., Kotecha, S. & Doull, I. J., 19 Feb 2013, In: ADC Fetal and Neonatal edition. 98, 3, p. F195-F200

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  74. Published

    Physico-chemical and biological controls on dissolved organic matter in peat aggregate column

    Stutter, M. I., Lumsdon, D. G. & Thoss, V., 1 Jun 2007, In: European Journal of Soil Science. 58, 3, p. 646-657

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  75. Published

    A quantitative integrated assessment of pollution prevention achieved by Integrated Pollution Prevention Control licensing

    Styles, D., O'brien, K. & Jones, M. B., 1 Nov 2009, In: Environment International. 35, 8, p. 1177-1187

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  76. Published

    Environmental improvement of product supply chains: A review of European retailers’ performance

    Styles, D., Schoenberger, H. & Galvez-Martos, J. L., 1 Aug 2012, In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 65, p. 57-58

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  77. Published

    Cattle feed or bioenergy? Consequential life cycle assessment of biogas feedstock options on dairy farms

    Styles, D., Gibbons, J., Williams, A. P., Stichnothe, H., Chadwick, D. R. & Healey, J. R., 10 Aug 2015, In: Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 7, 5, p. 1034–1049

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  78. Published

    Environmental improvement of product supply chains: Proposed best practice techniques, quantitative indicators and benchmarks of excellence for retailers

    Styles, D., Schoenberger, H. & Galvez-Martos, J. L., 5 Nov 2012, In: Journal of Environmental Management. 10, p. 135-150

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  79. Published

    Consequential life cycle assessment of biogas, biofuel and biomass energy options within an arable crop rotation

    Styles, D., Gibbons, J., Williams, A. P., Dauber, J., Stichnothe, H., Urban, B., Chadwick, D. R. & Jones, D. L., 26 Feb 2015, In: GCB Bioenergy. 7, 6, p. 1305-1320

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  80. Published

    Climate mitigation by dairy intensification depends on intensive use of spared grassland

    Styles, D., Gonzalez Mejia, A., Moorby, J., Foskolos, A. & Gibbons, J., Feb 2018, In: Global Change Biology. 24, 2, p. 681-693 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  81. Published

    Environmental balance of the UK biogas sector: An evaluation by consequential life cycle assessment

    Styles, D., Dominguez, E. M. & Chadwick, D., 1 Aug 2016, In: Science of the Total Environment. 560-561, p. 241-253

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  82. Published

    Climate regulation, energy provisioning and water purification: Quantifying ecosystem service delivery of bioenergy willow grown on riparian buffer zones using life cycle assessment

    Styles, D., Borjesson, P., d’Hertefeldt, T., Birkhofer, K., Dauber, J., Adams, P., Patil, S., Pagella, T., Pettersson, L. B., Peck, P., Vaneeckhaute, C. & Rosenqvist, H., Dec 2016, In: AMBIO. 45, 8, p. 872-884

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  83. Published

    Climate mitigation efficacy of anaerobic digestion in a decarbonising economy

    Styles, D., Yesufu, J., Bowman, M., Williams, P., Duffy, C. & Luyckx, K., 1 Mar 2022, In: Journal of Cleaner Production. 338, 13 p., 130441.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  84. Published

    Life Cycle Assessment of Biofertilizer Production and Use Compared with Conventional Liquid Digestate Management

    Styles, D., Adams, P., Thelin, G., Vaneeckhaute, C., Chadwick, D. & Withers, P., 3 Jul 2018, In: Environmental Science and Technology. 52, 13, p. 7468-7476

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  85. Published

    Laterality Effects on Performance in Team Sports: Insights From Soccer and Basketball (Chapter 14)

    Stöckel, T. & Carey, D., 25 Aug 2016, Laterality in Sports: Theories and Applications. Loffing, F., Hagemann, N., Strauss, B. & MacMahon, C. (eds.). Academic Press, p. 309-328

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  86. Published

    Phylogeny and diversification of mountain vipers (Montivipera, Nilson et al., 2001) triggered by multiple Plio–Pleistocene refugia and high-mountain topography in the Near and Middle East

    Stümpel, N., Rajabizadeh, M., Avci, A., Wüster, W. & Joger, U., Aug 2016, In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 101, p. 336-351

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  87. On the investment value of sell-side analyst recommendation revisions in the UK

    Su, C., Zhang, H., Bangassa, K. & Joseph, N. L., 9 Aug 2018, In: Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. 53, p. 257-293

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  88. Reconstruction of the Tradition: Tourism and Authentication of Heritage in China

    Su, X. & Fan, H., Jun 2017, Nova Science Publishers. 258 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  89. Published

    Tourism leads to wealth but increased vulnerability: a double-edged sword in Lijiang, South-West China

    Su, Y., Hammond, J., Villamor, G. B., Grumbine, R. E., Xu, J., Hyde, K., Pagella, T., Sujakhu, N. M. & Ma, X., Sept 2016, In: WATER INTERNATIONAL. 41, 5, p. 682-697

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  90. Published

    Using local knowledge as a basis for planning ruminant diets in the mid hills of Nepal.

    Subba, D. B., Thorne, P. J. & Sinclair, F. L., 1 Jan 2002, p. 238-239.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  91. Published

    Investigating the biological basis of tree fodder evaluation by farmers.

    Subba, D. B., Thorne, P. J. & Sinclair, F. L., 2 Apr 2001.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  92. Published

    Investigating the biological interpretation of adilopan (appetite satisfaction), a term used by Nepalese hill farmers to evaluate fodder quality

    Subba, D. B., Thorne, P. J., Omed, H. M. & Sinclair, F. L., 5 Apr 2004.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  93. Published

    Spatial distribution and quantification of rice-fallows in South Asia – potential for legumes.

    Subbarao, G. V., Kumar Rao, J. V., Kumar, J., Johansen, C., Deb, U. K., Ahmed, I., Krishna Rao, M. V., Venkataratnam, L., Hebbar, K. R., Sesha Sai, M. V. & Harris, D., 1 Jan 2001, 2001 ed. Unknown.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  94. Published

    Anticipating care needs of patients after discharge from hospital: Frail and elderly patients without physiological abnormality on day of admission are more likely to require social services input

    Subbe, C. P., Goulden, N., Mawdsley, K. & Smith, R., Nov 2017, In: European Journal of Internal Medicine. 45, p. 74-77

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  95. Published

    Numbers needed to hospitalize - risks and benefits of admission in the new decade.

    Subbe, C. P. & Gemmell, L., 1 Jun 2010, In: European Journal of Internal Medicine. 21, 3, p. 233-235

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  96. Published

    The simple clinical score: a tool for benchmarking of emergency admissions in acute internal medicine.

    Subbe, C. P., Jishi, F. & Hibbs, R. A., 1 Aug 2010, In: Clinical Medicine. 10, 4, p. 352-357

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  97. Published

    Collaborative audit of risk evaluation in medical emergency treatment (CARE-MET I) - an international pilot.

    Subbe, C. P., Gauntlett, W. & Kellett, J. G., 1 Jun 2010, In: European Journal of Internal Medicine. 21, 3, p. 222-225

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  98. Published

    Predicting speed at traffic lights-the problem with static assessments of frailty

    Subbe, C. P. & Jones, S., 14 Jan 2015, In: Age and Ageing. 44, 2, p. 180-181

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  99. Published

    Centile-based Early Warning Scores derived from statistical distributions of vital signs

    Subbe, C. P., 1 Aug 2011, In: Resuscitation. 82, 8, p. 969-970

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review